The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 248 Is That Some Kind Of Revenge?

Chapter 248 Is That Some Kind Of Revenge?

p Lord Krail took the lead. Biham and Kinshra, fell in the line after him and Eltanin followed them on Wind with Tania. Biham let Kinshra walk in front of him. Flora followed them in the end. She overtook all of them on her horse and walked beside Kinshra.

"I am glad that you could join us, Flora," said Kinshra, looking affectionately at her maid.

"It's a pleasure, m'lady," said Flora. "I should have joined you last time too, but I didn't know that you would be staying back. I wanted to come to you, but Lord Krail didn't allow…"

"It's fine, Flora," Kinshra said in a pacifying voice. "You are there with me now, and that is all that matters. You have to keep a close eye on Tania."

"Yes, m'lady," she said. Flora was Kinshra's maid from forever. She was older than Kinshra and as soon as Kinshra was a toddler, Flora became her maid/nanny. She had come from a long line of servants to Lord Krail's family. She had never found her mate and hence never settled. Coming after Kinshra was the most natural thing to do.

Eltanin whispered to Tania, "If you feel ruffled, let me know." He pulled her closer to his chest and tucked her buttocks in his thighs.

"I will," she said in a low voice, adjusting her cloak. Ever since the last session with her mother, Tania was on the edge. She felt as if she was on a cliff and looking down from its edge into the chasm that yawned beneath her. All she needed was one push and she would fall down. The chasm was so deep that she knew that it didn't have a base. She gulped thickly, knowing that she was on the verge of her sanity.

As they galloped across Sgiáth Bio, they didn't stop until they reached near the Gavran Wilds. Tania remembered how terrible it was the last time and she snuggled in Eltanin's chest, tucking her wings closer. Eltanin's arms were so wide that he could circle her waist over her wings. Instantly, he gathered her closer, sensing her fear. "Don't worry," he said. "I am going to take you back safely. We have so many faes with us!" he laughed.

But Tania wasn't convinced. She continued to bury her face in his chest like a scared baby. The magic in her veins started to hiss, 'Release us…' She knew that if she released it, it would cause catastrophe in Sgiáth Bio and attract all the rogues. Moreover she was containing it for Eltanin. 'Release us…' it hissed again. Her body broke into sweat. "It's difficult to contain it, Elty," she said in a low voice. "It wants to come out."

A shaky breath left his lips. He tucked her head beneath his chin. "I know," he whispered. "That's why you should look out at the surroundings. They will divert you." His chest squeezed with her situation. He felt helpless that he couldn't help her at all. This was such a crucial junction for both of them.

"No!" she snapped. She wanted to feel him, be surrounded by his smell and be pampered by him. "What if I die?"

"Hush now!" he silenced her. "Why will you die, Tania? You have the whole world to save. Your existence is important for Araniea. Do you know how many times I have thanked the deities that I found you? Almost every other minute of the day when I see you or breathe you. I have just found you, love. It's only been two months and you want to leave me? That's so unfair. I have waited for so long…" his throat choked with emotions. "I want to see our babies. I want to tell them the tales of our love. I want to rule Draka with you. And most importantly—" he paused.

Tania was so moved by his words that she tipped her head up to look in his eyes. "Most importantly?"

"—I want to see Rigel getting married to Lerna!" he said.

At first, she frowned slightly and then she burst into laughter. The last sentence was epic. "Why?" she asked when she settled a little.

"Because that bastard had been so promiscuous that it would be nice to see how badly he is wrapped around the little finger of his pretty little mate."

"Is that some kind of revenge?" she giggled.

"Of course! He had ridiculed me for a long time. It is my chance to ridicule him!"

Tania swatted his arm gently. "And I thought you were happy that he eventually found his mate."

"Who said I am not happy? I am very happy that he found his mate. Do you know that that bastard used to have at least two to three bed partners at one time? He was one wolf who was never satisfied with just one she-wolf. It would be interesting to see what he will do with one mate," Eltanin said as he neared Wind to the whirl of the Gavran Wilds.

"And you forget that Princess Lerna was supposed to be mated with twelve Alphas. I am sure that Felis knew of her capacity," Tania pointed out.

"Ah-ha!" Eltanin remarked as if he just realized it. "Then I am sure Rigel would be one happy dude."

They all neared the whirl. It started to swirl wildly.

"Sometimes, I really hate these stupid protections all over Sgiáthe Bio," sneered Lord Krail. "It's as if we faes can't protect ourselves!"

They all reached the swirl whose mouth opened wide like that of a serpent, ready to take them in. Lord Krail kicked his horse and it increased its speed. The swirl became noisy as if announcing them to those on the other side. As soon as he came near the swirl, he pulled the reins of his horse lightly and it jumped over into the swirl. "Hold me tight, Jiada!" Jiada caught his forearms as she watched themselves rushing through the swirl.

All others followed them, however the moment Eltanin neared it, it started to decrease in its size as if trying to trap them back in. "Fuck!" Eltanin grunted.

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