The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 262: Women are scary

Chapter 262: Women are scary

“You are her previous master?” Fang Lin looked at the sweeping girl incredulously, as if he could not believe what she just said.

“Why do you think so?” The girl seemingly pouted as she placed her hands of her hips. Fang Lin repressed the urge to chuckle upon seeing such an endearing pose.

“What are you laughing at?” This served to rile the girl further as she continued glaring at Fang Lin. “You think I am lying?”

“No of course not. Fang Lin said as he tried to not laugh. “It’s just you look young to be someone’s master. And you do not even have any cultivation to boot!”

“......” The girl kept quiet as she looked at the ground sadly. Even Fang Lin could see that she was greatly melancholic right now.

“How about telling me what happened to you that made you like this?” Fang Lin asked her. If she really was a former master, then she must tell Fang Lin on how she ended up at this state.

“I can’t.” The girl said abruptly.

Fang Lin scratched his head as he thought to himself,

“Well, I do not really need to believe that she was Princess Lilliana’s master. But I think I still need to be wary of that princess. She might be really a malicious person.”

Fang Lin who was in a female transformation smiled as he patted the girl’s head.

“There, there, I believe you. But I still want to see her place. Can you still lead me there?”

The girl’s eyes widened as she stared at Fang Lin with happiness. She then let out a humph as she walked quickly.

“Hmph, just follow me. But please, do not go near her ok?”

Fang Lin shook his head wryly as he followed her. While he was walking, he heard a new person talking to his head.

“So master was flirting with another girl. I just woke up and I see this! You really are a pervert!”

“....” Fang Lin sighed as he realized that Yao’er was now awake. And it seems like she was not like that jolly little girl before.

After Fang Yu and Fang Lin broke through the Second Stage, Yao’er, who was under the effects of the contract spell with Fang Lin, was affected by that breakthrough.

Since she will regain her strength slowly everytime Fang Lin breaks through, Yao’er had to undergo this regaining stage after Fang Lin broke through.

She slept on Fang Lin’s shadow for six months already, with her body changing to accommodate her additional strength.

It was only now that she woke up. And from the looks of it, even her attitude also changed.

“Yao’er, master has an important mission right now. Don’t worry, I will feed you with your favorite snack later.” Fang Lin said mentally to the angry Yao’er.

“Hmph, you better do!” Yao’er shouted to Fang Lin angrily. She then stopped talking after that.

“We are almost near there. Let’s walk faster.” The masked girl said amicably to Fang Lin. Fang Lin scratched his nose as the masked girl seemed to be closer to him already.

Fang Lin was now happy that he took on a female form. The masked girl seems to be more comfortable at the presence of females.

Fang Lin finds that logical, since the masked girl seems to be harassed by young male disciples. Anyone will really have some traces of fear with that type of experience.

“Hmm?” When Fang Lin realized that he was almost near at the place of Princess Lilliana, he stopped as he saw something that he expected might have happened.

Around Princess Lilliana’s place, a large crowd of people were milling around. The majority were from the God Continent Branch while there were some from the Immortal Continent Branch too.

All of them looked around, as if they were searching for someone.

“They are all waiting for me!” Fang Lin thought as he stared at the huge crowd. “So that princess was actually a big deal!”

“Tsk. That b**ch has so many supporters!” The masked girl said venomously. “If she did not betray me, those lowly males will grovel under my feet!”

“...” Fang Lin decided to not give any comments on what he heard. Some people have issues, and he was not the right person to tackle those.

“Since it seems like there is no way for me to enter, I think I must go back. It’s not worth it anyway.” Fang Lin thought to himself as he tried to step backwards.

But before he could do so, he saw someone quickly approaching them. When he saw who the person was, Fang Lin’s heart stopped, as if he was facing the grim reaper.

Clad in snow-white clothes with a snow-white hair, the Nine-Tailed Wolf Xue’er was quickly approaching the two.

Even though her face looked expressionless, Fang Lin knew with his cohabitation with her for 6 months that she does not look happy.

She gave Fang Lin a smile that was not a smile as she said,

“I did not expect to see you here. May I ask why a female like you wanted to go here at Princess Liliiana’s place? Are there any motives?”

Fang Lin sweated as he realized Xue’er has seen through his disguise!

That was to be expected, since both of them had Godly Divine Beast Bloodlines. Aside from that. they already had been ‘highly intimate’ for the past 6 months so Xue’er had already memorized Fang Lin’s smell.

Even if Fang Lin had changed form, Xue’er was still able to smell Fang Lin.

“Why are you even asking her! She’s with me!” To Fang Lin’s surprise, the masked girl suddenly spoke up. She glared at Xue’er defiantly as she said,

“Instead of him being questioned, you should be the one questioned. Why are you near Princess Lilliana’s place? You are the more suspicious one.”

Xue’er gave the masked girl an extremely cold look as she said,

“I heard from some people that my husband had been invited by Princess Lilliana to her room. Of course, as his wife, I must do my best to discipline him.” Xue’er finished that statement by gesturing a cutting motion if front of them.

Fang Lin resisted the urge to cry as he realized that Xue’er was really pissed right now!

“If I see my husband going to her place, I will waste no time bringing him away and punish him.” Xue’er continued saying as she ignored the pale looks of the other two.

“Wait, that fatty Fang Lin was your husband?” The masked girl seems confused as she tilted her head. “Is there something from him that made you want him?”

“There’s a lot of things I like from him.” To Fang Lin’s surprise, Xue’er, the cold girl, actually licked her lips! “Too bad he’s not here yet. I plan to reward him after all. But it looks like he had been naughty, so I will just punish him.”

“.....” The masked girl said nothing as she realized that Xue’er was telling the truth.

As for Fang Lin, he resisted the urge to cry as he realized that his punishment from Xue’er was starting already!

“She’s psychologically torturing me now!”

The masked girl suddenly frowned as she asked Xue’er,

“Do you think that husband of yours will arrive? It’s already 10 minutes pass 8 and he’s still not here.

“Oh, he will come.” Xue’er said coldly. “In fact I already know where he is.”

“Eh really? Where?” The girl looked around, trying to see that fatty body.

“Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t.” Fang Lin chanted to himself as he wished that Xue’er will forgive him and will not call him out.

If it was known that Fang Lin can look like a female, his reputation might be destroyed!

“Oh, Fang Lin, so you really arrived.” But instead of Xue’er doing the reveal, it was someone else that did so.

Clad with elegant robes, the mysterious Princess Lilliana suddenly appeared in front of Fang Lin as she greeted him!

“What! How did she see through my disguise!” Fang Lin thought panickedly as he stared at Princess Lilliana’s smiling face. “Xue’er was able to do so because of our connection. But how can this princess detect me?”

Fang Lin then remembered about what the masked girl said about Princess Lilliana.

Fang Lin let out a sigh as he thought to himself,

“I really must be wary of this woman!”

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