The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 500 502 The Past Of The Sea

When an island symbolizing life appeared on the boundless sea, many tourists who were sailing on the sea would be excited!

But when the ship sailed from the nuclear explosion area, the people on it were calm.

They were so calm that they stopped.

They even sent two young men to test the water here. The two young men were good at swimming.

They had met such a lively island before, but the disguise deceived everyone on the ship.

There was terrible radiation under the sea! Their protective clothing didn't have any effect.

Even though they were moving fast, the mutated wound on their bodies was infected by the radiation when they returned! Three members were killed in an instant.

This made captain Nolan unhappy!

"Damn it! What bad luck!"

So he cursed and left the sea.

Then they encountered a group of radiation pirates in the transfer area. After defeating them, Nolan was about to kill them all, but the leader of the pirate said that he would trade his life for a secret!

Nolan was delighted to hear that. What secret could a radiation pirate have?

With the idea of playing with this pirate, Nolan smiled and asked him to tell him the information in front of all the crew!

As a result, Nolan regretted it at that time, because he heard a piece of news that made him frown, but made the crew around him excited.

"I, I tell you, I found an island without radiation, and there are all kinds of production resources, animals, and fruits on it! As long as you let me live, I will tell you the location of this island!"

After saying that, Nolan spent a lot of time comforting the crew around him.

Because of the radiation of the nuclear explosion, they hadn't returned to land for a long time! Because the radiation there was too serious! Their cheap protective clothing had no effect at all!

Although they had gone shopping several times, the crew in charge of purchasing all had radiation mutation.

As a result, they wouldn't go to the land for purchase easily.

As for the mutated people on land? Who cares!

Although the purchased materials also had radiation, it was within the range of tolerance!

Life was tough! But it was full of luck!

When the nuclear explosion happened, they were driving their fishing boats on the sea, which avoided the most serious explosion and radiation crisis.

However, Nolan and his crew had been living on this ship all the time, and they had already begun to miss their days on the land!

Now they suddenly heard such news from a pirate! How could they not be excited?

But Captain Nolan was an experienced navigator and a man who had seen all kinds of water ghosts.

He didn't believe what a pirate said when he was about to die. He even thought that this guy wanted to find a way to live first, so he made up such a reason!

"Are you lying?"

Therefore, Nolan raised the pirate's chin with his steel knife and slid the tip of his knife back and forth on his neck! If he behaved abnormally, Nolan would kill him immediately!

"I swear to God that I didn't lie!"

"You are lying! If there is such a paradise island, why don't you stay there and enjoy the rest of your life? Why do you come out to rob on the sea?"

Hearing this, the pirate rolled his eyes. For the time being, he didn't want these people in front of him to know that he didn't go back because he felt that several of his subordinates had been killed on the island at that time. There must have been someone stationed there!

So at that time, the pirate had decided that he was determined to get this island!

However he also knew that if he took his subordinates to occupy the island, he would have only one end!

"I'm courting death!"

That was why this pirate had been recruiting troops to return to his lair!

However, he was not a rich man at all. He didn't have any savings and always spent as much money as he had! Therefore, it was difficult to recruit his subordinates!

It took him a long time to pull up his team. He had a total of five people and began to rob the sea!

For some reason, he made a small fortune because of his vicious means! His team had also expanded by three times.

But just as he was so confident that he wanted to rob a middle-level ship, he failed!

To save his life, he could only tell Nolan everything he knew.

But he hid something about Allen. He wanted to deceive Nolan to go to the island and be killed by Allen!

"At that time, I can take advantage of the time when they are fighting! But unfortunately, I have to start again!"

At the thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Looking at the expression of this pirate, Captain Nolan kept thinking about something that he couldn't figure out.

He felt that something was wrong with this pirate, but he couldn't tell what it was!

But no matter what it was, Nolan admitted that he did want to have a look!

He looked at the pirate and asked.

"Well, I'll give you a chance now! Give me the location of the island, and I'll let you go, but I'll kill all your brothers! If you don't want to, you can go to the sea with them to feed the fish!"


The pirate was hesitant, because he didn't know if he should believe Nolan in front of him! He was worried that Nolan was lying to him.

Nolan also noticed the pirate's hesitation, so he gave a glance at Dafu, and the latter immediately showed a sensible expression.

"What are you talking about? Our captain is a man of his word! How can he lie to you? We used to be defeated by him! Now we are all living well! Don't hesitate anymore. Our captain is a kind person. We are not."

The pirate shivered with fear when he was scared by Dafu. Then he made a choice immediately.

"I choose to live. I'll join you! I'll join!"

The pirate shouted crazily! After a while, Nolan responded.

"All right. I heard you. I'm not deaf. Why are you shouting so loudly? Do you think I'm old?"


The pirate was shocked by Nolan's words. Then he turned around and began to flatter Nolan.

"I mean you are generous. Please accept me!"

Nolan laughed and threw all the other pirates who had angry expressions on their faces into the sea.

These pirates were all tied up.

If they fell into the sea, there was no possibility of survival!

The pirate shivered. The captain was ruthless. He thought he was just a businessman! But he didn't expect that he would meet a tough character!

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