The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 294: Prancing into the game of revenge

Chapter 294: Prancing into the game of revenge

City M Military Base , 1:00 p.m. :

"Ah ! I have no idea about all those drugs !", a yell resounded throughout the interrogation room the moment a handful of salt was sprinkled over the wounds covering her right hand , which were obviously , one of the presents from Rong Xinghe.

The girl simply raised her brows at the 'delicate' actress sitting opposite her and leaned back in her chair , while an amused smile crept across her lips. On the other hand , Xi Yuan was sitting in the observation room next to the interrogation room , sipping his coffee patiently. Rong Xinghe had been interrogating Qui Chin for three consecutive hours now. The girl hadn't even had a bite of her afternoon meal ! Although the man was pissed at the girl for taking her health for granted , he couln't deny that he was also enjoying his woman's bold and fierce personality more than anything. 

He knew that as the highest Military authority of the nation , Rong Xinghe was bound to be brutal with her enemies. But this was the first time that he had witnessed her interrogating someone. This was the first time he was looking at the woman he loved , do the work she loved to do the most. Fighting for justice. And damn ! He was completely allured by her. Yet again. The girl's bossy and ferocious aura was more appealing to him when compared to her cheeky and adorable self. But that was how she prefered to act around him and her brothers. She loved to be coaxed and spoiled by them. Only when it came to her work would she bother to put on her mature , decisive and intimidating personality. Sigh ! He wished he could see more of this personality more frequently...

Meanwhile inside the interogation room , Rong Xinghe was glaring at Qui Chen sitting opposite her.

"You stabbed Mrs. Ningtao , didn't you ?", asked Rong Xinghe after sometime ,"Don't irritate me , Ms. Qui. I don't deal with people as insignificant as you on daily basis. So you might suffer more than what you deserve for the crime you have peformed. Who knows if you will ever walk out of here alive ? Tell me what were you doing in her room. Quick !"

"I don't know anything , Military Chief ! And where the hell is the evidence of what you are saying ?! You can't torture people just because of your pointless assumptions !", the woman yelled at Rong Xinghe , her eyes had turned bloodshot with the intent to tear down the woman in front of her into thousands of pieces.

"CCTV cameras in the hotel. They clearly show you walking into my Mrs. Lu's VIP Suite before she entered into it. It also shows you exiting hurriedly out of the room , as if you are running away from something. Your face was surely drained off every damned colour , fright and anxiety evident across it. Now shut the evidence crap up and answer my questions.", the girl said as she looked straight into Qui Chen's eyes , sending chills down her spine. 

"You can't... Aah !", at this time , a tight slap landed across the woman's face and she lifted her head up to look at Feng Mian with disbelief ,"How dare you ?!"

"No one is allowed to raise their voice at the highest Military authority of the nation. Who the f*ck do you think you are ?! B*tch !", saying this , Feng Mian slapped Qui Chen once again and turned around to face Rong Xinghe ,"Should I , Military Chief ?"

Rong Xinghe waved her hand at the woman before she smiled at her ,"I will handle it , Mian. Is Yuan comfortable over here ? He can rest in my office if he wants to , you know ?"

"Not really.", Feng Mian smiled ,"All he has asked for , ever since he walked in here , is a cup of Frappe and your laptop. Its like this is his place. He is too calm , unexpectedly. I mean a civilian never adjusts to the Military environment so easily like him."

"Firstly , when is he not calm ? And secondly , he is hopeless. Enjoying the show and all.", the girl rolled her eyes with a gentle laugh ,"Anyway , just tell him to get some rest in my private lounge while I get over with this. Okay ?"

Feng Mian soon left the room with a nod , leaving Rong Xinghe with some documents. The girl opened the sealed envelope before she started reading through them patiently.

"Qui Chen. 26 years old. Born in Chicago. Parents divorced when six. Killed own mother when she attempted to stop you from smoking. Lost virginity at the age of 15. Mistress to President Quing , a 66 year old businessman. Never recieved a single role without sleeping with the produce or director of the show. Given birth to a baby boy at the age of 21 , but never claimed it and ran away from the hospital after the delivery. Short-tempered. A Morphine addict. ....And the list doesn't seem to end here , Ms. Qui .", the girl chuckled coldly ,"With the Media Magnet Mo Zixuan being my brother , how much time do you think would it take for me to leak this information to the media ?"

"Y...You ! This is invasion of privacy...", Qui Chen started stammering as sweat covered her forehead. She , of course , knew better than anyone that this information could destroy her career to the point of no revival. 

"Speak !", this time , Rong Xinghe raised her voice , completely agitated by the woman's tantrums. She was supposed to be with her darling and her family by now. But this actress was clearly blocking her way to that. 

"If I tell you , will you not leak all of this to the media ?", the woman said after thinking for few seconds.

"I won't.", Rong Xinghe shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly ,"As I said before , you are too insignificant to me."

Most importantly , Qui Chen's destruction was her brother's right. Lu Wei had already instructed her to bring his wife's attacker into light. And now that Rong Xinghe had gotten the name , the world was going to witness the rage of the eldest member of the Superfamily. No matter how calm and composed Lu Wei seemed , his bottom line was better untouched. Just like Xi Yuan. And unfortunately , Qui Chen had crossed that very bottom line this time. 

Even if Rong Xinghe was to let go off her , Qui Chen's destruction was inevitable. And it was going to be an awful one for sure. Because this time , it would be the Six tigers prancing into the game of revenge themselves !

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