The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 6: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (6)

Chapter 6: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (6)

Chapter 6 The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (6)

Xu Yin got on her bicycle, waved to her family, and rode hard to school.

This time, in addition to receiving the reward of [riding 15 kilometers], I also received the reward of [unlocking junior riding skills and a set of riding tools as a reward].

When she arrived at the school carport, she pretended to lock the car, bent over and turned her back to the outside to log in to the personal center of the system and check the so-called riding tools -

It is actually a variable speed mountain bike and a complete set of design and assembly drawings and installation and maintenance tools.

On the way back to the classroom, Xu Yin was thoughtful.

You can get a mountain bike and a complete set of design drawings and tools after riding a few times. So, if you have the opportunity to drive a car, is it possible to obtain the design and manufacturing drawings of the car?

After regaining consciousness, he patted his forehead.

Ahem, Im overthinking it. Cars are so expensive these days. Its hard to even get a handle on them, let alone drive them.

Unexpectedly, someone handed me a pillow when I fell asleep.

She walked into the classroom, and the head teacher followed behind, clapped her hands and announced:

"This week's labor class is special. The leaders of the Education Committee are coming to listen to the class. The school leadership team has decided to take everyone to practice on the farm. Because the types of work on the farm are complicated, it is impossible for one class to do the same type of work. The monitor will come to my place later. Please sign up as soon as possible and apply for whatever you are good at.

Tong Guihua picked up Xu Yin and said, "Let's go quickly. If we're late, the rest will be a thankless job that's too exhausting."

"No hurries!"

Xu Yin yawned lazily.

Labor class is only half a day at most.

Whats more, on the farm, what else can you do besides pulling weeds, hoeing the ground, picking vegetables, and carrying baskets?

"The difference is huge. The last high school senior worked collectively on the farm last year. I signed up late and was assigned to open up wasteland in the mountains. It took me half a day to climb the mountain. It was very tiring. If it wasn't for fertilizing, the smell would always be unpleasant. And the allotment Those who catch insects, I get a rash all over my body when I see caterpillars, so I dont want to catch insects. And those who let girls drive tractors are simply inhumane..."

Ehhhhh? tractor?

Xu Yin's eyes lit up and she suddenly became enlightened.

Thats right, we cant get cars for the time being, but tractors are.

This thing is available in the village, and she has seen it during busy farming days.

If you have the opportunity to learn to drive a tractor in this labor class, and you get it in July, will you have a reason to help the village drive a tractor to plow the fields?

Who else would she be if she could work for free without any money?

Although it is not sure whether the ventilation system will give similar rewards after learning to drive a tractor and driving a tractor for a certain number of kilometers, but what if it does? Wouldn't it be a pity to miss it?

As a result, Xu Yin rushed to the squad leader's side more actively than Tong Guihua.

Squad leader, is there a job to drive a tractor to plow the fields? Ill sign up!

Squad leader:

Tong Guihua, who was a step slower: "..."

Depend on!

I thought you were running so fast because you wanted to get an easy job, but I didnt expect you were driving a tractor?

Xu Yin, are you crazy? Can you drive that big guy? Even tall boys cant control it.

The squad leader disagreed with this.

He is a boy, and he is quite tall.

He adjusted his glasses and looked at Xu Yin: "Are you sure?"

"Definitely, definitely! If possible, I will report this!"

There is, there is

"Then what are you waiting for! Fill in the name for me...forget it, I'll do it myself!"

Xu Yin took the pen from the squad leader's hand, found the tractor column on the form, and filled in her name in a flash.

Xu Yin, you are this!

The boys in the back row cheered and gave her thumbs up. Xu Yin raised her eyebrows: "Don't grab it from me!"

If you dont rob, dont rob, hahaha

There are only two people in a tractor plowing class, and Xu Yin already has a spot in their class, and the remaining spot will naturally become a hot commodity.

Xu Yin didn't care who grabbed another spot. She was working hard to get orders for her sister-in-law during the ten minutes between classes.

These pants are so nice! Why didnt you wear them last week?

Tong Guihua regretted placing the order too early. She felt that the pants Xu Yin was wearing were indeed more fashionable.

But I just made a new pair of trousers. Even though the overalls are made of labor cloth, which is much cheaper than cotton, it is impossible to make another pair in a short time.

No matter how much the family favored her, they would never allow her to be so lavish.

But she doesnt have money to place an order, which doesnt mean other students dont have money either.

Especially the girls who were on the fence last week saw Xu Yin wearing a new pair of pants to school this week. The fabric was ordinary, but the style was novel and fashionable, so they rushed to place an order.

In just one class break, Xu Yin received orders for five pairs of pants and two shirts.

At night, she went back to the dormitory and showed off her face.

The next day, a girl from the next class also came to her to make a custom order.

By the time she left for the farm to do collective work, the workbook she used to record orders was filled with three pages, and her schoolbag could barely hold any fabric.

Xu Yin couldn't help but think of that time in the Republic of China, when she exchanged energy points for an expandable backpack. Although I burped quickly, my backpack should still be there.

After turning off the lights that night, she consciously logged into the system warehouse, rummaged among a pile of supplies for a while, and finally found it.

The expanded backpack is quite similar to the schoolbags of these days. It is also military green and is also a shoulder bag.

But there is something else going on inside. Unfortunately, she didnt have enough energy points at the beginning, so she only got one cubic meter, but it was enough to hold the cloth.

It doesnt look too revealing, and its not heavy to carry on the shoulders. Its just right for a hard-working porter like hercarrying fabrics home and finished products back to school.

In the blink of an eye, Friday came and the school arranged for teachers to lead a team and organized the first and second grade students to go to the farm to participate in collective labor.

Xu Yin, have you really decided to drive a tractor? Or you should change jobs with a male classmate.

Along the way, Tong Guihua was simply more worried than Xu Yin herself.

Xu Yin shook her head. It was only a fool who changed it after finally getting such an opportunity.

You want to learn more skills to help you, right?

Tong Guihua thought she had found the truth.

She graduated next year. Xu Yin's results are similar to her.

Her family has already begun to have a trust relationship.

Xu Yin's family is from the countryside, and I haven't heard of any relatives in the city. It's not difficult to get into the factory, but if you want to find a good job and a good position, it doesn't matter if you don't have money.

But we are here to work, not really to learn skills. Will the farm let you learn? What will you do if you cannot complete the labor task?

No, look at the number of people who signed up, who can drive a tractor? You must teach us first, otherwise how will you plow the land?

Xu Yin guessed right. Since the farm has provided the job of tractor plowing, it is ready to teach novices on the road.

The person in charge of the farm has been thinking of countermeasures. In recent years, labor reform has become less popular. The farm is short of manpower and has to hire a group of talents.

However, the application for adding more employees was not approved quickly, so we contacted the schools in the area and asked students to come to the farm to work in labor classes every week, and the farm added some food to the school canteen. Win-win!

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