The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 425: Sight for sore eyes

Chapter 425: Sight for sore eyes

MZX Headquarters, 11:30 a.m.;

"Apologize!", Rong Xinghe roared, her voice scaring every employee, every viewer, out of their wits. Obviously, Mo Zixuan had a smirk plastered across his lips by now. The only regret he had at the moment was that he didn't have a tub of popcorn in his hands. 

"I-- I am sorry!", He Chen cried out in anguish, "It won't ha-happen again.", the woman swore.

Digging her nails deep into the flesh of He Chen's left shoulder, earning yet another squeal from her, the girl finally let go of the perp, "It better not. Also, I want a written apology mailed to President Xi. By this evening."

"O-okay.", He Chen mumbled through her constricted throat, wiping away the endlessly falling tears from her eyes. As the woman disappeared from the office arena, into her personal cabin, the girl finally smiled at her bro Mo. An innocent smile, it was. In return, Mo Zixuan simply squinted his eyes at the sly little devil, unable to conceal his laughter.

As the junior journalists, the content editors, the visual-media artists, and the remaining staff looked at the brother and sister's adorable bond, they could figuratively feel their hearts melting down. God! The connection they shared was just so endearing.

Mo Zixuan wouldn't have ever allowed such a nuisance in his office, but then again, Rong Xinghe was an exception. For all her brothers, literally. Each one treated her like the princess she was and went out of their ways to pamper her and dote on her. But that had never bothered anyone around, for they knew how much she deserved it all. 

"We still have to wrap this mess up, Kid.", Mo Zixuan cleared his throat, "What do you want to do?"

"I'll go live.", the girl announced, mischievously. 

"Xinghe... I can't-"

"I know you can't interview me, Brother.", Rong Xinghe waved her hands nonchalantly at the man, turning around to face all the other journalists, "I wouldn't want to trouble you too. Just give me someone unbiased. Someone with sharp edge-y questions. You see, I am in the mood to play."


12:45 p.m.;

"Where is Xinghe?", Mo Zixuan turned to Cheng Tai, "It's time."

"Well... she wants to look like you. So she's in the dressing room, all changed up into suit and stuff.", the woman sighed helplessly, "I am not even sure if we're at a wedding or a party, anymore. She has gotten all the skilled employees doing her makeover. 

"She's making people brew her coffee, get her snacks, tell her their crazy fantasies. Like what the actual hell?! I mean... it looks like a picnic out there. No one's working at all; just serving your little princess."

"Really?", the man laughed out, "They are fond of her, aren't they?"

"Too much, actually.", Cheng Tai smiled, "Does she come here often?"

"Not now. But yeah, she used too.", Mo Zixuan scratched the back of his neck, "Actually, everyone in all our offices knows Xinghe and Xiao. In Lu Corps. and in Zhi Corporations, and here. The two girls used to crash at our workplaces all the time, ever since they were kids."

"The staff, the employees, they got attached to both of them pretty soon too. I guess it's just their personalities that make people feel welcomed. Some of the staff were even used to bringing extra lunch for them, back then, you know?"

"What changed, Zixuan?", the woman asked, staring out of the floor-to-ceiling door, at the chirpy employees, "Why did they stop coming?"

After a few seconds of silence, the man inhaled sharply, following the woman's line of sight, "Life happened. After Lu Wei's wedding, Zhi Xi's wedding, they stopped coming over as much as they did before. They didn't want to meddle into their brothers' personal lives."

"Except... they are their brothers' personal lives, Darling.", Cheng Tai corrected, "They shouldn't be so formal with you six, don't you think?"

"Yeah... but you don't mind-"

"No, I don't.", the woman cut-in, "Besides, both your sisters are a sight for sore eyes."

As Mo Zixuan listened to his wife, he felt warmth spread through his heart. Grabbing a stool by her side, he gripped her chin, authoritatively crashing his lips against hers, "I was wrong to assume. Should've discussed it with you earlier."

"No, you weren't.", Cheng Tai stated, her gaze earnest, "I mean I did give you the impression of a non-supportive Sister-in-law when I insulted Xinghe in front of these very reporters. I am so sorry-.", she bit her lip guiltily.

"It's all in the past, Mrs. Mo.", the man shook his head, "I am glad the Superfamily and I, have you now. That's all that matters."


Xi Corporations Headquarters, 1:00 a.m.;

"Why did you order the PR department head to stay low for a while, regarding this matter, brother?", Xi Wei strode into the man's office, befuddled. 

"Your Sister-in-law is handing it. Don't spoil her fun.", the man said, her eyes fixed to his desktop screen, "Moreover, the PR team would've to target the MZX empire, that is, her bro Mo, directly. Do you really want me to lose face in front of her family?"

Raising her brows, Xi Wei crossed his arms, "No, of course not.", he shook his head violently, "But your reputation can't be allowed such a blow too."

"Oh?", the man's lips curled up, turning the monitor screen around so that his younger brother could read the contents over it clearly, "And how much of a rapport-revival this apology-clad e-mail from the COO of the company, can do?"

"Holy crap! Sister-in-law is so much better than our PR unit, bro.", Xi Wei jumped up the moment he went through the mail as if he'd just seen some miracle, "How effective!"

The man didn't say anything; just a nod of agreement. From the looks of it, she was really enjoying herself over there. That was a relief. Initially, when he'd been informed about this news-leak, he was worried about the girl, her image, her career. Allowing a civilian into such a risky operation could cost her everything she was so passionate about. Her position in the Military. And he'd put her through the possibility of losing it when he'd insisted on joining her mission last night. 

But, whilst he was worried about her, she had him prioritized. She knew how much his rep mattered too. Her first decision was to defend him instead of protecting herself. The way Xinguan looked out for each other before themselves was just purely beautiful, one could say.

Anyhow, Xi Yuan trusted his woman with everything else left now. The fact that things were happening so swiftly, was a reassurance that Rong Xinghe was fine. And as long as that was certain, the man couldn't care less about the other insignificant stuff.

A moment later, Xi Wei's phone beeped. 

"Uh... brother?", the man picked up the TV remote, "She is going live."

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