Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 66 - Sixty-six : Good Morning My Angel

Chapter 66 - Sixty-six : Good Morning My Angel

Nik's POV

I dreaded going home.

Home? I chuckled , but mirthlessly , since when did I began to think of that place as a home. Sure I have properties scattered across several countries which normally houses me whenever I go on a business trip but I've never thought of anyone as a real home filled with warmth , joy , and a certain person called Maya until now.

Though I asked Judy to keep an eye on her but I didn't ask about her location, I wanted to confirm it with my own eyes , check whether she has departed as she normally does.

The ride way was torturous and filled with anticipation - I was feeling uncomfortable, I just wanted to see her. Once we reached home, I didn't even wait for my chauffeur to land a proper halt and literally flew out of the car.

At first it was just a brisk walk , then a leap, and the next I knew, I was sprinting into the house at full speed.

Heart hammering against my chest, I rushed into the living room almost knocking Amanda down in the process.

" Where is she?! " I asked Amanda without looking back, my feet already leading me to Maya's room.

I opened the room but I couldn't find her and the room was arranged neatly aside from the packed duffel bag resting on top of her bed.

I was somehow bothered , relieved and angry ; I was bothered that she was leaving but relieved that her things were still here, and angry she contemplated leaving again upon everything I did today to make things clear.

But that didn't matter at the moment , we would talk about that one later, the pressing issue at hand was finding her wherever she was.

As soon as I walked out of her room, I met Amanda and she said to me " I think she's in the garden "

Oh , the garden.

"Sir Nik , it's there something - " Amanda was asking but I was already walking through the backdoor leading to the garden.

The moment I stepped into the garden, my eyes instantly captured the lean figure of Maya silhouetted there in the gazebo, unmoving. She seem to be lost in thought and didn't notice my presence until I mistakenly stepped on a twig.

Having sensed me, she slowly turned and the air was knocked out of my breath. Why did she look so beautiful tonight ? I stared at her with a dreamlike fascination without even realizing that my feet were already leading me to her.

I only roused from my fantasy when I was standing right in front of her. Oh my God, what was I going to say to her? For the first time ever, I experienced clammy hands but I didn't show it. What would she think?.

Just as I was battling what to say to her, she did me the favour "I heard the news " She said and my heart sank.

Why did she begin with the news first ? She could've started with something light like 'You're back ' or ' Hi ' or..... infact I don't know anymore ! But wait a minute, is she about to break things up with me? Is this a goodbye?

So I replied with my usual tone "So? " and for a moment I saw something akin to confusion flash across her face. I frowned , Why was she confused, wasn't I the one supposed to be confused?.

"And I saw the other news " She said again but this time a flicker of hope rose in my heart, could it be she wasn't going to break up with me?

"And? " I asked inquisitively with brows raised. I wanted to confirm if what I was thinking was right. Was she really staying?

But this time she didn't continue instead burst into tears saying " I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore "

She turned to leave but I grabbed her arm and jerked her against my body, my arms wrapping around her waist and realizing slowly she wasn't breaking up with me.

A wretched cry tore from her throat as she broke down while I hugged her helplessly. I didn't even know to comfort her, I wasn't used to this. Maya clung to me as deep sobs ravaged her body and she cried for a really long time.

Suddenly, I remembered something from my childhood, how my mom would comfort me whenever I started my usual tantrum that would end up in tears.

So I started rubbing her back in a circular motion while the other smoothed her hair. I continued this gesture until her dark mood retreated.

She composed herself and tried to pull away but I didn't let her "Don't move. Let's just stay like this for a while " I murmured into her ear and buried my face in her neck, inhaling deeply - she still smelt like sweet white strawberries and mood-boosting mint , my favorites .

Her scent was so comforting to the extent I decided to just close my eyes and savour the feeling for a minute or so I thought cause I couldn't tell what happened next .

I kept drifting in and out of consciousness.

A feeling of warmth surrounded my body and I tried to move but I couldn't, my muscles were aching. I moaned and tried to move again but instead felt severe pain in some parts of my body.

Suddenly I felt someone tear my lips open and tried to put something in my mouth but I clamped my teeth tightly.

Though I might be too weak and unable to defend myself right now from this attack but the training I went through made my body react that way.

The foreign attack came again but I didn't give it access until it finally gave up. My body relaxed and I was internally grateful I had defeated this villain but that victory was short-lived cause I felt a sudden softness on my lips.

This softness moved against mine and successfully pried my mouth opened , defeated my teeth and forced something down my throat.

I would've fought against this intrusion but surprisingly , I didn't feel threatened instead craved it - which was the last thing I felt actually.

I woke to bright sunlight streaming through the opened window and a foreign object resting under my tongue. My hands reached out and took it out of my mouth only to discover it was an oral glass thermometer .

What the f*ck

I sat up at once as a slightly wet towel fell off my forehead while my eyes focused on the figure sitting on a chair beside the bed with her head against the wall, asleep.

I looked around my environment, this wasn't my room but Maya's. Suddenly my brain fed me with bits and bits of information from last night - I must have developed a fever .

Though my eyes were sore and my muscles aching , I still stood up from the bed and carried Maya off the chair and placed her on the bed instead - She'll definitely feel sore for lying like that all through the night.

I headed to my room and for some reasons felt exceptionally good - She had taken care of me all night? She was not leaving ? my heart was full of?joy?and happiness.

I freshened up and headed down to the kitchen to make my usual coffee when my ears picked up a loud music playing in the background and smiled, Amanda must have began her morning dance. She has this culture of starting her day with a dancing session.

Soon enough I was moving my body to the beat of the song while my coffee beans went through its gradual process.

Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)

Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)

Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)

'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you

'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you

'Cause uptown funk gon' give it to you Saturday night and we in the spot

Don't believe me just watch (come on)

Don't believe me just watch uh

Don't believe me just watch

Don't believe me just watch

Don't believe me just watch

Since there was no one watching , I did a moonwalk in the middle of the kitchen and concluded it with a spin turn, only to come face-to-face with Isabelle who was staring at me as If she'd seen a ghost.

In the heat of the moment , I bent down and clasped her cheeks before dropping a sweet peck on her forehead saying " Good morning my angel "

Then spin back to wherever I came from while my daughter stood rooted to the ground wide-eyed.

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