The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 448 450 Plan

The one who sneaked in at the end of the line was Ren.

He had a deeper understanding of Allen's weapon after he saw that Allen had killed Sa without any difficulty.

Therefore, Ren had the idea of leading the way!

"I know where Zack and Ming are hiding now!"

"As long as I find Master Allen, I will try my best to tell Master Allen what I know!"

"In that case, those two guys will be killed by Master Allen! And I can also take revenge. The most important thing is that I have contributed to Master Allen! This is perfect!"

The more Ren thought about it, the more excited he felt. He believed that Allen would treat him well.

At least, Allen would give him a lot of delicious food as a reward.

Thinking of this, he sped up.

But soon, he came to his senses and slowly slowed down.

Because he had overtaken his clansmen in an instant. It was too deliberate.

Ren didn't want to be noticed. To observe and monitor Gai, he got so close to him in silence.

"If I am seen in the team, I can't escape from so many people even if I am fast!"

At the thought of this, Ren took a look at Gai with a guilty conscience, only to find that Gai was out of line.

Because when he was running, he seemed to be thinking about something and didn't have much time to pay attention to the situation around him.

This relieved Ren a lot.

"How to attract Master Allen's attention later and escape with Master Allen in the pursuit of so many people? That's a problem!"

Thinking of this, Ren had a headache, because his health had not yet healed. Although his speed was faster than yesterday. His explosive power was so strong that it couldn't keep up with his endurance.

"Never mind. Let's just wait and see. There will be a solution then!"

After telling himself this, Ren sped up in silence, because what he was thinking just now made his speed slower.

He almost couldn't ctach up with Gai!

On the other hand, Allen was listening to the wind getting louder and the sound of pursuit behind him.

He immediately understood one thing.

There were some powerful savages and cannibals in the team organized by Ming and Zack.

"I've already run away in advance. If these cannibals or savages can still catch up, it means that they are fast enough! I have to quickly kill these fast-running fellows!"

Allen thought so, and he planned to do so!

So he found a tall tree and stopped silently, and took out the crossbow.

"There are still seven wooden arrows left! If I'm lucky, I can kill seven savages. If I'm not lucky, I guess I can only kill two or three!"

Why did he say that? The savages this time were different from the previous ones.

This time, he was chased by the wise savages.

In other words, they were not like those cannibals who had seen the terrifying power of the crossbow, but still dared to rush up to court death.

"They can hide, and even launch a sneak attack!"

"Allen, don't be careless or hesitate!"

After saying these words to himself, Allen stood still in a tree. The first cannibal or savage who ran fast appeared.

But it seemed that he couldn't stop himself because he ran too fast. He didn't even look up at Allen and just ran towards the tree where Allen was.

Allen could tell from his expression that he was a fool! However, he was the fastest one among the teams organized by Ming and Zack.

So Allen decided to shoot him in the head! Let him know what it means to run fast and die fast!


The fastest one didn't realize that he was going to die!

He didn't even notice that Allen had stopped!

But at this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his head!

It hurt so much that he fell to the ground and looked up at the sky.

But the sky behind the leaves was not blue, but blood red, which he had never seen before.

It was a color that he couldn't understand.

"Why is the sky red today?"

Then he touched his head subconsciously.

A cold but smooth thing stuck into his head.

He didn't understand what it was, but subconsciously, he thought of the wooden arrow in Sa's chest.

"Oh, it's that thing!"

He showed an expression of epiphany, and then he began to be afraid.

"Why? Why me? Why so fast?"

He was confused. He didn't see his enemy! But he was going to die! Was that reasonable?

He tried hard to raise his head to see who had killed him. At least he could solve the doubts in his heart before he died!

But unfortunately, no matter how high he raised his head, he couldn't see who had killed him.

Because his eyes were completely soaked in blood and he could not see anything in front of him.

So he died with his bloody eyes wide open.

What was worse, Allen didn't even look at this guy, because the moment he fell to the ground, the clansmen behind him chased after him one after another.

Of course, few people ran fast.

The second one who ran the fastest ran into Allen's sight and the first one was dead.

Even if he saw the fastest one on the ground, it was too late for him to run away!

Because Allen's arrow had been shot out.

The moment he turned around, he was shot in the throat by the wooden arrow.

Allen also found something unusual.

That was, the intelligent cannibals and savages organized by Ming and Zack. They were no different from the previous savages and cannibals.

Especially in the face of survival, they all held their throats subconsciously, trying to draw out the wooden arrows that had pierced through their throats.

But it was a pity! They couldn't stop the bleeding at all. They could only kneel on the ground and watch the blood spurting out from their bodies.

Not only did he frighten himself, but also the cannibals and savages who came out later.

"What happened?"

"Where is the sneak attack?"

"In the highest tree!"

When they saw that two compatriots had died in front of them, they instantly rolled to the side to seek cover! They didn't want to be killed by Allen!

However, the four people who ran in front were dead! However, the cannibals and savages didn't have much time to react. They were shot to death by Allen's wooden arrows one by one!

However, they're not like the first savages to die. They died a few seconds later.

Although Allen aimed at their throats, his wooden arrows only hit their chests because of the gravitational force! Only one of them was shot through the throat.

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