Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 310 - Three Hindred And Ten: Lead Her Into Trouble

Chapter 310 - Three Hindred And Ten: Lead Her Into Trouble

Reina's point of view:

"You were quite harsh on Isabella," I told Niklaus who shot me a disgruntled look. He knew I was right yet his pride wouldn't let him admit it nor go down without an argument.

"She should know her responsibility now," He claimed, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Niklaus," I laid a hand on his shoulder softly and he grimaced as if my touch was breaking down his defenses, "All those years it has been just the two of you together, this is all new to her and she's trying to adjust to the swift changes. It's my fault for keeping your kids from you but to Isabella, Ailee and Allen came out of nowhere - she knows them from less than two months ago, "

Niklaus sighed and then he turned to me," So now what do you want me to do? Apologize to her cause I'm sure as hell ain't giving her one - those are her siblings and she's supposed to take care of them, "

"I'm not saying you should apologize to her but make it up to her. Pet her, Niklaus,"

"Pet her?" Niklaus gave me an odd look, "Are you for real? Do you even know who you're talking about?" he wanted to confirm.

I rolled my eyes, why did they so much exaggerate about Isabella? She's a sweet kid notwithstanding her nefarious past - well, she was scary, a little especially when she puts you in unexpected trouble.

"Niklaus, little girls need love from their father even if they don't show it. Just open up to her," I pleaded.

"Thank God you said 'Little' girls and not 'all'?girls," He picked on that, "At the age of four, Isabella detested the sight of teddies and anything pink, she would rather have a water gun and train toys. I have no idea what Isabella loves and I'm not going to increase my stress level because of someone who might not even appreciate the gestures, "

"I'll help you figure it out, " I added, "Hopefully after she returns,"

Niklaus looked at the ruined house with a sour expression. The house was salvageable since it was only the kid's rooms and kitchen area that experienced the burn.

"You guys have to figure a place to stay during the fire damage restoration process," A firefighter geared from his head to his feet said to Niklaus.

"I have a property…"

"I have a property…"

Niklaus and I said at the same time causing our eyes to meet and a faint smirk on my lips.

"Let's stay at my place," I went ahead to suggest.

"No, I'm the man of the house, I should provide shelter for the family," He argued.

I snorted, "Oh please, spare me that masculinity bullshit, my property's been collecting dust for a while now. It needs an occupant,"

"Sell it off or rent it out - that's what I do to the properties I can't even remember I have. But this one? No, My children need to know their father is capable enough,"

"Allen and Ailee already know you're the best dad out there and it's just for a few days before this one gets repaired, just let me win for once,"

The firefighter watched the quibbling couples and shook his head, It wasn't good for both couples to have lots of money. He left - none of them even noticed the man who raised the issue was gone.

"Niklaus, why are you so stubborn?! " I stomped my feet in irritation, "Just give in to me for once,"

"I'm the one to carry the burden," He pressed but then that gave me an idea.

"Fine, let's put on a vote then. The kids would be allowed to make their choice," I suggested with a sly smile.

It was late to realize that I shouldn't have suggested that at all because those little betrayers choose their father's place over mine; it was a 2:1 win. The adorable Neon was the only one who had voted in my favor and I bet it would have been a tie if Isabella had been around - everyone knew she would choose me without hesitation.

"I'm sorry mom but I've been to your place without numbers, it's time to explore new places," Was Ailee's proud excuse.

"Sorry mom, but I'm supporting my sex here," Allen didn't even bother to go into many details.

"Aunty, I would come with you," said Neon, the current love of my heart. Allen and Ailee would get it from me later - mwahaha - they better stick to their father's side 24/7.

And so it was decided, I lost. Niklaus stayed behind to wrap things up while I took the kids to our new place which was a penthouse.

The kids were excited, most especially Neon, he was so easy to please, unlike a grumpy someone called Allen. If not for the fact I was done with childbearing, I would pray to God on my knees to never receive a male child?[AN: With Nik's stamina, I can only say "Good luck with that].

After calming them down - the excitement was excessive - I put them under Amanda's care and went in search of Isabella while hoping inwardly, they didn't burn down the current house.

I began to track Isabella with my cellphone and yeah, I bugged her. Last month I had gifted the girl a bracelet because I was scared Adam might try to take her - when he was still alive - and it sure came in handy now.

I understood Isabella was hurt and unlike the stone-hearted Niklaus, I wasn't going to wait around for the girl to return home; I would find Isabella and bring her back by myself.

And so my journey began, the tracker leading me uptown while I had a bad feeling about this. The district didn't look familiar at all that I had to stop once in a while to ask for directions in case my GPS was faulty nor could I recognize any of her friends from here - who was I kidding? Isabella had no friend from here.

The evening drew in faster than I thought by the time I got to my destination and stopped in front of a mansion. My mouth almost dropped to the ground, whoever owned here was also well off, and what the hell was Isabella doing here?

I couldn't remember Niklaus having any contact with the owner of this place but I had to find out. Stepping out of my car, I walked over to the large gate with a?security man standing guard and smiled warmly at him.

"Hi, I'm Reina Armani and I'm looking for my daughter. She's tall, devilishly beautiful with dark hair and eyes, and has this smile that could only spell trouble. According to my report, she was last seen around here," I described to him.

"No, I haven't seen anyone that fit such a description," He shook his head.

"Are you sure?" I gave him a dubious look since my tracker told me my daughter was very much here, "Here's her photo," I went through my gallery and showed him the photo of Isabella.

He scrutinized it and just when I was expecting good news, he replied with a solid, "No, ma'am"

"Alright, thank you for your time," I gave out a smile that didn't touch my eyes and traced my steps back to my car.

Giving him a friendly wave, I drove off or so he thought because all I did was hide my car out of plain sight. Since the tracker was still pointing to Isabella being there, it could only mean that the girl was in trouble or she was causing trouble - the latter seems more likely. Nonetheless, I was getting her ass out of there.

I didn't rush out immediately but waited till darkness fell in completely while observing Isabella's movements. She was still in that house yet moved around - a lot. What was that she-devil up to?

I couldn't wait around any longer before Isabella got herself killed. So I found myself back there but didn't go through the entrance, instead, I was evaluating their fence.

As a criminal - scratch that - as the daughter of a criminal, some unlocked potential in me involves intruding into private property unnoticed.

Since it wasn't an electric fence but a barbed one, it made all the work easier and I just had to assess for weak spots while taking a casual stroll and avoiding the cameras, because trust me, there is always one.

In no time, I found a cut barbed wire with a dug-out area which I slipped into swiftly and moved with the covers of the garden - where the tracker pointed. Isabella knew the best hiding spot.

Unfortunately, when I got to the destination, I found out the spot was empty even though the tracker was pointing there. Had it suddenly developed some fault? I wondered.

But the tracker wasn't wrong because, at that moment, all the hairs on my hair stood on end, having a premonition that someone was behind and about to attack.

I ducked just in time as something flew past my head and turned to see Isabella who blanched from shock at seeing me here. Though it was dark the garden was decorated with little strings of light that lit our path.

"Reina?" Isabella was shocked, dropping the heavy log of wood she failed in hitting me with. Seriously?

"Isabella, what the hell are you doing here? Have you gone crazy?" I panicked.

"Shh, lower your voice before they find us," she made me squat down with her in hiding.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

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