The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 322: Let’s Chop some Onions!

Chapter 322: Let’s Chop some Onions!

“Now then, tell me everything that you can tell me about that Solomon.” Fang Yu said as she referred to Solomon just like someone that she was just gossiping about.

“What’s the matter? Can’t you even do something like that? You have to follow my orders now you know.”

What Fang Yu said was right.

After Fang Yu obtained the Items of Shax and Stolas, she already had full control over the two. Whatever she wanted had to be followed by Shax and Stolas.

That was evident from the fact that Tang Li’s command to Shax earlier had been fulfilled.

“Yay!” The jubilant Tang Li shouted as she swooped over the monstrously gigantic pile of milk bottles.

All of these were brought by Shax’s lackeys from all over the Median Layer.

The pile of milk bottles was as large as a mountain, almost reaching the topmost part of the Median Layer.

Such a marvelous sight was a paradise for the ever gluttonous Tang Li.

“Sis! Shtowe the milk fow me now!” Tang Li demanded as she pulled the cheeks of her Sis. “Fashtew Sis!”

“Ok ok...” Fang Yu muttered as she sucked all the milk bottles on her storage ring.

“Yay!” Tang Li followed suit, entering Fang Yu’s storage with drool flowing down her chin.

There was no doubt that Tang Li was off to enjoy her milk stock.

“This brat.....” Fang Yu muttered as she shook her head in disbelief. “Don’t come crying to me if your stomach hurts.”


Both Shax and Stolas tilted their heads, feeling quite confused on why a male like Lin Fang will be called ‘Sis’ by a talking baby.


Fang Yu stared back at Shax and Stolas, who were still not telling her any info about Solomon.

“Even if we want to, we will not be able to say anything confidential about Solomon.” Stolas grumbled under his breath.

“He’s right Lin Fang.” Shax said as he let out a sigh. “Solomon obviously knew about the possibility of us Djinns being enslaved when our Items gets stolen, so he put some countermeasures for that.”

Shax pointed to his head as he continued talking.

“Solomon personally implanted something in our heads, making us unable to talk about his secrets if we were forced to. That means that even if we were enslaved by stealing out Items, the object that Solomon put inside our heads will make us keep quiet.”

Fang Yu cupped her chin, quite displeased with that answer.

But there was one more thing that was bothering her.

“If you Djinns can be enslaved when your Items are taken, then why did not Solomon do it? If he holds your Items, your chances of being enslaved by his enemies should have been nigh impossible.”

Fang Yu dangled the Items of Shax and Stolas in front of her as she said, “Solomon did take your items, so look where it brought you now.”

Shax and Stolas scratched their heads as Genie appeared beside Fang Yu.

Shax and Stolas were already told by Fang Yu about her alliance with Genie, so the two could only send begrudging looks to Genie.

Shax let out a sigh as he answered Fang Yu’s query.

“Solomon’s reason for not taking our Items was actually simple. But the answer I will give you was the only thing that I can tell to you. The object that Solomon placed inside our heads prevents us from telling more.”

“So the best information about Solomon that you can give to me is just 1? You better make that info worth it.” Fang Yu muttered under her breath.

Shax then clutched his head as if he was in pain as he started talking with gritted teeth. It was quite obvious that what he was saying was taking everything that he had just to accomplish it.

Even Fang Yu could see the pain that Shax was currently in. But she did not stop him, for she was thinking that this pain means that what Shax will say is important.

“It was because (gah!) aside from being a (sh*t!) a devourer, he was also (f**k!) a Djinn like us! Oh my head!” Shax then proceeded to roll on the ground as he felt as if his head was about to explode.

Stolas shrugged his shoulders upon seeing this. He turned to Fang Yu as he said,

“That’s the best info about Solomon that we can give to you Lin Fang. If we try to say more, the object implanted by Solomon inside our heads will prevent us from saying more.”

“Ok I get it! That’s the 3rd time you mentioned it!” Fang Yu replied as she glared at Genie.

“He’s also a Djinn? You did not tell me about Solomon being a Djinn.... Did you just forget it or you did not want me to know?”

“I honestly did not know.” Genie replied. “I was the newest member recruited Djinn by Solomon, so I was not privy to most of his secrets. And because of my appearance, even the other Djinns did not say much about Solomon to me.

“Ok ok, stop making me feel sad with your story.” Fang Yu said as she waved her hands dismissively.

Hearing this secret made Fang Yu reconsider her plans.

First of all, if Solomon was a Djinn then that meant that he also had an Item that stores his power!

If Fang Yu manages to obtain it, then she can have Solomon as her personal servant!

Of course that requires Solomon to be injured, but isn’t Solomon injured now?

Then that means Fang Yu just have to look for Solomon’s Item, and she will be able to enslave him!

“But what is his Item anyway?” Fang Yu brooded as she reviewed about all the stories about Solomon on this Planet. Illusion Fang Lin also asked Old Man if he had any knowledge of Solomon.

Luckily for Illusion Fang Lin, Old Man actually met Solomon before!

Although that encounter was brief, Old Man managed to retell to Illusion Fang Lin easily on how Solomon looked at that time.

Combine that with the stories of Solomon on this planet, and Fang Yu started to have an idea about Solomon’s Item.

“Solomon’s Item was a book right?” Fang Yu smiled victoriously as she looked at Shax and Stolas.

Because of the restriction that Solomon put in their heads, Shax and Stolas were unable to confirm Fang Yu’s suspicions. But the expressions on their faces made Fang Yu confident about her assumption.

“The name of that book... it was LEMEGETON[1] right?”

The widening of the eyes of both Shax and Stolas managed solidify Fang Yu’s final answer.

“No need to be surprised, it was easy for me to realize that.” Fang Yu said smugly.

On the stories about Solomon on this planet, Fang Yu managed to saw a pattern.

It was that everytime Solomon was mentioned in the stories, he was always described as a,

‘Scholarly-looking man with a with a book on his right hand, and a crown on top of his head’.

From those descriptions, it was either the book or the crown that was Solomon’s Item.

But it was Old Man’s story that sealed the deal.

When they met in the past, Old Man ignored Solomon as he was engrossed on his research. As for Solomon, he seemed to be unhappy about this as he started to just attack Old Man.

Old Man could still remember what Solomon did at that time.

Solomon muttered “Come, LEMEGETON.”, and the book on his right hand changed shape, turning into an attack which he sent hurtling towards Old Man.

Old Man did not say what was the outcome of the match. He only said that the book was an important weapon for Solomon.

Piecing these information together made Fang Yu realize that it was the book named LEMEGETON that was Solomon’s Item.

“So what do you plan after knowing that? Do you plan to get that book?” Stolas sneered as he saw the ambition on Fang Yu’s face.

“Solomon is currently injured, so if you get the LEMEGETON, he will be yours. But the LEMEGETON was always beside Solomon, so you have now way of getting it without passing through the other Djinns!”

“Besides,” Shax interjected as he seemed to have recovered from the headache. “Solomon is currently on a rage phase right now, so he’s twice as dangerous.”

“The Rage Phase?” Fang Yu inquired as she tilted her head.

“Is that Rage Phase of Solomon related to that black hand that was wreaking random havoc here?”

“Yes, that is the one.” Shax replied with exasperation clear on his features.

“There comes a time when Solomon loses his rationality and turns into a hideous monster. That black hand that you saw earlier was just a body part of his that he uses to hurt others. The only way he will calm down is if he was coaxed by some Djinns for a few days.”

“So approaching Solomon right now to get the LEMEGETON is a big no-no, especially that he was in Rage Phase now.”

Fang Yu then scratched her head as she proceeded to ask Shax.

“So when will Solomon calm down? That’s the only time I can steal his book.”

“From the past records that we had, there’s still a week before Solomon calms down, with the current state that he was in.” Stolas replied back.

“That’s too slow!” Fang Yu cussed as she left the mansion.

“Hey where are you going?” Genie said as she trudged behind the hastening Fang Yu. “Are you escaping back to the surface?”

“Of course not.” Fang Yu spun as she looked at Genie. Her bright eyes seemed to twinkle as she leered at Genie. “I just need to gather some materials.”

“Materials for what?” Genie then paused as she realized what Fang Yu meant by that.

“Of course its to calm down the angry Solomon, who else it could be for?” Fang Yu said as she clicked her fingers.

“You know about the guy that made an uncrying princess cry with an onion? I am like him, but just the opposite. I am the guy that will make an angry person extremely happy with a reverse onion!”

“Does a reverse onion even exist?” Genie shot back contemptuously.


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