Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Its just pure academic curiosity.

Yi-Han was skilled at deceiving professors.

One of the most renowned explorers in the Empire, Professor Bungaegor, couldnt have possibly imagined that Yi-Han was searching for a flying vehicle to escape the academy.

I suppose its possible to obtain one.

Professor Bungaegor carefully responded, examining Yi-Hans expression to see if he had noticed anything.

Fortunately, the boy from the Wardanaz family seemed unaware of it.

One of the horses taken care of by the newcomers at the stable was a griffon!

This academy has just about everything imaginable.

But theres no warm meals nor essential items, does the academy have no consideration for the students?

Professor Bungaegor pretended not to hear what Yi-Han said and ignored it.

Theres no shortage of places to explore here, from mountains and lakes to underground dungeons. If you look around, youre bound to find some flying creatures.

If I find them, do you think I could tame them?

That might be difficult. Taming wild creatures, especially flying ones, is a challenging task even for experienced trainers who have studied it for years.

Professor Bungaegor spoke sincerely.

If taming them were that easy, people wouldnt choose to fight when encountering monsters outside.

Moreover, most of the monsters that know how to fly were usually difficult and violent in nature.

It was difficult to handle them with just the determination and knowledge of a freshman.

First, you need to fully understand what kind of creature youre dealing with. Usually, relying solely on knowledge wont work. If youre familiar with their habits, you can gradually get to know their characteristics and get closer to them Although it sounds simple, in this process, youll likely fail more than a dozen times.

Professor, if its possible, could I receive instruction during your free time? Of course, I dont intend to make any reckless attempts right away

That was a lie.

From the moment he felt confident that he could do it, Yi-Han was ready to take action right away.

If I ever have the chance to tame a monster in the future, I dont want to miss it.

The look in Yi-Hans eyes burned intensely, with genuine sincerity shining in his gaze.

Upon seeing those eyes, Professor Bungaegor suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm.

With a disciple showing such interest, it wouldnt be right for her as a professor to just stand still.

Alright! Ill make time to teach you. Dont regret it. Its a really difficult subject to study.

Memorizing thick books about monsters that might appear in this area and then confronting them in person was a challenging task, but Professor Bungaegor believed that if it was the boy from the Wardanaz family, he would be alright.

With that level of interest and passion, it should be more than possible.

He seems to have a keen interest in flying or exploration. That kid

I should find and tame a flying beast, then make an escape.

The professor and her disciple nodded, each with their own thoughts.

After the conversation ended, Professor Bungaegor strolled around the garden that Yi-Han had finished working on, taking curious steps.

And she found herself surprised.

No, what is all this?

The garden that Yi-Han received from Professor Bungaegor was of a moderate size, not incredibly wide or incredibly narrow.

Professor Bungaegor probably thought that Yi-Han would plant a few vegetables and take them with him, providing a suitable amount for his needs.

However, Yi-Hans garden was being completely overhauled to the point where there would be no trace of any remnants left.

Carrots, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, and various edible vegetables were there, and not only that, but there were also herbs like chamomile, basil, and rosemary that could be used for medicinal purposes.

Is he setting up a farm?!

Noticing the look in Professor Bungaegors eyes, Yi-Han responded as if to reassure her.

I was also worried at first.

About what?

Can they really grow well in such a narrow space? But thanks to the tree spirits wand, they seem to be growing without any issues. Isnt that fortunate?

Professor Bungaegor looked at the pitcher of milk placed on the table.

It was the pitcher that had been put for Yi-Han to take with him on his way back.

Seeing the work he was currently engaged in, it seemed like that wouldnt be enough.

Wait a moment. It would be better for you to head back after eating something at least.



As he took a bite of the roasted potato skewered on a stick, Yi-Han headed back to the dormitory.

If he were to forget the fact that he was inside a magic academy, it would be a romantic evening.

On one arm, there was a basket filled with this seasons harvest, and on the other arm, a freshly roasted skewer of sun-kissed potatoes, lightly salted

It was as if he had become a farmer returning home after a generous market haul.

If I retire in the future, living like this wouldnt be bad.

Perhaps due to his mood, the baked potato was truly delicious. It was just roasted and lightly salted, but with each bite, the warm flesh had a melting sensation.

The taste made it clear why Professor Bungaegor insisted on roasting it first before handing it over to him.

Was she disappointed to eat this delicious food alone? Maybe she wanted to show it off

It didnt occur to Yi-Han that the potatoes hand-cooked by Professor Bungaegor were actually from his own garden.


Your Highness, Ive organized the materials from the library and brought them here. Please accept them.

Ive also asked other students and organized the things needed for the assignment! It will be helpful for you.

I have a book that I found this time


That was the princess and her followers.

The newly arrived students, without exception, were making various efforts to assist the princess in her attended lectures, regardless of the tower they came from.

While munching on the potato, Yi-Han was filled with awe.

So there was such a method!

It was a method so tempting that he wanted to report to the professors, The princess is abusing her power to exploit her subjects.

While he and his friends spent the night searching for books in the library and had lacking results, the princess seemed to effortlessly attract information even when she just breathed.

Is it because of her royal blood? But if that were the case, Gainando wouldnt make sense either. How on earth did she manage to gather followers like that?

While Yi-Han was pondering such thoughts, the princess expressed her gratitude to her followers and then walked up alongside them.

As Yi-Han was staring while munching the potatoes on the stairs, he locked eyes with his friends.

Good night.

Yi-Han was not flustered. The followers of the princess recognized his face and quickly lowered their heads.

Isnt he the boy from the Wardanaz family who practically rules over the Blue Dragon Tower?

If they even appear to be disrespectful, the princesss life within the Blue Dragon Tower could become difficult, so being cautious was only natural.

Greetings, Sir Wardanaz!

As someone shouted like that, other students looked at their friend with surprise.

Should we also shout along?

Greetings, Sir Wardanaz!

Gre Greetings, Sir Wardanaz!


Unconsciously, Yi-Han looked around. Fortunately, there were no prying eyes.

If someone sees it, I might as well be sent to the disciplinary room even though I did nothing wrong.

Even though he didnt understand why the princesss followers were bothering him, Yi-Han responded as calmly as possible.

Nice to meet you all. I see youve had a conversation with Her Highness, the Princess


I simply express my gratitude for the dedication and efforts of Sir Wardanaz, who always serves Her Highness, the Princess faithfully.

We will continue to entrust you with our hopes!

Arent these brats going to attack me if I dont take care of her?

Fanatical supporters are always scary. Moreover, the supporters of the princess existed beyond the magical academy as well.

Even after graduation, considering the prospect of entering society, he had to endure their unfair pressure.

Of course. Dont worry.

Yi-Han didnt explicitly mention that he received more silver coins for taking care of the princess.

Changing the topic would be a good idea.

If the story about taking care of the princess continued, it could bring up the issue of unfair advantages for Yi-Han. Yi-Han changed the topic.

Everyone probably hasnt had dinner yet, would you like to eat something?


The followers of the princess finally realized that Yi-Han was carrying something. Among those, he took out one and offered it to them.

It was a baked potato.

The sight of a boy with a face akin to a sculpted statue and a cold demeanor, skewering a freshly baked potato on a stick and offering it to them, bewildered the students.

Is this some kind of aristocratic joke?

Is it okay to eat this?

Isnt it a test?

You wont eat it?

Th-Thank you for the food?

One of the students, seemingly hungry, reached out and accepted the baked potato.

He sprinkled salt onto it by hand. The student momentarily tensed, thinking that it might be magic powder instead of salt.

Oh. So its salt.

Does it taste okay?

Th This is delicious!

Not because he was being careful in front of the Wardanaz boy, but objectively, the freshly baked sweet potato was truly delicious.

The student who received the potato chewed on it and then suddenly choked on his potato which was clutching his throat and coughed.

Have some milk here too.

Th Thank you.

The student who had just eaten the warm potato suddenly felt a shift in the cold impression he had of Yi-Han to something more gentle.

Is it a magic potato?

Can we as well perhaps?

Yeah. You can eat it too.

The hesitant followers slowly reached out their hands and picked up the baked potatoes.

Under the warm evening sunlight, the new students of the magic school could get to know each other better while eating baked potatoes.

Lets offer some to Her Highness as well!

What an absurdly rude statement What if Her Highness was angry if we were to offer her this!

One student tried to offer a potato to the princess but lowered their hand once they heard the words of their other friends.

Yi-Han felt a sense that the princesss expression, which had been standing aloof, somehow became downcast, though he could not quite grasp why.

Like a hungry Gainando

That was quite an exaggerated metaphor.

Yi-Han reflected on himself.

Upon thinking, he realized that the princess hadnt eaten this morning either.

Yi-Han discreetly handed over a baked potato, making sure others didnt see.

There seems to be some remaining, perhaps tasting a bit of it

Though the students had their backs turned and couldnt see, Yi-Han clearly witnessed the princess trying to eat the freshly baked potato with its skin peeled off, in a single bite without even cutting it.

Cut it! Please cut it before eating!


The princess, as if nothing had happened, put the potato down and then cut it before putting it in her mouth, chewing slowly.

The students turned their heads and looked puzzled at Yi-Hans exclamation.

What should we cut before eating?

The potato.

Haha. Sir Wardanaz. No matter how hungry we are, we wouldnt just swallow it. Of course, we would cut and eat it.


After glancing at the princess and then at the student, Yi-Han thought to himself.

That punk wont be able to succeed in society


The next morning.

After finishing his work at the stable, Yi-Han walked in sync with his friends to attend Professor Garcias lecture.

Yi-Han yawned. Yonaire asked with a concerned look, especially since Yi-Han appeared quite tired, You look sleepy. Are you okay? Did you have trouble sleeping?

I slept well, but I had a nightmare

What kind of dream was it?

The professor appeared in that dream.

Yonaire didnt press further, considering Yi-Hans mental well-being.

Perhaps influenced by Professor Boladys class, Professor Bolady appeared in Yi-Hans dream.

In the dream, Professor Bolady rode atop a raging griffin and instructed Yi-Han to control water droplets while passing through a ring of fire. It was a dreadful nightmare.

Greetings, everyone.

Good morning, Professor!

When Professor Garcia opened the door and entered, Yi-Han felt a sense of warmth in his heart.

Before enrolling, Yi-Han had never expected that encountering a troll could be such a comforting experience.

Last week, Professor Mortem came to explain what dark magic is, right?

Wow sounds could be heard here and there.

It was a reaction mixed with fear, as if wondering if it would be dark magic again.

This week, another professor is coming to explain what summoning magic is.


Yi-Han suddenly felt sorry for Professor Mortem, who wasnt even present.

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