Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 217: Evil Abbess Wu Shuang (2)

Chapter 217: Evil Abbess Wu Shuang (2)

A knife instantly came into Peng Yan's grip as the consciousness in her eyes vanished. What's left from this body was just a puppet executing the order of her master.

The knife stabbed into Qin Lan's chest as it was witnessed by close to two hundred people around them. But weirdly, there is no blood dripping down from the gap between Peng Yan's hand and Qin Lan's chest.

Tears were rolling down from the corner of Peng Yan's lifeless eyes.

It seems that even out of consciousness, the body and soul of the person made to do such a betrayal act could still respond, although it might be because of guilt and regret. It was a conflicting response given by Peng Yan.

The tears keep on rolling as if she was more willing to die than hurting the man she loves.

"Useless disciple! You've wasted all my effort of grooming you throughout these years!" Evil Abbess Wu Shuang retaliates Elder Yang Wen's attack with a slap. The strike was filled with Evil Qi quickly spreads around her, making it difficult for the soldiers from both sides to breathe.

"Urgh... This Qi is deadly... Quickly..." the other officer that fought against Lu Qing Yun with the abbess was the first victim. His body immediately rotted as the Evil Qi invaded his body, turning him into a scorching walking corpse.

"You won't live past today! Evil abbess!" the three other guardians came down and covered her path of retreat.

Unfortunately, this is eventually a scuffle between the Country of Wu and the Country of Wei. As Evil abbess's affiliation is with the Wei, the elders from the same side are obliged to help. Instantly, close to six elders, all with the strength between the Peak-Level of Bone Layer to half-step Spiritual Root Layer appeared around this battlefield.

"Fellow experts from the Sun Royal Family, don't blame us for lending the abbess a hand." they chuckled as their arrival threatened the three prince's guardians.

Even with Elder Yang Wen's strength, he can't fight against this many opponents with the cultivation not too far from him. Although he might need only one strike to kill each of them, but were that not the same for him?

As a similarly powerful cultivator, he could only take up to three hits at most before he was defeated. And right here, there are seven opponents, with those from the Country of Shu is not yet included.

This is an indirect replay of the situation that can be described with an idiom,

"The Cicada was forced to fight a Mantis, even after knowing an Oriole is waiting to swallow them both."

"Fellow brothers from Wu, please allow both of us to help!" two other elders came into the scene.

One of them was Elder Impertinence from the Thousand Sword Manor. The other was Elder Yao, from the Medicinal Sword Tower. The participation of the two can be said to be akin to delivering charcoal during winter.

But as if it was dry enough to be ignited with fire, they still have to see first.

"Brothers! Let's do it!" the thirteen peak-level experts vanish by the time they take action. A battle circle was formed immediately at where they fought, and each of them had a target.

Except for Elder Yang Wen. Two experts are waiting for him to make his move.

"Senior sister, let me handle him." from the way the other female expert addressed the abbess, it seems she hailed from the same sect as the Evil abbess do.

"Peng Yan! Kill him, or kill yourself!" the Evil abbess changed her tactic after knowing that it was difficult for her plan to succeed today. Furthermore, she spreads her Evil Qi wider as a few more soldiers fell victim to her attack.

Right now, there's a total of five scorching corpses trying to wake up from their slumber. By the time they're fully developed, they'll be a threat to the surrounding soldiers.

That's because every part of their body is an arsenal capable of poisoning other cultivators. Although getting bitten or wounded by them would not turn the cultivator into a scorching corpse immediately, the erosion from their Spiritual Qi is hard to be rid of.

Peng Yan turned the blade in her hand around and prepared to stab her own neck. With her condition right now, all it needs is a slightly accurate cut to get her to bleed to death.

Qin Lan quickly grabbed Peng Yan's hand to stop her from doing what her master had said.

"Evil abbess Wu Shuang! You're too black-hearted! Although I know nothing between the two of you... She's still your disciple!" Qin Lan shouted at the woman without bothering about the difference in their seniority.

Because if he wanted to be bothered, his seniority is Millenials above her!

"Hahaha! Disciple? So what if she's a disciple of mine? I have more than a hundred disciples over the years as the elder of the Evil Infant Sect. So what if I lost a few of them? She's not the first to die, and also not the last I have!" Evil abbess laughed.

"Peng Yan! Quit it! Come back to your... Urgh!" Qin Lan shifted his attention back to Peng Yan within his grasp. But what she got was a palm strike from her with all her might. While a dagger can be easily stopped by focusing his Spiritual Qi around the point, a palm attack with Spiritual Qi is tricky to defend against.

Qin Lan coughed a mouthful of blood as he was thrown back to less than a few meters from Lu Qing Yun.

Now, he was torn in between either to save Peng Yan or Lu Qing Yun. Both of them were in peril right now, and he's only a single person.

Snatching away the dagger from Peng Yan's hand, Qin Lan turned his attention to Lu Qing Yun behind him. But before he managed to take a step away, Peng Yan started to look for trouble again.

Her hand is targetting her own forehead as the Spiritual Qi of a first-level Bone Reconstruction Layer gathered in her palm. This is considered the easiest way to suicide because the body might be trained to defend against an outside force, but now one's own force.

"Peng Yan!" Qin Lan shouted. He turned himself back to control Peng Yan from doing something reckless again. Using two of his finger as a sword, Qin Lan tapped both her shoulders and the back of her neck as he forcefully turns Peng Yan unconscious.

He then grabbed Peng Yan in one hand and went to Lu Qing Yun in a hurry.

The clothing on her chest was already burst open by the Evil abbess Wu Shuang's attack. Blood was flowing uncontrollably from Lu Qing Yun's front and back, but it was not the worst.

A hint of Lotus Fragrance is coming out from Lu Qing Yun as she's currently half naked right in front of Qin Lan. Due to the characteristic of her unique physique, treating her injury become more complicated as Qin Lan would have to fortify his mental defense from getting taken by the lust inside him.

He immediately inserted a few acupuncture needles into Lu Qing Yun's blood acupoint to stop the bleeding. Bottles after bottles of Kuangshan Dew were poured on her wounds to promotes the rejuvenating process. The resin from Elusive Devilflower was used to close the open wounds.

But less than ten minutes from doing what it had to be done, Peng Yan's consciousness came back. She immediately tried to suicide the moment she could move. Peng Yan decided to bit her tongue as her hands are unable to move.

Qin Lan immediately stuffs her hand between Peng Yan's jaw as she bit deep into his flesh. The imprint of her biting marks soon turned into a bleeding wound as Peng Yan put more strength in her jaws. She looks no different from one of the scorching corpses right now.

What's weird here is that the Evil abbess Wu Shuang did not continue to pursue what they're doing. All she did was looking at the trio as if she was recollecting about something a long time ago.

"All men are like this. All good-looking men like you are all like this!" 



"Why would you want to defile all woman you've seen? Why can't you be faithful to just one?" the abbess seems to be in hysteria as it reminded her of something unfavorable.

"Peng Yan! Destroy your own cultivation core! If he loves you, he'll stop you from doing that!" the Evil abbess suddenly came up with a new idea. As the order was absolute to the puppet in her control, Peng Yan immediately reverses the flow of her Spiritual Qi in an attempt to destroy her own cultivation.

"No! No!" Qin Lan stopped working on Lu Qing Yun. Forced to take drastic action, Qin Lan gathered the Foundation Qi in his arsenal and decided to take Peng Yan out. Perhaps this is the only solution he had to stop Peng Yan from getting controlled by the Evil abbess.

But as Qin Lan's attack almost reaches Peng Yan, the arrival of another new expert made everything out of control.

"Animal! You dare!" Peng Likun appeared out of the blue as he thought Qin Lan was trying to kill his daughter. Not even giving it a chance to question what Qin Lan is trying to do, he pushed his strength to its limit and appeared right before Qin Lan.

"Overpowering Western Garrison!" a punch landed straight into Qin Lan's left chest as he was thrown away as an arrow ricocheted from where it should go. Even the elevated slope where Qin Lan initially came from was sliding down as Qin Lan gets buried deep inside the soil.

By the time Peng Likun turned his head to his daughter, it was already too late as Peng Yan had detonated her own Cultivation Core. Blood was flowing from the corner of her lips as she looked at Peng Likun.

"Father... Yan-Er... Yan-Er..." tears were rolling down from her eyes as everything was messed up.

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