The Bored Immortal

Chapter 366 Getting Ambushed

Chapter 366 Getting Ambushed

Seraphina was spooked by the rumors though she didn't feel like backing down for even a moment due to her strong determination to save her realm. She knew that they would need money to stay for at least a couple more days, and the only way to earn enough money to pay their rent and for their food was by joining this group of adventurers.

Of course, Viktor and Seraphina could simply go on a mission alone, but for that first, they would have to register themselves as adventurers, and after some time-consuming procedures, they can only start off with low-level missions. By that time, they would have no place to stay.

However, since Brono and his friends vouched for the two, they were able to tag along without much issues.

But Viktor knew that things didn't go smoothly for no reason.

The group of six soon entered the Blackmere forest as the sunlight began to dim due to how dense the forest was, with the trees blocking most of the sunlight.

Viktor could hear chitters and buzzes within the forest, which he thought were probably from insects and animals within the forest.

But he didn't activate his vampire bloodline since he didn't want to simply take the risk of anything happening to the illusion spell cast on him for no reason.

And after walking deeper into the forest for a few minutes…


Viktor's ears perked up as he suddenly heard the sound of something sharp whizzing through the air, and knowing where that sharp thing was heading for, he quickly reacted as he covered a startled Seraphina with his body and jumped towards the side.


Seraphina gasped as she bobbed her head around and saw a crude spear pierced itself into the trunk of the tree which was behind where she was standing before.

Of course, based on where the spear had struck, it seemed that whoever threw it didn't want to kill the person they were aiming for but simply incapacitate them.

And for some reason, Viktor knew that they aimed for Seraphina.

"Fucking Goblins! It's an ambush!" Brono shouted with a grunt as he continued, "Quick! Form a circle, and you two stay within the circle!"

Right when Viktor was wondering when he would get to see these ugly green monsters, he saw them hiding behind the bushes, their dark green skin easily blending with the darkness of the forest and the color of the bushes.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that these green monsters were capable of being perfect assassins in this environment, especially when they didn't even make any obvious sounds before one of them threw the spear.

Viktor quickly got within the formation the four of them had formed while keeping Seraphina close to him, who had her brows pulled together. She could defeat these goblins without killing them, but for obvious reasons, she can't use her powers without exposing herself, and that would only bring about more trouble.

And so, she was unconsciously feeling safe by staying beside Viktor since he was her only protection in this place.

"Kekeke! Butcher them and take their women, kekeke!" One of the goblins laughed in a creepy manner as he came out from behind a tree with a spear in his hand.

Contrary to what Viktor expected, this goblin was quite big and muscular, though it had a long and crooked nose and bat-like ears just like he had heard. This big one was also wearing some animal skin-like clothes and had a shiny necklace around his neck, which Viktor thought this goblin must have looted from one of his victims.

And behind this large goblin were a number of smaller goblins who were shorter than human stature, while the rest of their features were similar to the big one who seemed to be their leader.

Viktor wasn't surprised by the words of the big one since he had heard that most of the goblins are cunning and vicious, and they purposefully wandered around the Blackmere Forest to prey on the adventurers since they knew adventurers frequent this place.

They were known to be quite cunning and vicious and would steal whatever shiny trinkets or treasures they could get their hands on while venting their lust on any beautiful women that crossed here.

Because of this, the adventurers guild put out frequent missions to hunt goblins, but despite that, these things still were haunting the forest. Mostly only the newbie adventurers died to them, while the experienced ones wouldn't take such missions without a good reason and only after careful preparation. Otherwise, they would just avoid the paths which were said to be infested by goblins, and only they knew why nobody was able to drive out these goblins from the forest.

And if anybody asked why the three Demon Races wouldn't do anything, it was because this forest was really none of their concern, and the goblins wouldn't dare to barge into the town either. So they would let the Adventurers Guild handle these kinds of things while they only acted if the town was in immediate danger.

"Cut down these annoying men!" The goblin leader ordered as he pointed his spear at the group of six while his underlings charged forward with their weapons while some were perched upon the trees, using deadly poison darts to take them down.

However, Brono and his group were experienced adventurers, and as if they had already been through such scenarios, Verona quickly cast a flame barrier that blocked any ranged attacks while the twins began to fire arrows from the inside to take down as many goblins as they could before they got near. Their priority was, of course, to take down the ones up in the trees since Verona would get distracted once the goblins got near.

As for Brono, he was using a special martial arts skill as he gathered the odic force within his body, making his ax glow with a dark purple light. And the moment it glowed to a certain extent, he widely swung his ax with a barbaric shout, slicing all five goblins into half that were about to attack him.

Viktor raised one of his brows, thinking that this guy did have some skills, though he could see that this was not the end as more goblins just kept on coming.

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