Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 182: Lilith, Awakening Of Bloodline

Chapter 182: Lilith, Awakening Of Bloodline

Nord Family mansion.

Kurt Nord listened to the report from his servants about the news of the Fourth Prince Lando and chuckled. He had long known about the underground dungeon in Landos mansion, but he hadnt discovered anything related to undead creatures from there before. Moreover, he knew that Lando was not affiliated with the dark faction.

It seems that someone couldnt bear to see it and wants to help our Nord family regain some ground, Kurt muttered to himself.

Well, isnt that good? The waters of the Golden Leaf Empire are getting muddier and muddier, which is a perfect opportunity for us to take advantage, a crisp voice sounded at that moment, and a beautiful young girl walked gracefully towards him. If Qi Bei were here, he would recognize her as Ye Longsha, who had been clinging to him all this time.

Though its good to fish in murky waters, this muddy pond is full of man-eating crocodiles. If youre not careful, youll be reduced to bones, Kurt said calmly.

Ye Longsha smiled and sat opposite him, saying, By the way, has the Fifth Young Master returned yet?

He has, Kurt replied.

Where is he? Why havent I been allowed to see him? Ye Longsha narrowed her eyes, her gaze carrying a hint of coldness.

Hehe, still holding a grudge? Kurt laughed and asked.

Why shouldnt I hold a grudge? Women are naturally good at holding grudges, Ye Longsha replied.

How about I step in and arrange for you to be betrothed to him? Kurt suggested.

No need. Im afraid I might not be able to resist tearing him apart, Ye Longsha said.

Kurt leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

Old man, you still havent told me where that bastard is? Ye Longsha couldnt help but ask.

When the time comes for you to know, you will naturally be informed, Kurt said.

Ye Longsha snorted and got up, walking away.

Kurt leaned back in his chair and gently rocked. He could feel that his life was slipping away day by day. He wouldnt be able to hold on for much longer.

Feng Ruoyu spent the night in Huo Siqins room. She suspected that ruffian would take the opportunity to cause trouble, but he didnt show up or come by.

Siqin, tell me honestly, what happened between you and Shi Liumang? Feng Ruoyu asked as she flipped over and pressed down on Huo Siqin.

Youve asked that many times already. What else do you want me to say? Nothing happened between him and me, Huo Siqin naturally denied it. Qi Bei disguised himself as an academy student, so he must have had something important to do. She couldnt spoil it.

Siqin, look at me Feng Ruoyu propped herself up, and her ample bosom, due to the pull of gravity, became quite impressive. She was only wearing revealing undergarments, with most of her charms exposed.

I see, you have a big one here, and I feel inferior. Alright then, Huo Siqin giggled.

You brat. I wanted you to see if I look like a fool. The way you looked at that ruffian makes my skin crawl. And you say nothing happened, Feng Ruoyu said.

Nothing means nothing. Huo Siqin had a look of refusal.

Nothing? Ill show you what nothing means Feng Ruoyu reached out and tickled Huo Siqins armpit.

Ah its feels weird. Ill tickle you too Huo Siqin retaliated without showing weakness, tickling Feng Ruoyu. The two women instantly rolled into a bundle.

At one moment, Feng Ruoyu was on top, and the next moment, Huo Siqin was on top. Their flimsy undergarments were pulled and torn apart during the play, leaving them practically naked in front of each other. Finally, both of them grew tired. Huo Siqin lay on top of Feng Ruoyu, gasping for breath, a thin layer of sweat appearing on her forehead.

Ruoyu, your breasts are really big. They can rival those of wet nurses, Huo Siqin said with a smile.

Hehe, really? Then let a wet nurse feed you, Feng Ruoyu straightened her chest, causing her pair of majestic peaks to bounce twice, extremely enticing. Unexpectedly, Huo Siqin actually lowered her head and took the pink bud on top of Feng Ruoyus bosom into her mouth.

Ah you really did it. It feels so strange. Let me let you experience it too, Feng Ruoyu exclaimed and suddenly raised her petite waist, pressing Huo Siqin beneath her, and also took her bud into her mouth.

Just at that moment, a creaking sound came from the room, startling the two of them, who immediately wrapped themselves in the blanket.

When they looked up, they saw Shui Liumang staring with wide eyes, not blinking, and his throat moving up and down as he swallowed saliva.

Um, I didnt see anything. You can continue. Ill leave first, Qi Bei said as he turned around, intending to leave.

Stay, Feng Ruoyu shouted.

But how could Qi Bei listen to her? He disappeared without a trace.

Feng Ruoyu let out a cry of despair and buried her face in the silk quilt. This was a big loss of face.

Oh no, what if he thinks I like women? Huo Siqin expressed her concern.

Feng Ruoyu suddenly raised her head. She gritted her teeth and said, Siqin, Im sorry but dont let me see him again, or Ill gouge out his eyes for sure.

Meanwhile, Qi Bei breathed a sigh of relief from a distance, recalling the alluring scene. The heat still rushed to his lower abdomen, it was truly stimulating. When he saw the two women sucking on each others buds, his nose almost sprayed blood.

Thats the difference between women and men. Two beautiful women doing such things are extremely enticing, but if it were two men, even last nights dinner might have been vomited out.

In fact, Qi Bei had entered Huo Siqins room originally to inform her about what was happening in the manor. Since their lodgings were arranged at one end of the estate, many people hadnt noticed that something big was going on.

Just then, a shadow appeared before Qi Bei like a ghost.

Fifth Young Master, the patriarch wants to see you immediately, the shadow said, showing Kurt Nords token.

Understood, Qi Bei replied calmly.

As the shadow disappeared, Qi Bei also vanished from the spot. At this moment, Feng Ruoyu and Huo Siqin walked out, hand in hand, heading to his room to look for him.

Qi Bei changed his attire and entered the Nord family openly as a member of the Nord family guards.

Arriving at the backyard, Qi Bei saw old Kurt dozing off. He looked much younger, no longer with the appearance of someone who could be dug in the dirt at any moment. But for some reason, Qi Bei had a feeling that he was drifting away.

You finally returned, Kurt spoke.

Patriarch, I pay my respects to you, Qi Bei smiled.

Kurt stood up and turned to look at Qi Bei in his current disguise. He nodded and said, Your disguise is well done. Follow me.

Qi Bei followed Kurt Nord into his private study, which was forbidden to everyone except the old patriarch himself.

Qi Bei looked around but didnt find anything unusual. He plopped down on a soft chair, thinking that perhaps today he would get answers to some of the perplexing questions from the family head himself.

Kurt sat across from Qi Bei and said, Dont be impatient, you have indeed made a lot of progress.

I was pretending. In reality, it felt like a thousand ants crawling in my heart a long time ago, Qi Bei shrugged and laughed.

Do you want to know why I made you take such a roundabout route and disguise yourself to return to the imperial capital? Old Kurt asked.

Old man, thats a rhetorical question, Qi Bei rolled his eyes.

Kurt fell silent, and after a while, he said, One of the reasons is to avoid assassination. The other reason is because of the forbidden forest.

Lets start with the first reason. Why would someone try to assassinate me when I return to participate in the 800-year grand ceremony? Based on your arrangements, the one trying to assassinate me is definitely not an ordinary character, and it wouldnt be Emperor Han Mo either, Qi Bei said.

Youre right. The person trying to assassinate you is likely to be a top powerhouse from the dark faction or possibly someone from the Temple, Kurt explained.

Qi Bei was stunned. How could that be? When did he become the target of both the dark and light factions? Did people from both sides want his life? It seemed like he didnt have that much ability.

Because of your mother, Lilith Kurt sighed softly, his gaze becoming distant as if recalling something.

Your mother, Lilith, is not an ordinary person. She comes from a distant place that requires crossing the entire Savage Wasteland to reach. In the war of the gods a hundred thousand years ago, Lilith appeared for the first time and intervened in the war. I dont know the exact reasons, but both the light and dark factions revered and hated her

Wait a minute, old man, are you joking? Are you saying that my mother, Lilith, is a person from a hundred thousand years ago who got involved in the war of the gods? And then, after a hundred thousand years, she fell in love with my father, married him, gave birth to my elder brother and me, and later died in childbirth? Qi Bei couldnt believe what he was hearing. It sounded like a fantastical tale that made no logical sense.

More precisely, Lilith is your mother, but she is not the mother of Huaian, Old Kurt said.

Alright, old man, youve successfully confused me, Qi Bei said, rolling his eyes.

Lilith is the incarnation of a remnant divine soul. Passed down from generation to generation for a hundred thousand years, but unable to inherit the bloodline until she gave birth to you. It awakened her primal memories, and at that time, with ambitious intentions, I made a crazy decision, a decision that came at the cost of the entire family, Kurt explained.

Sigh, old man, if youre going to say something, say it all, dont always leave it half said, Qi Bei said.

As long as you integrate the seed of the divine soul and awaken the bloodline completely within you, then your glory will be the glory of our Nord family,Kurt said.

I still dont understand. Didnt you say that both the light and dark factions have issues with Lilith? If I awaken the bloodline within me, wouldnt they want to eliminate me even more? Qi Bei asked.

Kurt didnt say anything further, perhaps he was unsure as well. He stood up and suddenly activated a mechanism on the table, causing a magic array to appear on the wall.

Drop a drop of blood into the central groove, He instructed Qi Bei.

Without hesitation, Qi Bei flicked a drop of blood into the groove of the magic array.

Instantly, the magic array emitted a burst of light that enveloped Qi Bei. He felt as if something in his consciousness was taking root and sprouting.

Kurts eyes showed excitement. The magic array had activated, which meant there was absolutely no room for error.

After a while, the burst of light dissipated, and the magic array on the wall vanished.

Qi Bei touched his head, feeling as if the magic array had somehow embedded itself inside him.

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