The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 360: A Wholesome Body

Chapter 360: A Wholesome Body

Outside the Mist Room.

Beleth and Genie were both waiting for Fang Yu and Phenex’s match to finish.

“Hmm?” Beleth’s eyes narrowed as he saw that blood trickled from the side of Genie’s mouth.

“You.... You have been taking too much damage right now.” Beleth said as he gave Genie a worried look.

The clash between Fang Yu and Phenex was already at the level of peak Fourth Stage Pracitioners. That was Genie’s limit, and she seems to be not taking it well.

Each time Fang Yu and Phenex made their powerful moves, the poor Genie has to use her Mist Room the bear the brunt of the attacks, which led to her injuries.

“Why are you doing this?” Beleth asked with traces of emotion present in his voice. He seems to be extremely upset by what he was seeing.

“Why do you care anyway?” Genie snapped back as she gave a venomous look to Beleth. “Are you entitled to worry about me?”

“Genie, you know about my feelings for you.” Beleth slowly said, which elicited a flinch from Genie. “Even now, I still haven’t lost these feelings.”

“You...” In the end, Genie said nothing as she let out a sigh. “You are still going on about that? What a great liar you are. Now you are appealing to my emotions to destabilize me? It won’t work here Beleth.”

“Genie...” Beleth stopped what he was trying to say as he saw the indignant eyes of Genie staring right back at him.

“......” Beleth looked down as his eyes turned slightly misty, as if he was reminiscing about his past.


“Third Move!”

Phenex’s Gamma Ray Sword went right through Fang Yu’s head, with no resistance at all. Phenex narrowed his eyes upon seeing this.

“Does this rebel have an ability that can let her be impervious to damage?” That was what Phenex thought to himself.

“This seems likely!”

But Phenex was gravely mistaken.

“!!!!!” Phenex’s eyes narrowed as he felt something massive and heavy approaching him. “What is happening?”

Phenex did not need to wait any longer for the answer as he saw something descending above him.

It was an orb that looked like a Red Star, with a radius of around 5 meters.

Phenex eyes widened as he felt Fang Yu’s aura in this Red Star!

“Wait, if this red star is Fang Yu, then the Fang Yu I just attacked with my sword now was an illusion!” Phenex looked at ‘Fang Yu’ below him, and he saw this fake Fang Yu slowly disappearing.

The frightening abilities that this fake Fang Yu conjured also disappeared, as they were revealed to be fake!

That Red Star was the result of Fang Yu’s Second Cosmic Ability, Star Transformation!

Star Transformation gives Fang Yu the ability to turn herself into a star!

The problem with this ability was that there was a 3 second channeling time before Fang Yu could turn herself into a star.

During that 3-second interval, Fang Yu will be defenseless from any attacks. But once she finishes that time, she will gain some massive benefits.

Once she transforms into a star, she will only have 5 seconds to stay in that form currently. In that time window, Fang Yu can use her Star Form to attack her opponents.

Of course the strength of her Star Form depends on her cultivation. With her current breakthrough, Fang Yu’s Star Form could damage peak Fourth Stage practitioners!

Just by reading that, one can assume that Fang Yu will be able to defeat Phenex with this.

But as what others may know, Phenex was currently in his Star Orb Fusion Form and he has control over the radiation around him.

Fang Yu using her Star Form to attack Phenex will be pure idiocy and suicide.

But Fang Yu was undaunted by this as she used her Star Form in a different way.


4 seconds before before Phenex attacked Fang Yu.

Once she made the decision to defeat Phenex in three moves, Fang Yu started by using her Demonic Unicorn Form.

She temporarily sacrificed half of her Essence Cores to create another Illusion Fang Yu while the original one slinked away using her suit’s invisibility function.

This took 1 second to happen.

The way she did this part was so smooth that Phenex did not notice what happened.

The real Fang Yu then started channeling her Star Transformation Ability while Illusion Fang Yu ‘activated’ the Dual Step Arts and the Destructive DeathFlame Body.

The Illusion Fang Yu this time was so realistic that even the fake Dual Step Arts and the fake Destructive DeathFlame Body all looked real!

Illsuion Fang Yu did this in order to distract Phenex, so that he won’t be able to even bother the real Fang Yu as she transformed into a star.

This part took 3 seconds to happen.

When Phenex attacked Illusion Fang Yu, the real Fang Yu immediately dispelled Illusion Fang Yu, which made Phenex hesitate, leading to an opening to his guard.

The real Fang Yu took advantage of that opening as she went within 1 meter of Phenex in her Star Form.

“Star of Greed!”

A booming sound occurred as Fang Yu in her Star Form started to greedily absorb all the light, heat and radiation inside within 1 meter around her.

This included even Phenex’s Gamma Ray Sword and his Star Armor!

This absorption happened so quick that by the time Phenex realized what happened, his Star Orb Fusion Form was weakened by half, and his Gamma Ray Sword was also gone.

With the disappearance of the Gamma Ray Sword, there’s no radiation left of Phenex to control, aside from the one emitted by his Star Armor.

But that emitted radiation won’t be that helpful right now!

As for Fang Yu, her body turned back into her human form after she absorbed all those light, heat and radiation,

All the energy absorbed by her Star Form was then converted into powerful kinetic energy that converged on her right fist.

“Kgh!” Fang Yu grimaced as she felt her hand breaking down from the influx of the massive kinetic energy that flowed in her hand.

If she wants to use his energy well, then she had to let it out.

“Haa!” Fang Yu was currently falling towards Phenex, so she clenched her right fist filled with power and sent it towards Phenex!


Star of Greed was the move that Fang Yu can use while she was in her Star Form.

This move allows Fang Yu to absorb all the radiation and heat within 1 meter around her.

All this absorbed radiation and heat will be converted to kinetic energy that Fang Yu can use.

The problem with this ability was its limited range.

After all, 1 meter radius will not allow Fang Yu to gather that much heat and radiation. So Fang Yu thought that this ability was a bust.

But after she saw Phenex gathering all the radiation in the Mist Room towards him, Fang Yu realized that Phenex just gave Fang Yu her way to win!

Fang Yu just have to get near Phenex in her Star Form and activate Star of Greed. If she succeeds, she will be able to get all those radiation he converged and maybe shave off some parts of his body!

But in order for her to do that, Fang Yu must be able to distract Phenex.

That distraction was of course Illusion Fang Yu.

Phenex’s hesitation after his attack on Illusion Fang Yu failed allowed the real Fang Yu in her Star Form to get within a meter of Phenex and activate Star of Greed!

“My gamble paid off!” Fang Yu thought to herself as she shouted while bringing her right fist full of kinetic energy right towards Phenex’s head.

“Haaa!” Even though he was weakened, the fierce glint in Phenex’s eyes disappeared.

With all the radiation in the room converted into kinetic energy, there was no way for Phenex to use radiation to harm Fang Yu.

The only thing that Phenex can trust right now was his weakened Star Orb Fusion Form.

“Woosh.” Phenex’s body turned to normal as the weakened Star Armor unfused with him.

But instead of making the Star Armor protect his body or just his head, the entirety of the Star Armor converged on Phenex’s right fist, which he sent towards Fang Yu’s head!

Phenex knew that with his weakened state, there was no way for him to be able to defend himself against Fang Yu.

He had been cornered right now.

The only thing that Phenex can do was to strike first, killing Fang Yu before she hits him!

The space trembled as the entirety of Phenex’s remaining power, all in his right fist, collided against Fang Yu’s head!

Because of his experience and decisiveness, it was Phenex’s punch arrived at its targeted earlier than Fang Yu’s punch could!


But instead of feeling the feedback of an exploding skull, Phenex saw his hand passing right through Fang Yu’s head once more.

“Does this mean this body I punched was also an Illusion?” Phenex already realized that the Illusion Fang Yu he attacked with his Gamma Ray Sword earlier was just an Illusion dispelled right before his attack could hit.

Phenex felt slight disdain as he knew he won’t be fooled by the same trick twice.

He ignored the Fang Yu still falling towards him as he looked around, trying to see where the real Fang Yu will come out.

But as it turns out, Phenex was mistaken once more.

“Got you!”

The truth is, the Real Fang Yu was the Fang Yu that Phenex just punched!

As for why his attack did not work this time, Fang Yu just activated her Glaistig Ghost Form, which allowed her to let Phenex’s attack pass right through her.

With the power in that punch by Phenex, Fang Yu will not be able to use this ‘Phasing’ ability until a day from now.

But that was enough to grant her the leverage!

Since Phenex thought that the Fang Yu he just punched was an illusion, he ignored her as he looked around him to see where the real Fang Yu was.

Because of this, Fang Yu’s powerful punch perfectly sunk itself on Phenex’s skull!

“Boom!” An booming sound rang out, as Phenex’s head exploded, unable to take that punch.

His headless body turned limp, as the star armor converged on his right hand dropped to the ground as its owner died.

“Ha, ha, ha.” Fang Yu took some deep breaths as she sat on the floor.

She looked at her right hand, which was also blasted apart by the impact. That was already inevitable, with the amount of kinetic energy absorbed inside it.

Fang Yu’s body was drained, as she used half of her energy reserves just to beat Phenex.

“....” If she used these many abilities against Phenex, then how much would she need to beat Beleth, the strongest Djinn out there?

“Fudge, I need to recover first.” A dark vortex reappeared once more as Fang Yu used her Moon-Eating Serpent Form to devour Phenex’s headless body.

The energy she will get from him might be enough to make her recover. After all, it was only his head that was gone.

“So I managed to get Andromalius’ head and Phenex’s headless body. Guess that makes it one whole Djinn then.” Fang Yu muttered as she saw right hand reappearing.

She closed her eyes as she focused on healing herself quickly.

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