Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 231: Trap

Chapter 231: Trap

"You're the Chi-Lan Marquis?" the expert that got attacked by Qin Lan said as he returned to the ground after mitigating the impact from the attack. But it still took a lot from him as he had to keep the blood from flowing out on the corner of his lips.

The remnants of Qin Lan's Foundation Qi are still lingering around his chest and his clothes that were ruined.

"Fifth Uncle! Save me!" Da Kui cried for help as he kneeled before the old madam. It seems the old madam wasn't satisfied by the chances and wanted to do more. Unfortunately, she has nothing in her hand except a fragile walking cane.

"Woman! Stop your action! How dare you lock one of our Treasured Blacksmiths? Could the magistrate bear the consequences if the Hall of Treasures decided to stop doing business with you people?" the expert said.

"What kind of consequences? Please elaborate." Qin Lan said while releasing the Foundation Qi he had in him. With a close to 95% conversion rate, it was no different from a lion that got its wing before growing into an adult.

In comparison to the expert, his conversion rate was just about 10%.

Sarcastically speaking, he was no different from an aged lion that couldn't grow his wing even if he was given a chance to do so.

"This Marquis, I hope you can control yourself a little more. Although this land was bestowed to you by the Country of Wu, it was belonged to Shu until very recently. It wouldn't be good for you if you take things too personally." the expert sounded kind in his warning to Qin Lan.

"Taking things too personally? Does that mean I should take the expert's word as an example and mistreat my own citizen? Should I be standing on your side for the sake of profit and ignore my people's plea?" Qin Lan asked.

From his tone, he has been briefed with some information before deciding to handle this matter himself.

"Chi-Lan Marquis. Please mind your words. There must be some mistake here and there. The Hall of Treasures always made sure that we're standing along with the county's magistrate. I hope such an incident won't become the flint that incites the misunderstanding between us." Hall Manager Lu immediately mediates the problem between them.

"Humph. I hope what you say is true. Bring the prisoner back to the magistrate prison. You're?" Qin Lan waved his hand and ordered that Da Kui was to be dragged into the prison immediately.

"This Hall Manager surnamed Lu. Greetings to the Chi-Lan Marquis." he cupped his fists together and greeted Qin Lan when the opportunity to do so was here.

"It's actually the Hall Manager Lu I've heard about. Please forgive this Marquis's impolite entrance. In the future, I'll make sure to compensate the Hall Manager for my impudence today." Qin Lan replied.

After all these polite exchanges of greeting were done, Qin Lan followed the soldiers and Secretary Qian back to the Magistrate Building.

The expert wanted to argue again to take Da Kui back from the Crimson Mist Soldier's hand, but this time, the hall manager stopped him from doing so.

"Let's wait for the Hall Master's return." the hall manager turned around and return to the Hall of Treasures while shaking his head. He was somewhat devastated by everything that happened.




"Get in there!" the soldiers kicked Da Kui into one of the cells after they unlocked the cuff that restricts his cultivation. It was regretful that they couldn't do anything to this imbecile except locking him inside the cell until the case was brought up to the magistrate court.

"Ouch! Both of you... I'll remember your face. When I get out there, the two of you will be the first to face my wrath." Da Kui said. It seems that he's yet to notice that he is in trouble right now.

"What happened earlier?" Qin Lan asked his trusted officer about everything that transpired until now. 

"Reporting to the Marquis. We were taking our usual round around the Heishi Town as we stumble across the old woman grieving on her own due to the deceased daughter."

"We find it weird because the young lady was less than twenty years old. After asking around, including The Peony Pavilion, we found out that she suicide because she was raped by this imbecile called Da Kui."

"Worst of all is this was not the first time he did such a thing. From the words of the patron and courtesans from the brothel, it seems this Da Kui was one of the clients they feared due to this reason." the officer added.

Qin Lan nodded at the officer as he agreed that such an action is needed. It was only correct that they capture Da Kui before he went out again to cause trouble.

But this also made him question secretary Qian's ability from this matter. Turning his head over to the secretary beside him, Qin Lan stares at him with a gaze that could intimidate even a Bone Layer expert.

"Secretary Qian. What kind of excuse you have? Bring it out now if you have anything to say." Qin Lan slapped the table. Of course, it was just to vent some of his anger as he didn't destroy the table for no reason.

"Milord... This surnamed Qian has nothing to say!" secretary Qian kneeled as he speaks. From his reaction, it seems that he knew it wouldn't be good for him to try to reason with Qin Lan.

"Haih..." Qin Lan sighed.

"Get out of here until I summon you. You better get more of this Da Kui's record out for me before I found out more about the dealing between you and the Hall of Treasures. By that time, dismissal will be the last best thing you'll have."

"If I noticed that you're a part of their cohort in bullying the people of Heishi Town, you better clean your neck before I behead you with my sword!" Qin Lan said as he opened the door using his Foundation Qi.

"Then, this subordinate will excuse himself first..." secretary Qian was trembling as he retreated from the room.

"Officer, tell me what you found about this secretary Qian. Give me some surprise as I am feeling a little devastated with my eyes today." Qin Lan said as he rubbed the gap between his forehead.

"Milord, I think what you've seen here was just the surface of the problem. Your subordinate thinks that what secretary Qian did was due to peer pressure." the officer said. From his reply, it seems there was some misunderstanding in between.

"Elaborate." Qin Lan said.

"From the mouth of the townsfolk, Secretary Qian had quite a good reputation, especially from the elderly. Even the old madam that following us back had nothing ill about secretary Qian's reputation." the officer continued.

"Oh? Against someone that failed to reclaim the honor back to her deceased daughter, she chose to stand alongside the secretary?" Qin Lan was puzzled. Would it be clear that a parent would hate the magistrate for failing the people?

This made Qin Lan questioned himself if he was being too harsh on secretary Qian earlier.

"But still, what he had done was not considered ethical either. I would say a proper solution would be needed before it deteriorating further." the officer suggested.

"What's the reason for you to say so?" Qin Lan asked.

"Although the Heishi Town looks profitable and populated, the differences between wealthy families and the poor weren't too far apart. In fact, even after putting together the wealth from the few large households in this Heishi Town, they're still far from comparable to a quarter of Hall of Treasure's wealth."

"This subordinates worried that the monopoly would only get worst. If this town ended up reliant on the Hall or the County's magistrate for their funds, this might becomes a problem." said the officer.

"What was the issue here? Even a tiny place like Fu-Rong Town capable of self-sustainability without a mountain of treasure like this Obsidian Volcanic Vein. I don't see the reason why the people in this town couldn't do it." Qin Lan added.

"True. With this Obsidian Volcanic Vein here, the possession and business in the treasures should be more developed than anywhere else. But from what this subordinate has seen, it was not the case."

"The number of experts here is also roughly the same as the two other villages put together. And from the way it looks, forestry and hunting was not their main option of the profession. It seems the experts inside Heishi Town had a different point of view on earning their wages." he continued.

"Hmm... What was the problem?"  Qin Lan asked.

"They prefer to be employed by the Hall of Treasure to become the pavilion's guard, which promises them a safe environment, proper cultivating resources, and protection."

"From the look of it, this is a steadier job compared to risking their lives outside fighting the Yao Beast." said the officer. He knew that after saying this, Qin Lan will be angered.

"What a good move from you people, Hall of Treasures..." Qin Lan tapped his finger at the side table in his reach. Finally, after listening to the officer for this long, he found out the real issue behind this Heishi Town that looked well from the surface but rotten inside.

A meticulously devised plan was needed for them to reach such a stage today. From how it looks, this was a trap that laid long ago, even before the county was handed over to the Country of Wu.

As for their reason, it might be a trap set to keep the Wu in financial trouble while the Shu was strengthening themselves.

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