Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 192: Wine

Chapter 192: Wine

"Elders," Qin Lan cupped his fist together as he greeted the two elders seated by the marble stone table. On top of the table is two jars of Rock Lotus Fragrance Wine that made others crazy for them. There are also two cups made from a single block of white jade, which is considered the best match when drinking the Rock Lotus Fragrance.

"Young and humble... Such a proper candidate can be said as a rarity nowadays. How long have you been with the Cloud Plucking Sect?" the elder in white asked. There's no difficulty for Qin Lan to recognized the relationship between this elder and the white-feathered crane based on how they looked.

Even before his reincarnation, people have been dressing and taming the beast according to their own unique taste. It was almost impossible to put the other elder in red with the crane together as a pair.

"Answering the elder's question, this is the starting of the second year for Qin Lan," he answered.

"Just roughly a year, and yet, you're able to create the Essence Transformation Pill and Jewel Lotus Fruit that everyone had forgotten. The Spiritual Accumulating Pills and Martial Foundation Pellet likely come from your hand as well. Did I get them correctly?" he continued.

"Yes," Qin Lan nodded.

"And now... the Blood Genesis Pill, Rock Lotus Fragrance Wine, and the Chi-Lan Army..."

"What else are you going to bring out next? Perhaps the intention of establishing what your sect master asked you to do?" the elder in white suddenly changed his tone at the end of his sentence.

"My sect master? This junior is clueless about what the elder is trying to say. Please elaborate to let this junior solve the misunderstanding between us. But no matter what, this junior would like to say that everything I've done so far has no intention to harm the ninth prince, the Yunshan Province, nor the Country of Wu." Qin Lan said.

"Then, who is the Pharmacist Lu, and also the Kuangshan Lu Sect? All the martial art possessed by the younger generation of your Qin Faction... Do they all come from this sect I mentioned?" the white-robed elder asked.

"Pharmacist Lu is a teacher of this junior. There's no such thing as Kuangshan Lu Sect exist, except its figure within our heart." Qin Lan replied without a change in his heartbeat. His heart remained calm like the water in a lake without a ripple.

The white-robed elder stopped questioning Qin Lan. His gaze turned to the royal family elder for his suggestion, only to get a simple nod as a hint of approval towards Qin Lan's answer.

"Then, do you know why the two of us invited you here?" the royal family elder asked. As he speaks, a Vermilion Tailed Golden Peacock came into view as it brought Sun Wu Jian to where the three of them were conversing.

"Royal uncle..." Sun Wu Jian was shocked to be brought here.

"Continue. Do you know why the two of us invited you here?" the royal family elder repeated his question.

"It's likely because of the Chi-Lan Army today. Both elders seem to be interested in my option, whether I'll remain by the side of Brother Sun or betraying him after my own force is powerful enough. Am I correct?" Qin Lan answered.

Listening to Qin Lan's words made Sun Wu Jian somewhat interested to know how Qin Lan will answer the elders. Although Sun Wu Jian's trust over Qin Lan is stronger than the bond between him and his blood brothers, he's still curious about Qin Lan's opinion towards him.

'Do brother Qin treats me just like how I treated him?' Sun Wu Jian asked himself.

The atmosphere around this peak was quiet as they waited for Qin Lan's reply.

"No matter how the world changed, humanity's concern shouldn't be between dynasties, but future. This world might be spacious for us, but there are more out there, far exceed what our eyes can see."

"What I am looking for is not power, but enlightenment. My path and brother Sun interlinked with one another, but our destination is different. He's destined to become a king, but I am destined to become an emperor."

"A Supreme Emperor." 

Qin Lan replied. Half of what he said does not make sense to Sun Wu Jian. But to the two elders, it gave them an entirely different opinion towards Qin Lan's aim.

"Did the person name pharmacist Lu tell you about this?" the royal family elder asked. It seems that his last sentence was the key that made the two elders came up with such a reaction.

"Both. One part came from self-enlightenment, and the other came from legacy. Do both elders still interested to get the question answered?" Qin Lan asked.

"You don't need to. There is no reason for you to do what we're worried about." the royal elder said. His gaze went to the white-robed elder, who is also agreeing to his reply.

"Since we've clarified this matter, I believe that both elders should be thirsty by now." Qin Lan stands straight as he finished his sentence.

It seems that the elders were too absorbed with Qin Lan's answer to not notice that the two jars of wine before them were emptied.

"This is the most precious possession that I have with me for now. I believe that only people with the status of two elders are qualified to take a cup without losing their self-control." Qin Lan walked to the marble table and put away the two empty wine jars.

His Formation Qi was then used to cleanse the two white jade cups from their impurities through a baptism of his Yang Flame. And by the time the preparation step was done, Qin Lan withdraws a bottle, or much more accurately to called a crystal jar, out from his spatial jade.

The moment the cork was twisted open, the aroma that was thick to the point it condensed into a dew form started to escape. But with Qin Lan here, the attempt failed.

The Formation Qi acted like a decanter as it gently pulled the dew from the crystal jar down onto the cup. It was just two mere drops, but each of them worth more than a thousand bottles of Changshen Dew itself.

"Elders, I hope you like what I presented to you." Qin Lan smiled as he excused himself while pulling Sun Wu Jian with him as he left. As for the two elders, their attention is still on that jade cup lingering with Qin Lan's bluish Foundation Qi.

"Brother Yang, is this what I think it is?" the royal elder asked.

"Yes... I think this is... The Precelestial Blood Essence Wine." the white-robed elder's hand trembled as his hand gets closer to the jade cup.

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