The Bored Immortal

Chapter 407 The Power To Charm Anyone

Chapter 407 The Power To Charm Anyone

A large water tank was slowly emerging from the platform, and inside it was a pale blue-skinned beauty with a half-human, half-fish body, her fins having a magical vibrance.

Her charming eyes were azure blue, and her enchanting beauty seemed to even light up her surroundings.

With just a single look, Viktor was able to see that she was a siren, but her beauty was even more magical than the other sirens he saw in the forest. Even the color of her eyes seemed to be different from the others, and her long dark blue wavy hair was covering over half of her body.

Her face was young, though her body and face gave off a charming mature aura.

Only a dark purple fabric was barely covering her upper half, failing to hide the deep ravine between her big silky breasts. The men in the hall were immediately charmed by her beauty as their minds escaped into their fantasies.

However, Viktor noticed that this siren's eyes looked sad and languid. She was simply lying down on the surface of the water tank and seemed as if she was in a semi-conscious state.

And around her neck, there was a silver metal collar with a chain extending outwards. Viktor thought that his collar was probably used to restrain and keep her in check.

"Wow…the moment I revealed her, all the gentlemen in this hall went silent. Didn't I say that this one would be quite a special item? At first, sight, who would think that she is one of the most dangerous man-eaters?" Narin said with a smile as she looked at the smitten expressions of the men and scoffed inwardly.

She momentarily took a subtle glance at the middle roof box above before turning her gaze towards the hall.

Still, she was not finished as she continued, "Unfortunately, I hate to burst all of your bubbles, but her beauty isn't the reason for her specialty. Instead, it is because who she really is. Trying to get into a bed with a siren is no different than signing your death warrant. Even if she is in a restrained state, she is even more dangerous than a succubus. She could suck your life force dry in case anyone tries to bed her, and we all know what would happen once she gets free. All that would remain would be bones stripped of flesh. And this is ignoring the fact that she can use her voice to cause even more damage. I am sure nobody here has forgotten about what happened to those unfortunate adventurers who tried to get justice for their fallen comrades. Even now, we can see their bloody skeletons buried in the muddy grounds near the Lulling River."

People swallowing their saliva could be heard in the hall while Viktor scoffed, seeing their reactions. He wasn't really scared about sirens since what could the worst they do to him?

But seeing such a beauty chained up in such a horrible way just seemed a bit off. If these sirens were really dangerous, why wouldn't these people simply leave them alone instead of trying to offend them even more by capturing their people to sell off as an auction item?

Viktor was just feeling fishy about this whole thing.

The people in the hall felt disheartened after hearing how dangerous she was, though they already knew some of these details.

"Miss Narin, if she cannot be even touched, then how do you expect any of us to use her as a slave?"

"Yes, yes. Wouldn't she be completely useless?"

"Useless? If that is the case, none of you need to try and buy her. I will simply buy her and keep her in my room as a beautiful sight to refresh my eyes every day, hehe."

"Get lost. I would rather kill her before cooking her meat. Ironically I heard that the flesh of a siren is quite a delicacy, and once you eat it, then you would rather not eat any other food. Tssss…my mouth is already watering."

"I don't care if she is useless. I will cut her up real good as revenge for my fallen brothers and sisters. They all died because of this bitch and her people. Letting her continue to breathe is injustice!"

Viktor winced in disgust upon hearing some of these demons speak up. He knew sirens eat people, too, but so far, he never heard any siren actively coming into this town and preying on people. They only killed and devoured those that were foolish enough to go and capture them. With Brono revealing some details, he knew that somebody high up was sending these adventurers to capture the sirens.

Seraphina was the one most unsettled with seeing the caged siren and hearing these words, unable to believe people could be so inhumane.

The siren inside the water tank could hear everything, but her eyes seemed cold and dull while her face was expressionless.

Narin didn't seem surprised by these comments but instead motioned with her hands as she said, "Please calm down, everyone. I have yet to reveal the main details…She is none other than the Queen of the Sirens, and capturing her was the most difficult mission in my career, not to say I lost a good number of talented and powerful men and women," Narin said with a sigh, though the people were again stunned to hear the real identity of the siren inside the water tank.

Even Viktor was surprised but then realized why he felt this siren was different from the others.

Some faint whispers were going around in the hall while Narin continued with a narrowed gaze, "I think some of you might have already heard of the myth that the voice of a siren queen is so special and powerful because of a special crystal in her throat. Guess what…it is true, and those who assimilate that crystal would be able to charm or control any living being using their voice."

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