The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 307: Its time to Play(Pray)

Chapter 307: Its time to Play(Pray)

“Fuuh.” Fang Lin let out a deep breath as he made it back to Shamaila in ‘one piece’. Shamaila looked relieved too, as if her worst fears did not come true.

“Oh my, were you really that scared for me?” Fang Lin said as he re-hooked his elbow with hers. “What’s the worst that could happen to me?”

Shamaila then looked down as she muttered,

“Everytime there was a boy that I allowed to see me and tried asking me out, they will suddenly disappear the next day, never to be found again.”


Shamaila then stared straight at Fang Lin as she said,

“Only the boys that I asked out by my own seems to be safe from that disappearance.”

“Oh wait, aside from me, how many else did you ask out before?” Fang Lin asked smugly.

“Actually..... you are the first one that I invited.”

“What the? Does that mean that any boys who tried to get near Shamaila before me are all dead? And form the way she worded it, I seem to be the only one who managed to be alive after meeting her!”

Fang Lin grimaced inwardly, knowing that it was Shax who was involved in the disappearance cases.

“Really, he must have a lot of daughters already. Why does he even dote on Shamaila so much? Hmm.....” Fang Lin’s mind churned as he thought of a good reason.

“It’s either he just loves his daughter or there is something special with her body! Well whatever, I have a party to attend first.”

Fang Lin knew that his attitude and behavior at this party will affect how he will blend in on the Median Layer. He had to take calculated steps to make sure that he will not do anything stupid.

Fang Lin and Shamaila then walked together towards her huge mansion.


The first thing that Fang Lin noted was the brightness of the place. Countless light sources could be seen everywhere, letting out intense light beams that illuminated the whole place.

“These people sure do love their lights...” Fang Lin knew that because they were situated under the ground, these people here lack the light coming from this planet’s resident star. Because of that, they must have been craving for things that replicate that sensation.

And since this is a party, more lights will be needed here just to increase the festivity.

One more thing that Fang Lin noticed was that the people who attended this party all had their own bodyguards.

Fang Lin felt powerful soul fluctuations from these bodyguards, indicating that they were soul fighters.

But his wariness against them vanished when he saw the foods and drinks laid on the long table located at the middle of the venue.

Even Fang Lin who had tasted good food before could not help but salivate upon seeing these delicacies laid in front of him.

Shamaila saw where Fang Lin’s gaze was concentrated on. She let out a giggle as she led Fang Lin towards the table.

“Eat lots Lin Fang, you are going to need it later.” Shamaila said as she and Fang Lin joined the visitors on getting their food.

While he was stuffing his mouth with foods, Fang Lin noticed something weird.

“It’s your coming of age ceremony right? Why none of these visitors greeted you when we arrived? Is that some sort of tradition?”

“Ah, you noticed that?” Shamaila smiled as she said,

“Nobody greeted me because they do not know what that I am here.”

“What do you mean by that?” Fang Lin said as he tilted his head.

“My father gave me a special artifact that makes me undetectable to anyone if I want. That means if I do not want to be seen or even detected by a person I do not like, I will just use these artifact and poof, I will be invisible to that person already.”

“So that means you are using your artifact right now on the visitors? So they could not detect you at all?”

Shamaila nodded as she said “You are absolutely right.”

Fang Lin gave a curious look to Shamaila as he asked, “How does that artifact work by the way?”

“It’s actually just simple.” Shamaila said as she subconsciously rubbed her earrings. “My artifact works by diverting people’s attention elsewhere. That meant that if a person looks my way, my artifact will do something to make him look away from me. This diversion also works on the other senses, including the divine sense.”

“I can use this artifact on multiple people or just on a few people. Since you can see me, that means that I did not use my artifact to divert your attention away from me.”

Shamaila then leaned forward as she muttered,

“Aside from that, I decided to include you under the effects of this artifact. Now, this artifact will divert the attention of anyone who tries to look at us. That means nobody can bother us right now. We can enjoy this party together without any obstructions before father arrives.”

“...” Fang Lin then thought that if this girl was using that artifact all the time, then does that mean that when she saw his ‘Fang Xiushang’ appearance earlier, she decided to dispel its effect just to talk to him?

If that’s the case, then she was attracted by his current face?

Fang Lin hid his disgruntlement by that fact as he continued chowing down his meals.

With Shamaila’s artifact activated, Fang Lin and Shamaila did lots of shameless things on their visitors.

Of course it was Fang Lin who initiated it.

They tipped over some wineglasses, touched the shoulders of some unsuspecting visitors and even pushed some of them forward.

These poor visitors could only panic as they did not know where these invisible attacks came from.

Both Fang Lin and Shamaila were laughing upon seeing those visitors flopping around like headless chickens.

“Oh my, I did not expect that I can do something like this!” Shamaila said as she wiped the tears of her eyes that came from excessive laughing. “Let’s do more of this in the future!”

“Yeah let’s.” Fang Lin muttered as he felt a powerful presence approaching.

It’s been 4 hours already after the start of the party, and Fang Lin was waiting for Shax’s arrival.

Fang Lin slightly tensed his body as he realized the real party was about to start.

“Everyone!” The doors of the mansion opened, and out there came Shax.

He wore a perfectly white suit which contrasted well with his tanned skin.

His businessman-like smile made Fang Lin cringe inwardly. The visitors on the other hand indicated no sign of surprise at his arrival.

They all clapped as they all made a slight bow.

“Greetings to the Great Shax.”

“Yeah, yeah greetings.” Shax said as he waved his hand nonchalantly.

He looked at everyone as he asked,

“Are you all enjoying this party?”

All the visitors nodded, indicating their approval.

“As you all might know, this night is the night of my daughter Shamaila. She’s about to be an adult!” Shax said as he faked some sobbing sounds. “As her father, I must ensure that this night will bet the night of her life!”

Everyone clapped, applauding this overly enthusiastic daddy.

“But before we celebrate my daughter’s coming of age ceremony, we must appease the Great Solomon first.”

The atmosphere suddenly turned solemn as Fang Lin realized that everyone in the mansion had a piteous look on their face.

Even Shamaila who was red from laughing earlier, looked calm and serene.

She crossed both of her hands in front of her stomach, as if she was praying.

Fang Lin looked around, and he realized that everyone was doing the same pose.

He hastily did the same, just to not arouse any suspicions from Shamaila.

“The Great Solomon blessed us with the benefits of the Underground.” Shax said as if he was in a trance. “Since he gave everything to us, we must give something back to Him.”

“Give something back!!!!!” The visitors, including Shamaila shouted in unison.

“As such, a sacrifice is necessary.”

“A sacrifice is necessary!!!!!”

“I do not like where this is going....” Fang Lin thought to himself as the ‘S’ word does not sound good to him.

“Let’s make the sacrifice.”

“Let’s make the sacrifice!!!!!”

A huge cloth then draped over the wall of the mansion.

Fang Lin squinted his eyes as he saw that the cloth projected an event.

“So this cloth seems to show us an event happening right now, but at a different place.” Fang Lin thought as what the cloth showed began to become clearer.

“Oh my...” That was what Fang Lin could say as he saw what was projected in the cloth.

He saw a large cauldron with many figures and symbols adorning its body.

Even with his knowledge, Fang Lin was not able to recognize what these symbols are.

This cauldron was placed on a raised platform.

Even the platform itself was adorned with the same symbols.

The room where the cauldron was in looked ancient and sophisticated. There were more of these unknown symbols adoring the whole room.

“Is this some sort of an altar?” That was what Fang Lin surmised from what he saw. “If this is an altar, it surely is a creepy one.”

Fang Lin then looked around him, realizing that everyone was slightly bowing in front of the projection.

He hastily mimicked them as he continued watching what happens next.

The next thing he saw was a tied-up woman being placed in front of the cauldron. Fang Lin felt cold upon seeing who the woman was.

It was Andromeda!

“Holy s**t! Why is she there! And how about Tang Li? No no no no.... This is super bad...” Fang Lin thought as he realized that he had to find a way to save Andromeda right now!



Tagn Li let out a satisfied sigh as she threw the milk bottle she was drinking.


Anyone who will see Tang Li right now will be flabbergasted.

There was a 10-meter tall pile of discarded milk bottles right beside Tang Li!

Nobody will find it believable that this baby was able to drink it all.

But Tang Li did, and now she was regretting this.

“Muu.... I can’t move....” Tang Li tired flying, but she was so full that she could hardly even move.

“Muuu... guessh I will shleep fiwsht to digesht my milk! Aftew I wake up, I will tell Sis about Andwomeda!”

Tang Li then fell in slumber in the milk factory, with her body still in stealth mode.

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