Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 312 - Three Hundred And Twelve: His Royal Bride

Chapter 312 - Three Hundred And Twelve: His Royal Bride

The third point of view:

"I will not allow that woman to be your wife, she's not fit to be a royal!" spat Roselle, the queen dowager, and mother of Judy.

"She will if we teach her our ways, she's new at this and needs time and practice," Judy reasoned with her.

"Even if I turn a black eye to that party incident, for Christ's sake Kai! She's a divorcee!" She cried out, feeling the urge to grab her son and bang his head on the wall if it would bring back his senses. She wondered what witchcraft that woman used on her son.

Judy scoffed, "Yes, she's a divorcee, and then what?" he threw his hands up in the air, "She wouldn't have been a divorcee if I hadn't left her in the first place. She sacrificed herself for our baby Akim so he could live. That Akim you're fawning over right now - that marriage was the sacrifice she made to protect him!"

The queen swallowed yet didn't admit defeat. She held her shoulder square saying," I admire her courage and would compensate her heavily for her struggle but I'm sorry son, I have to keep to royal standards - Fiona would make a good wife for you. For sure, Akim would be the crowned prince but we need other princes and princes to keep the power," said the queen.

"I'll rather remain celibate my entire life than marry Fiona or any other woman for that matter," He swore.

"Kai!" The queen banged her hand on the armrest of her throne, she shot up to her feet angrily, "Just because you're the crowned prince doesn't mean?you can defy my orders,"

"Think whatever you want, mother," He added, "And by the way, Emily doesn't need your 'heavy compensation'..." he spelled that one out with heavy sarcasm, "She has enough money to last her a century. Moreover, Spencer?Clan is not to be trifled with either," He reminded her Adam almost had him killed. With a scowl on his face, Judy turned his back to the honorable queen and left.

Since he argued with Emily that day, they haven't exactly talked much, and yesterday, when he tried to make an effort on reconciling, it resulted in another argument; they returned to square one all over again. He seriously couldn't understand her, Emily was not making any sense anymore and her mood sucked.

Planning to let her cool off for a while, Judy intended on ignoring her today when he received news that Emily was not feeling well. No matter how angry he was with her, he couldn't ignore the love of his life when it involved matters of her health.

He came into the room where Emily lay on the bed languidly with a physician and his female assistant beside her. The maid in charge of Emily's needs had been the first to notice him and bowed her head, alerting the others in the process who followed the same protocol.

"Your highness," They bowed their head.

"Why are you here?" Emily groaned, peering at him through half-lidded eyes, "Won't you go over to your royal bride,"

Judy ignored her - he was in no mood to quibble with her- he faced the doctor instead, "What is wrong with her?"

The doctor answered, "She has been complaining of a headache, sore back, and fatigue,"

"So? What then is wrong with her?"

"Many diseases could be responsible for that but I have come to a sudden observation which would be confirmed after the test,"

"What test?" he was anxious to know.

"You'll know soon your highness," the doctor said politely.

Judy was so curious he wanted to use his power and draw the truth from the doctor's mouth but when he saw the gesture the man made to his assistant, he understood this was a sensitive feminine matter. He just prayed it wasn't anything life-threatening.

"What now?" Emily groaned irritably as they tried to cajole her up to her feet

"Your ladyship, just a minute please," the woman persuaded.

"No, I'm tired," Emily whined, and truly, she was dead exhausted. She hadn't done anything strenuous but it was as if she had run a marathon from the border of Lincolnshire back and front all day; her muscles ached. She was still throwing a tantrum when Judy walked over to her and picked her up in his strong arms.

"Your highness," the maid wanted to protest but he silenced her with a glare and set for the toilet. Once in there, he sat her down on the sparkling clean toilet seat.

"Once you're done, just notify me so I can carry her back," He told the assistant who nodded yet saw the maid's mouth twitched - his mother must have reached out to her.

Judy ignored her, as far as she had no bad intention towards Emily, she could spy as much as she wanted. However, what was claimed would take a minute tarried to five minutes later and Judy knew how much he had to restrain himself from barging in.

They were keeping him on tenterhook and he didn't like being kept in the dark. Not long after, the assistant peered out and gestured to him to come and get her. When Judy entered, his face furrowed into a tight frown at how dazed and pale Emily looked.

Had they found out the problem? Was it a deadly disease? Was that why she looked like she'd see a ghost? Several negative thoughts ran through his head and his heart ached at the prospect of any of those thoughts coming to reality.

He was tempted to choke that woman and demand the truth instead of keeping him in this maddening suspense. But he somehow controlled himself until he laid her back on the bed.

"Emily," He called softly and brushed the tendril blocking her face but the girl in question turned her back to him with an intense glare, deepening his frown. Why was this new anger directed at him? Had he done something wrong?

Judy sighed and stood to his feet, turning in time to catch the assistant whispering something into the physician's ears, the man's eye widened in response. Judy felt uneasy, his breath hung in his throat as he struggled with the negative thoughts.

"Tell me, what is wrong with Emily? Tell me now because I'm done with your secretiveness! " He boomed with all manner of seriousness, his authoritative aura seeped out and saturated the room, overwhelming everyone - except Emily-as they shivered.

"A-hem," the doctor cleared his throat, fearful for his life, "Your highness, the truth is that you're about to become a father,"


Judy had held his breath earlier during the suspense but now he didn't know if he was still breathing because it feels as If his heart has leaped out of his chest.

"W-what," He choked.

The doctor was frightened at his pale expression, hence lowered his head as he recited, thinking he has said something wrong, "Your highness, lady Emily is p-pregnant,"

Judy took two steps back, the news felt like a bomb to his ears. He placed both hands on his waist, disbelief awash on his face. He suddenly felt so tired that he sat on the edge of the bed. All this while, he had been anticipating bad news from the doctor, who knew it was very good news, or was it?

His joy vanished when he discovered Emily was not happy. She should be the happiest since she had earlier thought she was unable to conceive any more thanks to complications from the past.

"Emily," He rubbed her shoulder tenderly, "Tell me, what is wrong?" he asked, waiting patiently for her response.

But to his greatest surprise, Emily sat up and burst into tears while Judy stared, his mouth hung open from bewilderment, did he say anything wrong?"

"Your highness," the doctor offered an explanation sensing the prince was lost with this recent development, "I believe this is the pregnancy hormone kicking in - pregnancy brings unstable mood,"

Was that it? Judy was suddenly afraid. What if he and Emily have an argument and her fluctuating mood makes her stab something into him? Not that it was going to happen but one has to think of many possibilities in this scenario.

"You've done it and now you're going to leave me to raise this one all alone again," was Emily's unbelievable reason for crying. He wanted to argue that it takes two to tango but decided against it else she hit him with something.

"Of course not!" Judy couldn't believe his ear, "I would never leave you - not this time. Previously, I was helpless to lend a helping hand, but this time I would take responsibility for everything," He swore to her with firm determination.

But that didn't coax Emily enough to stop crying, "Even at that, in the end, you'd still marry that woman who would maltreat my children while you'd discard me after getting fat and ugly as a result of pregnancy,"

Judy facepalmed mentally, he took a deep breath afterward. He couldn't understand women at all, why were they so obsessed about being fat and all - why couldn't she see he loved her however she looked.

"I would never marry any other woman aside from you, Emily, and can't you see, the queen would be unable to refuse you being my queen now you carry another royal blood,"

Because she would not let another of her heirs be born a bastard, the queen would be in a hurry to marry them off this time.

Emily's sobs gargled to a stop, she cleared her eyes, "She hates me," she said and leaned against his chest.

Judy smiled, threading his hand through her?hair, "Oh don't worry, the Emily I know would win her heart over with her charms in on time,"

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