The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 278 - Home Sweet Home

Chapter 278 - Home Sweet Home

Just as Tracey had imagined, they live in a fancy world. She was born rich and she was spoiled, but she knew the value of money and things although she shopped for every expensive thing while her dad and mom were working hard. But now, she needs to save her own money. She needs to work for her own money.

"This is amazing." Tracey pouted at her husband as he held out his hand while they were hopping off the chopper. "I'm excited." She giggled at him. Then, they went to the door and were escorted by a few security guards downstairs to the ground floor. "So, sofa first? I mean the living room set is what we need." She said and adjusted her intertwined hands and her ring. "How about a bed?" She grinned at him. "I haven't seen the mansion yet."

"I will show it to you so you will have an idea of how you will design it."

They sat in the VIP area as they were given brochures. He took out his tablet from his bag and showed her the live footage of the mansion. She gaped while it was playing.

"Babe, it looks like a stone house from modern-medieval. I love it. We can have a farm-style kitchen."

"Alright," He turned it off as she scanned through it. He also scanned through the magazines and showed her and suggested. She was very meticulous and she would fall in love with every design that she would love. She suggested a bed first and she already imagined what she would design for their bedroom.

"Let's order this and this. I want it to be beautiful and not too grand." She said,

It takes three hours for them to order a few things that will be delivered in five days. Some would be delivered earlier and some would be delayed as they would have to order it from the other outlet.

"There you are darling." A familiar voice spoke. Ian glared at Franko and his five bodyguards. "Newlywed?" He asked. "I am surprised that you stole my bride away before we even got married."

Ian pulled his wife behind him.

"Charles, you were the one who insisted that my woman is your bride. But surprise! I married my girlfriend."

Franko scoffed. Ian looked down at her and told her to stay away. He approached Franko Charles as he moved his face closer to his.

"You think that if his father sold her to you, you would also receive the Company that her grandparents tried hard to raise? But, surprise again. You won't get any single data." He smirked.

"You~~You was the one…"

"Shh, shh." He hushed him. "Let's keep that a secret before I leak all of your secrets." He smirked. "I know well how you hide those poor girls after paying their parents. Don't worry, I won't tell." He patted his shoulder and squeezed it. "So, stop trying to scare my wife before she loses her patience and would prefer to cut your dick. Remember your niece? Wendy Charles? Yes, she made your niece's mind crazier." He sighed and chuckled. "Alright, we will take our leave."

He turned around and grinned at his girl.

"Let's go out for dinner." He extended his hand as she reached it. Her arms intertwined with him. "What would you like?" He asked her as their bodyguards approached them in unison. Then, he took the VIP card that he purchased for his wife since the mansion needed a massive make-over. She also already hired someone to help her with decorating.

"Love, when will our photo arrive?"

"I think it will be in three days." He said. "I requested grand frames for it. Next time, we will have a perfect photoshoot after our first baby."

She giggled and hugged his arm.

"I love you and you are amazing."

"I know." He patted her head.

The couple left the building after checking a few pieces of furniture. The first thing that she ordered were the things she needed. The bedroom, kitchen, and living room. The rest will be in a few days, maybe before they move in. He reserved a restaurant for them and ate fancy food. But she ordered a salad and a half-size steak.

"So, do you enjoy it?" he asked her. "We can find another if~"

"No. You can't spend so much money, babe."

"Alright," He nodded. "I will plan for our baby's room. I think we should adopt maybe after you give birth…"

"I'm not pregnant yet." She giggled at him.

"I was planning, just in case." He chuckled.

"I still need a doctor to consult with regarding our sexual activity. Plus, I am managing a few businesses. We just opened the latest one." She sighed when she thought about it. "Let's check the store first before going to the mansion tomorrow."

"Sure," He agreed and looked past her. He glared at the man who approached them. He looked stressed and thin with those dark circles and a few studs of his bears were white.

"Papa?" She creased her brows.

"Well, it seems like you are doing well, my dear."

She frowned at him.

"Did mom tell you not to show up?" She hissed at him as Ian's bodyguard quickly rushed and pushed him away. "I swear, I will have the police pick you up. So, please." A tear rolled down her left cheek. "Please stop doing illegal things. I can't forgive you for selling me off." She started sobbing.

"Amore," he called. "Darling, you are still my baby girl."

"No!" She screamed at him. "How dare you sell me off. How dare you betray mom and the company. I will not forgive you."

Ian stood and moved closer to her as he reached her hand and hugged her. She started sobbing and it just ruined their day. He thought that not even Franko Charles could ruin their day but then, her father was there to ruin it.

"Tracey," He called as he was dragged out of the restaurant. "Tracey! Give me a chance!"

She shook her head and hugged Ian tightly.

"I don't want to see him." She sniffled.

"Alright," he reached the glass of water and gave it to her. She drank it and hiccuped a little. She covered her mouth and looked up at him.

"Let's finish the food." She said,

"Are you sure?"

"This is expensive and the company is suffering. I don't want to waste money anymore."


She sniffled, wiped her tears, and tried to collect herself. She didn't want to waste her appetite on someone. They continued their dinner and he was surprised that she finished the two dishes that she ordered. Shortly, they left the restaurant after finishing their wine. Then, they drove to their family mansion.

Gena greeted them and looked worried. She hugged her daughter right away.

"What happened?" Gena asked.

"It's just, Franko Charles and dad showed up on the same day." She said, "Dad looks like a beggar." Tracey's heart felt like it was crushed. "I feel bad about him, mom."

"Hey, I will take care of it." She caressed her hair. "Don't get stressed over your dad, my little one. Focus on your new life with your husband. Also, I heard about the mansion. I will come and visit and also help you with it."

"Thank you." She whispered and hugged her mother tightly.

Gena and Ian make eye contact.

"I will go upstairs first." She said as she wiped her tears. Ian and Gena followed her but they stopped in the guest area.

"I don't think that your husband was even sorry for what he did. But if you want, you can give him another chance, but it will be different this time. He needs to undergo therapy. He's not just a sex addict but he's also a gambler. What do you think?"

"You are right." She agreed with him. "But first, he needs to attend the hearing. Then, I will grant him a house, pocket money, and a new life. After that, I don't want him to be close to my daughter unless he's clean and won't think of selling our daughter again."

Ian nodded his head. He knew that it's hard to abandon the father of Gena's daughter. He once loved Tracey but he chose the dark side. He chose to betray his family and break it. If he didn't side with the Charles Empire, Gena and he might have given him a chance. If he didn't sell off Tracey, he might have helped him.

"I don't think that the Charles Empire would take him in," Ian grumbled. "If they did, it would only benefit the Empire. He will become a dog to them."

"You are right." Gena agreed. "For now, please protect my daughter from him. I don't think that he will be able to make the right decisions with that desperate head." She sighed. "I will go upstairs now."

"Okay, good night."

Gena kissed his cheeks and tapped him like he was a real son to her.

"Don't stay up late, dear." She said and went upstairs. Then, the bodyguards from the Rossie Empire approached him.

"Any command sir?" They asked.

"No. Take a break. The food was prepared by the maids." He told them as they stepped back at the same time and bowed at him in 45 degrees.

"Thank you, sir."

He nodded his head and headed upstairs to comfort his wife.

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