Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 29: The Tyrannical Bloodline

Chapter 29: The Tyrannical Bloodline

Qi Bei slowly turned around, his black eyes half closed. The moment his face darkened was like the dark clouds before a hurricane, causing people to tremble with fear.

This is the Golden Leaf Empire, the land you are standing on is the capital city of the Golden Leaf Empire, not the territory of your Nord family. Prince Locke of the River Water Kingdom was invited by the emperor to come and exchange knowledge. He is a distinguished guest of our empire and you must apologize, Ming Yue stared at Qi Beis eyes which were deep as a black hole, and slowly spoke.

Qi Bei and Ming Yue stared at each other for a while, and then suddenly he laughed. He walked step by step towards Prince Locke.

Prince Lockes heart trembled and he involuntarily took a few steps back. Facing Qi Beis expression, his initial courage and pride were suppressed and hidden in the depths of his heart.

Do you want me to apologize? Qi Bei asked word by word.

Prince Lockes legs weakened. What kind of eyes were these? They were filled with blood, slaughter, and majesty that completely suppressed any resistance, making him feel like he was facing not a sixteen-year-old boy, but a demon who had slaughtered countless beings.

Do you want me to apologize? Qi Bei asked again.

Nono need Prince Locke replied in a trembling voice, his whole body soaked in a cold sweat.

Qi Beis darkened face returned to normal like turning a page of a book. He laughed and patted Prince Lockes shoulder, then turned to Ming Yue and said, Princess, did you hear that? When you bring up your noble identity, please consult with the parties involved. Do you think you are his mother? Can you make decisions for him?

Ming Yues beautiful eyes turned cold and her jade hand clenched into a fist. Facing Qi Bei, she had a feeling that she couldnt control her anger.

Sister-in-law, little girl, Ill leave first, Qi Bei waved to Feng Ruoyu and Feng Ruoyun.

He only took a few steps and suddenly his footsteps paused. A coldness rushed from his tailbone straight to his head, and his muscles tensed, freezing him in place.

This extremely dangerous feeling was like when he saw the ghost at the Undead Mountain Range with just half a step into the Undead King realm.

The group of nobles present looked at Qi Bei in confusion, not understanding what he was doing.

Ming Yues beautiful eyes flickered, and she opened her clenched fist to make a gesture.

At this moment, Qi Bei felt the aura that was locking him in recede. He turned his head and squinted at Ming Yue before walking away.

Feng Ruoyun looked at Ming Yue thoughtfully, clearly guessing something.

Qi Bei returned to his own courtyard in the Nord family, only to find that both the siblings Jing Gang and Huan Ying were missing.

Young master, quickly, go see my brother, he cant hold on much longer. At this moment, Huan Ying stumbled in, and upon seeing Qi Bei, she cried out as if she had seen her savior.

Where is he? Qi Beis heart tightened as he urgently asked.

Hes in the woods to the north, Huan Ying replied.

In a flash, Qi Bei disappeared from Huan Yings sight.

Nord Family Mansion was quite large, with an independent forest to the north that was rarely visited by anyone.

Qi Bei arrived at the center of the forest, where he saw a mess of destruction around him. Giant trees had been uprooted or broken off, as if a hurricane had swept through.

What shocked Qi Bei even more was Jin Gang, over ten feet tall, who was half-kneeling on the ground in the center. He had long, flowing hair and a fiery beard, his face twisted with pain. His copper-bell eyes were blood-red and shimmered with a crazy, murderous intent. However, he seemed to be trying to control himself.

Jin Gang! Qi Bei called out, flashing to his side.

Jin Gang suddenly lifted his head and let out a wild, beastly growl, his blood-red eyes fixed on Qi Bei, as if he wanted to tear him to pieces.

However, he still had some semblance of sanity and was trying hard to control himself.

Qi Bei noticed that Jin Gangs arms, which were thicker than his entire body, had bulging blood vessels, and it seemed like boiling magma was flowing through them. Even through the skin, one could feel the raging power within.

Quick go, I cant take it anymore. Jin Gang roared. If it werent for his remaining sanity, he would have rushed forward to tear Qi Bei to shreds.

This.. is it really the tyrannical bloodline that only the descendants of the Beast God possess? Qi Bei was shocked, but he no longer hesitated. With a flash of golden light from his left hand, he imprinted it on Jin Gangs forehead, and his internal energy flowed into Jin Gangs body like a snake.

The mysterious energy within Jin Gangs body was like waves, rampaging and impacting his mind and his brain. Perhaps this was the root cause of his loss of sanity.

Qi Beis heart sank. It was not difficult to seal off the brain, but the nerves in the brain were extremely complex. Even a small injury could cause serious damage.

But Jin Gang was already on the verge of collapse. In his mad state, he was like a giant tank, causing massive destruction. The mysterious energy that was rampaging through his brain was likely to drive him insane.

Qi Bei gritted his teeth and carefully used his internal energy to build a defensive line around Jin Gangs acupoint, blocking the impact of the violent energy.

To his delight, although his internal energy seemed minuscule compared to the violent energy, a trace of dragon power contained in his internal energy seemed to make the mysterious power in Jin Gangs body feel fear. When his internal energy enveloped Jin Gangs acupoint, the mysterious energy automatically avoided it and no longer caused any impact.

Jin Gangs eyes remained red, but his frenzied killing intent slowly receded and eventually dissipated.

Qi Beis internal energy condensed into a pattern on Jin Gangs acupoint, similar to the Dragon Seal in his left hand, before he retracted his hand.

I Im fine Jin Gang still couldnt believe it. He looked at his extremely muscular arms and felt the powerful strength in his body for the first time without having to suppress it.

With a shout, Jin Gang swept his arms, causing circles of flame-like light to emerge, and trees exploded into pieces as if they were made of mud.

Brother. At this moment, Huan Ying rushed over excitedly.

Sister, Im fine. Jin Gang opened his huge palm and let Huan Ying stand on it.

Qi Bei crossed his arms and felt both delighted and proud.

As descendants of the Beast God, it meant that these two siblings had the bloodline of the gods in their bodies.

Just looking at Jin Gangs physique and attack power when he went berserk, even the king-grade warriors and mages would have to retreat.

Just then, the redness in Jin Gangs eyes completely disappeared, and he quickly put Huan Ying down. In an instant, his huge body began to shrink, and the fiery beard on his face retracted as well.

As soon as Jin Gang returned to normal, he staggered and sat on the ground, as if all his strength had been drained.

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