Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 190: Spiritual Qi Manifestation

Chapter 190: Spiritual Qi Manifestation

"Heh... So what if I abandoned you guys? You should be honored that you can die on behalf of this great Zhu Tianyi. I am the hope of Thunder Roaring Palace." Zhu Tianyi smiled as he convinced himself to escape.

Using a unique amulet to reach a targeted spot a mile away from his initial position when used, Zhu Tianyi made an escape from the Chi-Lan Army.

And noticing some soldiers were coming down from the slope, the more he believes that the Thunder Roaring Palace is sending people over to rescue him. As long he's able to make it back to the group, his return to the camp will be as good as secured.

But an individual made his appearance in between Zhu Tianyi and the Bronze Dragon Unit.

Except for the elders, Qin Lan was the one who remained calmest. His point of view doesn't even go to where Zhu Tianyi is as his escape route has been secured from the moment the Chi-Lan Army surrounded them.

A single soldier wearing the Chi-Lan Soldier's attire stands before Zhu Tianyi as he pointed his blade at him.

"Are your commander a fool? To send a mere Bone Reconstruction Layer cultivator to stop me? Did you forget who I am?" Zhu Tianyi laughed. Although he's a coward, that does not mean his cultivation is lower than most people.

He's still a cultivator in his fourth-level Bone Reconstruction Layer.

Feeling confident that he won't have a problem against this mere soldier from Chi-Lan Army, Zhu Tianyi took his weapon out. Strands of Spiritual Qi were injected into his long sword as he prepared to bring the head home.

"DIE!" holding the sword with both hands, Zhu Tianyi attacked.

**Seven Star Thundering Impact!**

An attack that separated into seven parts came. In a flash, two of the seven stars attack struck the soldier's crimson sword as he parried it without difficulty.

But the attack only gets stronger as it gets to the fourth and fifth star. It seems that the soldier was also a fourth-level Bone cultivator for him to receive the attack at ease.

"Do - Do we have such a strong cultivator in our rank?" Expert Yi, Xie, and Shun asked. They're wondering which expert Qin Lan recently recruited for him to fight against Zhu Tingyi on equal ground.

While they're asking the question, the battle here in the encirclement had come up with a conclusion. As per Qin Lan's announcement, the ninth prince's battlefield will be the first to complete the second battle.

Five thousand soldiers from the Thunder Roaring Palace were slaughtered. Added with the two thousand men from the previous battle, that's seven thousand lives lost in a single day. As for Sun Wu Jian's side, their losses were just a little more than a thousand.

(This includes a few hundred captive soldiers caught and sent to the Fire Elemental Bloodstone Mine)

"Fire the (Sun) and (Qin) flares up to the sky." Qin Lan said as he ordered his unit to continue forward.



Two flares were fired into the air and illuminate the still brightened sky. The Chi-Lan Army had retracted and kept their equipment away after receiving the signal.

"What a discipline... That amount of trust they have in their commander is almost to the point of blind faith." the royal elder that protected Sun Wu Jian's safety said.

He's in awe as he looks at how organized the army retreated after completing their battle. Not even a single soldier seems to be blinded by greed as they were greeted by a field of corpses that's open for them to loot.

"But that's what you're worried about too, Am I correct?" the elder on top of the white-feathered crane interrupted.

"Yes. With this youth shining so bright, I'm worried about Sun Wu Jian's existence when they're both standing before the King of Wu."

"Sun Wu Jian would have to work ten times harder if he wanted to be seen as a shining jewel before his royal father's eyes." the royal elder said.


"Impossible! How can you take all seven hits?" Zhu Tingyi was in shock after his opponent parried all seven of his attack without losing his breathing. On the contrary, he was losing his pace as he forced himself to execute the attack without delays in between.

Zhu Tingyi continued to struggle.

All he needs to do is to stay alive for five more minutes before the Bronze Dragon Unit arrives to protect him.

"Bring it on! Why are you not speaking? Are you mute and deaf?" Zhu Tingyi tried his best to fight against the lonely Chi-Lan soldier blocking his way.

The soldier remained quiet. Until he saw Qin Lan's unit approaching them with two flagbearers still holding on to their flagpole.

(Open) - (Slaughter)

"Hehehe..." the soldier chuckled. It was the first time Zhu Tingyi heard the sound he makes after fighting for so long.

"You... Why are you laughing?" Zhu Tingyi felt that death is lingering around him by hearing the soldier's voice.

"Why am I laughing? Of course, that's because I finally get my order to execute you." the soldier put his crimson sword aside and exchanged it with something entirely different.

It was a golden sword similar to Qin Lan's Qiankun Golden Sword.

"Is that him?" Expert Yi recognized the sword as he encountered this man before at the entrance of the Demon Mountain Fort. His puzzling expression made both Expert Xie and Shun staring at him blankly.

"Don't... Don't kill me!" Zhu Tingyi finally realized why he would felt death the moment the soldier speaks. But he realized it a little too late as he was beheaded before he can continue.

"We're still too late..." the officer of the Bronze Dragon Unit sighed as there's only less than half a mile for his unit to reach where Zhu Tianyi and the Chi-Lan Soldier are fighting.

"If that's the case, then let us kill the soldier and bring his head back!" two officers from the Bronze Dragon Unit interrupted.

"Twenty men, on me! Let's go there and bring his head back to our camp!" they immediately rallied twenty soldiers to charge forward and attack the Chi-Lan Soldier.

"Stupid! Did they forget what the commander says?" the messenger immediately rummage his waist pocket for the retreat flare.

But he's still too late.

"Tried to kill me before I go back? All of you are not worthy." the Chi-Lan soldier chuckled. Spiritual Energy gathered at both of his fists as he prepared himself to let them have a gift to remember.

"Wait... What the hell? Sixth-level?" the two officers noticed the soldier's strength a little too late.

"Spiritual Qi Manifestation!"

"Golden Lord's Holy Fist!" a golden silhouette appeared behind the soldier and created a crater right on where he stands as he fends against the twenty soldiers with a single attack.

"Is that..." everyone was curious about the identity of the soldier... Until Qin Lan finally arrived at his side.

The soldier then removes the set of equipment that blocking the others from recognizing him.

"It's really him... No wonder Commander Qin allowed him to act independently as he like." Expert Yi shook his head.

"Let's go back, big brother." Qin Lan said.

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