The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 300: The truth about her parents

Chapter 300: The truth about her parents

Lu Wei was just talking to Rong Xinghe and Xi Yuan when Su Rogguang approached him from behind and patted his shoulder lightly ,"Ningtao has just got back her consciousness. Do you want to see her ?"

"Yeah.", the man replied back instantly , before he realized something ,"But how bad are her wounds ?"

"I can't really describe them , Wei. She isn't even in the position to sit up straight. I know it will be difficult for you , but just try to act normal in front of her. Alright ? With her physical injuries , we can't afford to let her mental strength get affected."

"I.. I get it.", Lu Wei nodded his head in agreement as he brought his phone to his ears ,"Kiddo , can I call you later ?"

"Go get your woman , young man !", Rong Xinghe laughed.

"Shut up , young lady.", Lu Wei rolled his eyes , as he passed his phone to Su Rogguang before he walked into Ningtao's room.

"How is my Kiddo doing ?", Su Rogguang asked as he looked at the man disappearing behind the closed hospital ward door with a sigh.

"I am fine , bro. Is Sister-in-law really so weak ?", the girl asked , concern evident in her soft tone.

Xi Yuan realized that the girl's hands were turning cold , so he held onto them tightly with his one hand while he took the phone from her in his another hand.

"She is going to be fine eventually. But right now , it is too difficult to even look at her. That woman Qui Chin showed no mercy , when she was attacking Ningtao. No doubt Lu Wei is so adamant to make her entire life hell. Ningtao was stabbed thrice in her lower abdomen and was attacked by what I believe , is an Iron rod , upon her right leg. Throughout the attack , her spinal cord was injured as well. As a result , she might not be able to even move for few days , let alone walk or act. Her other injuries are not that severe , but they will be troubling her for the next two months for sure.", Su Roggunag answered the girl's question , taking note of his choice of words. He knew how sensitive of an issue their family was for his sister , after all.

"Are you alright ?", Xi Yuan asked the girl as he noticed the girl closing her eyes and digging her nails into the skin of his palm , her usual habit of hiding her pain. 

Rong Xinghe simply nodded and buried her head inside the man's chest next second , as few warm drops soaked the man's shirt. 

"I will call you later , Bro Rogguang.", Xi Yuan brought the phone to his ears and disconnected the call after he was done speaking. His Xinghe was his only priority right now. After all , he couldn't just let his girl cry like that. 

Su Rogguang obviously understood Xi Yuan's intentions and didn't took the man's words to heart. Instead , he felt bad for his little sister. Poor child , he thought.


Meanwhile , the Xi family and the rest of the Superfamily didn't wanted to intrude the couple's private space , so they decided to wait outside the ward.

So Lu Wei walked into his wife's room with soft steps , trying his best to not disturb the woman if she had fallen asleep. Nevertheless , the woman heard him , and sensed his presence as she turned her head to glance at the door. As she saw Lu Wei walk towards her , the woman began to cry , unable to see an end to her pain. She wasn't sure if the pain was due to her injuries or due to the realization that her husband was in pain because of her. But she was more inclined towards the latter part , though.

As Lu Wei saw the woman he loved the most in this world breakdown like that in front of him , he rushed towards her worriedly and wiped her tears away.

"Stop it. Stop it. Please.", the man begged ,"Don't do this to me. Your tears hurt me more than anything ever can. Please , Tao ? You are strong. You are Xinghe's strong Sister-in-law , right ? Don't cry. I will take care of you from now onwards. You will be fine in no time , I promise. Just don't cry."

Ningtao let out a pained laugh as she listened to the man coaxing her like she was a small child and shook her head helplessly. The woman then tried to form sentences amid her sobs ,"Ok.. okay. I..I won't cry. S..sit down."

Lu Wei took a deep breath before he sat down on the stool beside the bed , following his woman's orders. He then took Ningtao's right hand into his and brought it to his lips , placing a soft kiss against the back of it. 

"You scared me this time , Tao.", Lu Wei said in a heavy voice , after few seconds of silence finally passed between the couple. 

"I...I scared my..myself too , Wei.", chuckled Ningtao ," is Xi..xinghe ? Don't tell me sh..she saw me this. She ca..can't..."

"Your Sister-in-law is working on this case. She wants to get to the bottom of this. Your attacker has already been found. That Qui Chin will definitely face a tragic end. You have my word. But Xinghe thinks there is more to it. So she hasn't seen you yet. She will be coming here soon , though. You don't have to worry about all of that , okay ? You just rest.", Lu Wei answered the woman's questions calmly.

But the moment Ningtao listened to Lu Wei's words , her eyes widened and she started trying to sit up straight as she shook her head violently ," no , she ca..can't ! Xinghe can't on this case. I ha..have to stop her !"

As he looked at his woman's situation getting more unstable , Lu Wei furrowed his brows and pinned Ningtao against the bed , pushing her by her shoulders carefully ,"Tao ! Calm down. What is it ? Just say it to me. How does this concern Xinghe in any way ? Isn't it someone from the entertainment industry ?"

Ningtao was silenced by Lu Wei's sudden closeness , as the man was almost above her. She could literally feel his breath against her lips , which was giving her a strange form of relaxation and peace. It was as if his eyes were trying to say that everything was going to be fine. Hence , the woman  finally calmed down after roughly two minutes before she answered the man's question , making his mind go numb for seconds , as if he had been hit by something very hard.

"Th..there is someone else , oth..other than the two of us , wh..who knows about Xin..Xinghe's parents. This en...entire attack wa..was planned by him. If sh..she gets to kno..know the truth about her par..parents , Wei , she will break do..down completely. And this pe..person wants her to know it all ! Just stop her. Don't let her in..investigate further."

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