Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 288 - Two Hundred And Eighty-eight: Kill Adam

Chapter 288 - Two Hundred And Eighty-eight: Kill Adam

The third point of view:

"You were right about me," Eden said to them, "Your father Adam is the real owner of this position. I'm just his puppet, a paper tiger," he confessed.

Niklaus didn't know what changed Eden's mind but it seems he was tired of the situation. No wonder he called them over to say this.

"So you're trying to say that my father really manipulated you to do his bidings?" Niklaus asked, to prove he was hearing right.

"Yes," Eden confessed, "Your father poisoned Anabelle. Hence, to get the cure, I had to obey each of his commands to receive the temporary relief to her tomentous ordeal,"

"I know my father is not any better but Niklaus, Adam has crossed the line," she added, "And you know this is not the first time neither would he stop anytime soon,"

Yes, Niklaus knew it was true but no matter how evil the man was, he had hoped he would turn for the better with the past seven years.

"So you couldn't bring him down because he has the antidote to Anabelle's disease, " it now made sense to Niklaus.

Honestly, when he left seven years ago, Niklaus kept his ears and waited to hear news of his father being dismissed from his position but none of that happened.

"I have the complete formula to make the antidote and since this is obviously a meeting to bring your father down, I might as well make my confession," Reina announced.

Niklaus was surprised at her comment, his fiancée of an hour ago still had secrets kept from him?

"What is it? " he gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"You weren't the only person my father wanted to have revenge upon, I want to exact my vengeance on your father too for what he did to me. Which was why I cooperated with my father Sakuzi; I help him get you, he helps me get Adam, "

"This is unbelievable," Niklaus cursed, running his hand through his hair,

"When you talk about exacting your revenge, you seriously don't mean to kill him right?" Niklaus hoped she meant the opposite but the look on her face answered it all.

"This is insane," He looked the other way.

"No prison on earth can hold Adam. He's too powerful; smart and has too many connections - he would surely work something out in the prison. If not order our death while in there," Reina told him.

"Reina is right, your father has to die," Eden supported her.

"No, killing him is out of the equation," Niklaus refused, " We can banish him, strip him of all his title and power,"

"Taking his resources from him, huh? Can you account for the number of resources your father secretly has?" she dared him to answer.

"Fine, I don't know but we can work something out. I hate Adam, my father, but I can't deal with the guilt of being aware of his assassination and yet do nothing - Kay is enough torture," Niklaus claimed.

"Niklaus, your father is not human! He was responsible for the incident that almost killed his brother, my father, Eric! Who does that?! " Eden yelled at him, heaving with emotion.

"Someone blinded by power?" Reina contributed.

"And did I forgot to add, he's also responsible for Christina's death, and don't you dare tell you never had a hunch it was him," Eden's eyes were red as he accused him.

Niklaus wiped his face with his palm, then screamed outright at no one in particular. He just wanted to get the stuffy feeling out of his chest.

"Niklaus," Reina's voice was gentle as she laid a hand on his shoulder, his back turned to her.

"I'm sorry but if I'm going to marry you, I need to be sure that I and my kids are safe. Adam never liked me with you and would never like me. We're dealing with a ticking time bomb which we have to diffuse before it detonates,"

Both of them waited patiently for?Niklaus' decision. They knew it wasn't easy planning the death of one's father - even Reina knew she'd have a hard time doing so to Sakuzi if the need arises. Still, Adam was too dangerous to keep alive, they had to strike him before he strikes them.

"His birthday is this week, we could take him out on that day," Niklaus disclosed.

"But then, security would be tighter that day. Not to mention Adam would be self-conscious since he knows he has many enemies who would want to kill him that day,"

"Adam has never been a fan of huge parties. The guest list is limited to hundred people of which sixty percent of them are his family members. His assassination would be low-key and disguised as an unfortunate incident" Reina showed off her knowledge about the party earning looks from both of them.

"I do my research," She was smug.

"A silencer gun would be best for this operation," Eden suggested.

"Or a silent yet quick poisoning," Niklaus proposed, "My father trust me, I'll give him the poison,"

Eden and Reina's eyes connected, they were skeptical about his plan.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Reina was concerned about him, " No, you don't have to do this. I could get one of my men to -"

"I'm the best man for this job," He interrupted her, "My father trust me, he would never see it coming,"

Suddenly, Reina's phone rang, "Excuse me, I need to take this," she moved away from there.

"Hello, who is this?" her tone was cold and businesslike, this was an unknown caller.

"R- Reina, is that you?" She heard a stutter from the other side.

"Jennifer?" her brow raised, that was her voice.

"Listen, Reina, I'm so sorry," Her voice was broken and hoarse. It seemed like she had been crying for hours.

"I think you should save that apology for Isabella and your kid, Neon. What kind of mother are you?" Remembering that incident, made Reina's blood boil.

"I know... I know... I don't know what came over for me, I just lost it. Reina, I think something's wrong with me and I don't know who to go to, I don't have any friends nor anyone in this city... gosh, I'm so afraid, I'm so sorry for what I did... What is happening to me? "?Effused Jennifer.

Reina frowned, could it be that what Isabella said was true, Jennifer was losing her mind?

"Where are you?" Reina asked.

"I'm at this Cafe, I couldn't go back to my place... It reminds me of what I did to them, "

Oh, she was lucky not to have gone back, Niklaus already has people waiting for her.

"Send me the location, I'll be there immediately," Reina ended the call and went back to the discussing duo - Niklaus and Eden.

"I need to step out for a while," Reina notified him.

"Where are you going?" Niklaus asked her.

"I have to hand these really important documents to my assistant and I'll be right back," She lied to him.

Reina knew if she dared tell Niklaus about her going to meet Jennifer, he would erupt in anger. It was common for people to lose their temper, and as a mother too, she understood what Jennifer was going through. Though she was wrong in hitting Isabella and Neon, the guilt was gnawing at her - that was a sign she regretted that decision.

"Alright," He agreed without much thought.

"See you later," Reina intended to peck him on the lips but trust Niklaus and his willingness to take advantage of every situation.

Niklaus tricked and kissed her deeply to the extent that even Eden was uncomfortable with the whole scene.

"We are going to discuss your rapacity later," his frivolity was getting to her.

"Sure," Niklaus grinned lewdly,

"Hopefully we'd talk on my bed,"

Reina gasped at his shamelessness, she went red in the face knowing Eden heard all that. Unable to land a comeback, she went her way.

Getting into her car, she drove to her destination thanks to the GPS coordinates Jennifer sent to her.

Reina didn't step down immediately she arrived, rather scrutinized her environment to ensure she wasn't falling into any trap - Sakuzi has taught her not to trust anyone wholeheartedly. Satisfied with the outcome, she made her way to the Cafe.

As expected, Jennifer was a mess; Her hair was messy, her eyes red and swollen from excessive crying while her clothes were stained.

Upon seeing her, Jennifer stood from her chair and embraced her in a surprise hug, "Thank you for coming,"

To think that this woman was hostile to her just a week again. Perhaps the fact that there wasn't a permanent enemy nor friend was indeed true.

"It's nothing," Reina was uncomfortable with this new tenderness.

"Do you want anything, I could order -"

"No, I'm good,"

"Alright," Jennifer said, then fanned the smoke of a lit incense in her direction.

"What is that?" Reina was creeped out by the way she inhaled those.

"It's a kind of calming medicinal incense. After the incident, I found out I couldn't settle down, hence bought these - got the recommendation from the internet," Jennifer pushed the stick in her direction, "Here you should try it,"

"No," Reina rejected as soon as the strong smoke wafted into her nose. She pushed it back to her, "No, thanks,"

"You don't want it?" her voice sounded disappointed.

Reina tried to explain, "No, is not that I don't want it but I'm -"

"You hate me, don't you?" Jennifer accused her out of nowhere.

"What?" Reina was stunned by the sudden change of events.

"Get out!"


"I said GET OUT!" Jennifer shrieked so loud the other customers in the shop were startled.

Reina didn't need to be told twice, she picked up her purse and left - so much for trying to help a wounded soul. Isabella was right, Jennifer was not alright. They needed to take her to a psychiatrist before she hurts anyone.

With that thought in mind, Reina drove back to the hospital, however, something happened on the way.

While driving back, Reina found out she was having a hard time concentrating on the road no matter how much she shook the dizziness out of her head. The next she knew, she fell asleep on the steeling, her car crashed.

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