The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 296: "Don't ever talk ill of my girlfriend !"

Chapter 296: "Don't ever talk ill of my girlfriend !"

After she was done with her interrogation , Rong Xinghe walked out of the interrogation room and approached Feng Mian ,"I want to see her phone records , including the ones she recieved on her landline in the hotel room she was staying in. Every single call. The mastermind is damn sharp ! So tell me everything you find suspicious , even if that seems trivial or insignificant to you. This case will be a tough one to crack. Yeah ?"

"Okay. I get it.", nodded Feng Mian.

"Also , freeze her every bank account. I don't want to see a single transaction on her part. Okay ? She has recieved an amount of one million dollar from a foreign account few days ago. Trace that account. Am I clear , Mian ?", the girl asked as she stretched her arms , tired by the long interrogation session. 

"Yeah. That will be done too. Do you need anything else , Xinghe ?", Feng Mian asked , seriously.

"Yeah. A boyfriend."

"Huh ?", Feng Mian lifted her head up and looked at Rong Xinghe , slightly taken aback.

Rong Xinghe let out a gentle laugh before she pinched the space between her brows ,"I mean where is Yuan ?"

"You scared me there , Xinghe !", Feng Mian punched the girl's right arm lightly ,"He is in your office. Go check on him while I handle the work here."

"Fine. Ping me if you get any update on Sister-in-law's situation. Yeah ?"



Rong Xinghe walked into her office to look at Xi Yuan dozing off on the couch in the corner of the room. The girl's lips curled up to form a tired yet helpless smile and she tilted her head slightly before she walked towards him , making sure he wouldn't wake up by the sound of her footsteps. This man... So hopeless !

"Thank you Sweetie. I really needed you today.", the girl smiled as she placed a soft kiss against the man's perfectly carved lips. 

The woman was about to get up when a hand suddenly intertwined with hers and a raspy hoarse voice resounded across the room ,"Why would you thank me for that , Honey ? Isn't it only natural for me to be by my woman's side when she and her family needs me the most? You do that for my brothers and Ying all the time. But that is how we are supposed to be. Our relationship is far above all these formalities."

The man placed his other hand around the girl's waist and pulled her into his embrace. The girl looked into the man's sleep deprived eyes and messy hair and that made her heart ache for him even more.

"You don't have to do all of this , Yuan. I mean I am such a horrible girlfriend. Don't you feel that I don't love you as much as you do ? I don't deserve this , Yuan. I really don't. In this relationship , it is always you putting in all the efforts , emotionally , patiently. Yuan , I...", next second , the girl was silenced by a pair of perfect lips crashing against hers , making her mind freeze for few seconds. 

The man had never been this fierce or passionate with her before. But this time , it was like he was venting his exhaustion upon her. As if he was upset over something. The girl was , naturally , clueless about the things running in the man's brain. So all she could do was to allow the man to do whatever he wanted to do. The man finally stopped kissing the woman after , roughly two intense minutes and looked straight into her eyes , silently.


"Don't ever talk ill of my girlfriend !", the man said , his expression earnest ,"I love doing all of this. I love every second I spend with you. Most importantly , I have the best girlfriend in the world. She is a woman of courage , intellect and grace. She is a woman every man dreams of. Yet , none can have her."

Subconsiously , a blush crept across Rong Xinghe's cheeks and she quicly looked away from the man. She just didn't knew what to say. Why did he had to be so good with words , she thought. Those compliments were totally unforeseen. Similarly , she hadn't expected that he couldn't hear a word against her. Even if it came from her. Crazy man , concluded the girl.

"Only I have been so lucky to have her.", smiled Xi Yuan as he looked at the adorable woman in his arms ,"And it isn't like you don't love me at all. Xinghe , I know who arranges for my meals amid all those meetings. I know who calls Fang and Wei continuously when I am busy , in order to check on me. I know who cares for my family more than me. Despite how busy you are , you do all of that as well. Never keep count of who loves whom more. That might put our relationship at risk. And none of us want that."

Rong Xinghe nodded after thinking for sometime and cupped the man's face with both her hands ,"I promise. I will stop overthinking about this. But you should know that it hurts me when I see you like this. Your pain hurts me more than any wound ever can. Just get some sleep , okay ?"

"Sleep with me.", mumbled the man , pulling the girl over him. 

"Huh ?", Rong Xinghe looked at the man , shocked.

"Please ? Your presence helps me sleep more comfortably.", the man requested , his voice soft yet deep.

"Okay.", the girl sighed and rested her head against the man's shoulders , burying her face into his neck , allowing him to feel her breath. As the girl lied upon him , a smile appeared across Xi Yuan's lips. It wasn't that he wanted to have a comfortable sleep. He just wished for his girl to get a small nap after the tiring day she had. Such a wife-doting demon !


15 minutes later ,

Feng Mian walked into Rong Xinghe's office to witness an extremely brutal display of affection. Rong Xinghe and Xi Yuan sleeping on one couch wasn't something she had ever expected to see. But damn they looked perfect together !

"Bring me a blanket. Quick !", Feng Mian ordered one of her subordinates.

The woman then covered the couple with a navy Blue blanket and let out a deep sigh. 

"Only if time could stop here. Only if they could stay like that forever.", smiled Feng Mian before she pulled out her walkie-talkie ,"Do not disturb the Military Chief for anything right now. While she gets some rest , the progress of the investigation should be reported to me and Assistant Shou Wu directly. Are we clear , Team Alpha ? Over."

"Understood , Officer Mian. Over and out."

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