Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 299 - Two Hundred And Ninety-nine: Love Advisor

Chapter 299 - Two Hundred And Ninety-nine: Love Advisor

The third point of view

"Guys, can you two bring it down a little," Anabelle groaned, face-palming. She had left for like five minutes and returned only to see her cousin Isabelle and Pedro eating each other's faces.

Anabelle felt a tight feeling in her chest but it didn't hurt like before. She has given up on the fact that she and Pedro would ever work out again.

Moreover, he looked so happy with Isabella - his happiness was all that matters - plus the fact those two couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Anabelle sighed, uncle Niklaus might become a grandpa soon enough at this rate - she bet Pedro wouldn't be alive to see his child.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, " Isabella blushed with embarrassment, buttoning up the opened buttons of her shirt while Pedro smoothed his messy hair.

Isabella was at Pedro's place and both were video calling Anabelle when she left to get something. While they waited, some stuff went down, and here they are.

Life with Pedro has been so amazing for Isabella, he understands her and knows exactly what she wants; he was made for her. Isabella began to question herself, why hadn't she dated him from childhood?

[(Author's. Ans): Because you would steal his tofu and would not take responsibility?]

Well, she was happy she had him now. So Isabella conducted herself and faced the camera, "You were saying?"

"You promised to go shopping with me today," she reminded her cousin with a mean moue.

Oh shit, Isabella groaned inwardly. She knew the definition of shopping with Anabelle; she would tire her out till she had no energy left.

"Did I?"

"Isabella?" Anabelle growled, warningly.

"Fine," Isabella gave in. There was no escaping this one. She turned to Pedro with a resigned sigh, "As you can see babe, my hands are tied," she hinted she had to leave.

"Alright," Pedro understood.

He placed a quick kiss on Isabella's lips but that simple gesture soon deepened into a passionate one which made Anabelle shut her laptop at once. She wasn't jealous - maybe a little - but she wasn't perverted enough to watch her cousin and ex-boyfriend swap saliva - the excessive public display of affection was puke-inducing.

Anabelle collapsed on her bed, staring up at the ceiling; loneliness seems to be her friend lately. She was still contemplating what to do with her pathetic life when a knock sounded on her door.

"Come in!"

The door creaked open and her father's head peered out before the door was fully pushed aside, revealing the female by his side.

"Oh," Anabelle sat up at once, "Dad," her eyes moved between the both of them, "Camille,"

"Hi my pumpkin," Eden came to hug his daughter. Ever since Reina gave him the recipe for the drug, his daughter has gotten better.

"How are you feeling today, Anabella?" Camille sat on the edge of the bed, beside Eden.

"I'm fine," She replied with a smile. Honestly, Anabelle had no problem with Camille, the woman has been putting a smile on her father's face lately and that's all she wanted. Moreover, Camille took her to the Spa the other day and they had a good time together - Anabelle loved any woman who understands the need for a woman to be beautiful.

"Anabelle," Eden took his daughter's hands and put it in his, stroking the top of her palm affectionately, "I know this might sound sudden but we have important news to break,"

"That you both are getting married?" Anabelle dropped.

Eden's jaw hung open from shock, then he turned to Camille who shook her head with a shrug, she took had no idea how she heard the news?

"H-how did -"

"How did I know?" Anabelle threw her head back and laughed, " It's not exactly hard to figure out,"

She went on, "Uncle Niklaus got married at age sixteen; you got a girl pregnant at the same time; he gave birth to Isabella; you gave birth to me; you both are extremely competitive, it's not a surprise to me if you got married at the same time too,"

Eden and Camille were stunned by her precise summary. They never saw it coming.

"Wow... " Eden was speechless, "Anabelle, you -"

"If you are here to ask for my blessing or permission, then you shouldn't bother - you both have it already," she added, "But my only condition is that you give me three siblings all at once, I don't care how impossible it is; Isabella has two already - technically three," she demanded.

"About that, Camille and I would discuss that later," Eden rubbed circles on his fiancée's back - he could see the fear plus disbelief in her eyes.

"Camille love, can you give me some time alone with my daughter?" He requested, holding her gaze.

"O-Of course," She choked, still flustered by the girl's outrageous request.

The moment the door was closed, Eden turned to his daughter with concern in his eyes. He has been with her for almost eighteen years of her life and knew when she was pretending to be alright.

"How do you truly feel?" He asked, tugging her hair behind her ear.

"Left out? Lonely?"

Eden bit on his lower lips, "If it's about the wedding, then I'd just -"

"No, it's not about the wedding, father - Gosh, I'm finally glad you found your other half, it's just me," She ran her hand through her hair, "I feel tired, defeated, like something's missing in my heart. Why are we so unlucky when it comes to love?" she fought against the urge to cry.

Eden took a deep breath, thinking about how to settle this one. He had heard what happened between the cousins and it wasn't surprising to him - it was almost what occurred between him and Niklaus with a little bit of twist.

Eden brought her daughter close,?placing his chin on her head tenderly,

"Pumpkin, he rubbed her face affectionately with his clean-shaven jaw," If there's anything I have learned so far in this game of love is that.... "

He readjusted so he could look at her straight in the eyes, "Some people jump, some walk, some crawl but at the end of the day, we all get to the same destination which still requires hard work from both sides for the relationship to work. No matter how long it takes, as far as we have faith and determination, we'd still get our chosen one... " he stroked her hair soothingly," Just have patience little one, "

Anabelle felt like a weight was finally lifted off her chest after talking to her father - he was the only one who understood her predicament judging from the fact he went through the same.

"And now, I need to make some late-minute planning. Apparently, your soon-to-be mother wants to have her bachelorette party with Reina's since we'll be having the wedding together," Eden said, standing to his feet.

"Sure, you really do have a lot to do,"

"What about you? I don't want you in here alone and depressed," That idea didn't sit well with him.

"Isabella and I are going shopping -"

A knock was heard

"And that seems to be her,"

Eden went ahead to open the door and as expected, it was Isabella.

"Hi uncle Eden," she waved and sauntered into the room like she owned the place.

"Alright, you girls have fun," Eden was about to leave when he added, "I mean legit fun," He clarified, knowing what Isabella was capable of doing.

Isabella scowled, why was Eden giving her a dubious look? She's been on her best behavior lately - when you have three siblings, you find out that every one of your attitudes is liable to be absorbed - both good and bad. She wasn't ready to get on Reina's bad side.

"Let's go! " Anabelle said, eagerly capturing Isabella's neck in the loop of her arms and dragged her out of the room.

Just as Isabella thought, it was a nightmare; Anabelle never settled for a thing. She bought from here and there, up and down, in and out to the point Isabelle couldn't move her muscle.

"How do you advise me to catch a guy?" Anabelle asked all of a sudden while checking out a lacy thong as they were in an interior lingerie store, "My father and your father are getting married pretty soon and I don't want to go to the wedding without a date,"

Isabella threw her head back and let out a moan, grateful to have found a chair she could rest her sore feet before Anabelle could continue phase two of her shopping spree - she suddenly wished they didn't have that much money to spend.

"I'd say go for it," Izzy said without much thought.

"What?" Anabelle came closer to hear her better.

"Anabelle, this world is brutal and unfair and only the fittest would survive in it," Isabella told her, somewhat vexed by her spinelessness.

"Fine, I've heard you and from now on, the new Anabelle would have whatever she wants," The girl said with determination, and almost immediately, a boy walked in.

"Oh boy," Isabella saw him, she instantly had an ominous feeling about this.

They watched as the sales clerk attended to him and began to show him around, he even smiled at them before refocusing his attention on the displayed lingerie.

"Isabella!" Anabelle literally screamed her head off.

Isabella winced, her ears almost bled from her enthusiastic shout.

"Anabelle, I think I have found him!" The girl was bubbly with excitement.

"I love you Anabelle but he's not the one for you," Isabella dampened her spirit at once.

"What?" Her face fell

"He's in a lingerie store? Who do you think the red beautiful panty in his hand is for?"

Anabelle turned around and true, he was holding a red panty. But she turned around to face Isabella, saying fiercely, "He could be buying it for his mother? Sister? -"

"Girlfriend?" Isabella intentionally added.

Her brows drew together, "Isabella, he must have been forced to come here through a ridiculous 'dare' game and

you told me only the violent can conquer this world,"

Isabella tried to defend herself, "Yes, but you are clearly-" Anabelle pressed her finger against her lips, hushing her.

"Say no more cousin…" She removed her finger but Isabella didn't move, stunned by her odd behavior.

"This time I would be brave in chasing my destiny," Anabelle declared, fluffed her hair with her hand, and walked away dramatically as Isabella stared on.

Well, Isabella thought, she'd just stock the fridge with enough Ice cream today; no more giving of advice from now on.

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