Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 176:

Chapter 176:

Evil and corrupt dark vermin, meet your demise! With purple light flickering in his eyes, Feng Tian unleashed a torrential thunderstorm, slaughtering those who had no power to resist.

Although several Heavenly Mountain disciples around felt some reluctance, they did not speak up to stop him. Their reluctance was not towards Feng Tians slaughter of the members of the dark faction, but rather towards the families of these few individuals who had joined the dark faction. Most of them were innocent, yet they were mercilessly annihilated by Feng Tian.

At that moment, just as a heavenly thunder was about to strike a wailing baby still in swaddling clothes, a shield of light suddenly appeared, blocking the thunderbolt.

Feng Tians eyes flickered with a fierce gaze as he looked over and saw a graceful figure standing there, coldly staring at him. It was none other than Ming Yue, who had made a name for herself within Heavenly Mountain Peak in just three short years.

Senior Brother Feng, we are here to eradicate the forces of darkness, not to slaughter innocent civilians. By indiscriminately killing everyone, what difference do you have from the forces of darkness? Ming Yue said coldly.

Feng Tian stared at Ming Yue and coldly replied, All these people deserve to die. The ones who have joined the dark forces are just a few of them. But when the great darkness erupts, the closest family members of these fallen individuals will most likely be pulled into the dark faction. Im just preventing a future catastrophe.

You are disregarding human lives. According to what Senior Brother Feng said, why not just kill everyone and eliminate any soil for the existence of the dark forces? Mind Yue said.

Hmph, I wont argue with you. Youre my junior sister, and youve only passed the fifth checkpoint. Youre still one level behind me. If you want to teach me a lesson, wait until you surpass me, Feng Tian coldly snorted, his gaze hiding profound pain as he stared at Mind Yue.

I will report this truthfully to the Eighteenth Elder, Ming Yue said.

Suit yourself, Feng Tian replied. Then, in front of her, he suddenly waved his hand towards a severely injured person below and a thunderous blade of lightning cut the person in half!

Battle Qi! This was the Battle Qi that Feng Tian cultivated amidst criticism from all the disciples of Heavenly Mountain Peak.

Ming Yue furrowed her eyebrows slightly, watching Feng Tians departure without showing any anger or joy.

Listening to Ming Yues report, the seductive and enchanting eyes of Yao Ruo narrowed slightly.

Since Feng Tian experienced emotional setbacks with Ming Yue, his temperament had drastically changed. In the past, he had been very friendly towards fellow disciples of Heavenly Mountain Peak and even mentored the younger generation. However, since then, he became silent, focusing solely on cultivation and comprehending the path of Battle Qi.

However, it couldnt be denied that his magic had not been neglected and he was about to break through to the realm of an Earth-grade mage.

But judging from his temperament, it seemed that he had taken a wrong path, and his actions were tainted with a demonic nature.

I will go and remind him. If he doesnt restrain himself, we will have to forcefully send him back to Heavenly Mountain Peak to cultivate his heart and mind, Yao Ruo said.

Elder, did the Temple instruct us to go to the Golden Leaf Empire? Ming Yue suddenly asked.

Yao Ruo nodded, her thoughts not apparent on her face.

The matter of the dark faction involves the Nord family, Ming Yue added.

Yes, thats correct. However, its just a suspicion. Its too early to draw conclusions, Yao Ruo said lightly.

Arent you worried? Ming Yue asked softly, her gaze focused on Yao Ruos facial expressions.

Worried? Why should I be worried? Yao Ruo said casually, as if speaking about someone unrelated to her.

Ming Yue didnt say anything more and turned to leave.

Yao Ruo watched Ming Yues figure as she departed. Speaking to herself, she said, What am I worried about? That little troublemaker possesses the true dragons aura. Who would dare accuse him of joining the dark camp? I wont rest until this is resolved.

Ming Yue flew forward, her hair tousled by the wind. In her heart, she pondered, Qi Bei is my future husband. If the Eighteenth Elder distances herself from him, what about me?

Three carriages from the Sunset Royal Academy swiftly approached from a distance, startling a group of black vultures. They cawed with an uncomfortable aura of death. Qi Bei jumped onto the roof of a carriage and looked at the small town shrouded in an eerie atmosphere not far away, his gaze narrowing.

His consciousness extended, and he sensed that there was not a living soul left in this small town.

As the carriage passed through the collapsed town gate, the streets became filled with decaying corpses and swarms of mosquitoes and flies, causing nausea.

This small town was only a thousand miles away from the Golden Leaf Imperial City. How could such a catastrophe occur without anyone caring?

Dean Mo looked around, sighed lightly, and said, Accelerate and leave this small town.

The three carriages quickly passed through the other side of the small town. At this moment, Qi Bei turned back and was surprised to see a layer of black smoke shrouding the town.

The calamity of darkness? Qi Bei raised an eyebrow. Why didnt he notice it when they entered the town? Moreover, the calamity of darkness usually involved the gathering of Yin energy, causing illness. How could it lead to the death of all the towns residents?

Its the shadow of death. The people in this town have died within a day, Dean Mos voice suddenly sounded in Qi Beis ear.

The shadow of death? Qi Bei couldnt help but touch the blade of silence at his side. He vaguely felt that this might be related to what happened in the forbidden forest.

I didnt expect one of the generals under the God of Death to still exist, Dean Mo said again.

The underlings of God of Death did this? Qi Bei touched his chin, pondering.

Just then, a light breeze blew, and he suddenly had the feeling of being watched.

However, even though he felt like being watched, he couldnt clearly perceive where the other person was. This time, he couldnt detect the presence of the other party.

In the night, inside Qi Beis tent, Ye Longsha had already gone to bed. She lay there with her eyes slightly open, wearing two black wristbands on her wrists.

You shameless person, if you dare to come, Ill give you an unforgettable lesson, Ye Longsha thought to herself. But at that moment, she suddenly felt her head grow heavy and fell into a deep sleep.

Qi Beis figure flashed in front of Ye Longshas bed, holding a crystal ball-like object that shimmered with a faint light.

The Soul Piercer a weapon of the Goblin civilization. I guessed you were a Goth person, Qi Bei clearly sensed the name and effect of the item Ye Longsha wore on her wrist from the crystal ball he held. It was invented by Mi Qi specifically for detecting Goblin weapons, similar to the Blade of Silence in function but with slight differences.

He didnt do anything to Ye Longsha because he hadnt figured out her true intentions yet. If she only wanted to control Feng Ruoyu, then why did she stay after she believed she had achieved her goal?

Qi Bei left the tent and walked toward a small grove not far away. Just as he stepped out, Feng Ruoyus figure also emerged and quietly followed behind him.

You little girl, youre really making a move, Qi Bei murmured in his heart. He reached a tree, unfastened his pants, whistled, and began urinating.

Feng Ruoyus heart skipped a beat and quickly stopped and turned her head. However, she soon realized that this was the perfect opportunity to silently kill him.

Determined, she looked over, preparing to deliver a fatal blow.

But as she glanced over, Feng Ruoyu saw Qi Beis manhood that stood erect, and her gaze seemed to be seared, instinctively looking away. When the sound of water ceased, she looked back, only to find that Qi Bei, who had just been urinating, had disappeared.

Feng Ruoyu immediately searched deeper and finally spotted Qi Beis figure.

You despicable rogue, your time has come, Feng Ruoyu thought to herself. Seizing the moment when Qi Bei raised his head to admire the moon, she leaped up like lightning, and her long sword emitted an extremely condensed battle qi.


The battle qi pierced through Qi Beis heart from behind. He immediately spurted blood, turned around with difficulty, and gazed at Feng Ruoyu with a pale face.

I I liked you Qi Bei weakly uttered these words before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

Feng Ruoyu dug a hole and buried Qi Bei in it, then quickly returned to her own tent.

I liked you Feng Ruoyu lay in bed with those words constantly echoing in her ears, along with his anguished gaze before his death, repeatedly appearing in her mind. She covered her ears and covered her head, tossing and turning in bed.

It wasnt until midnight that Feng Ruoyu finally fell asleep.

But she had another dream. In the dream, the gaze of that deceased rogue overlapped with the memory of Qi Beis gaze.

Ah Brother Qi Bei Feng Ruoyu woke up from the dream, sitting up abruptly. She recalled the dream that caused her indescribable heartache and covered her face with both hands.

By now, it was already bright outside. Feng Ruoyu got out of bed and slipped out of the tent, coincidentally encountering Huo Siqin coming out of the neighboring tent.

Ruoyu, are you sick? Why do you look so haggard? Huo Siqin exclaimed.

Its nothing. Just had a night of nightmares, Feng Ruoyu shook her head, but in her heart, she thought that she would probably discover the disappearance of that despicable rogue soon.

Could it be that youre affected by the death aura in that town? Should we go find Dean Mo? Huo Siqin suggested.

No need, just washing my face will do, Feng Ruoyu shook her head.

Just then, the curtain of Qi Beis tent was lifted, and Feng Ruoyu immediately looked over, only to see Ye Longsu rushing out in a somewhat flustered manner.

Hmph, I suppose the concubine of that despicable rogue found out hes missing, Feng Ruoyu coldly snorted. She had never had a good impression of this girl who always played innocent.

However, after Ye Longsu ran out, her footsteps slowed down, she tidied her hair lightly, and had a nonchalant expression on her face.

Feng Ruoyu couldnt help but feel puzzled, but just then, she was stunned to see the curtain of Qi Beis tent being lifted again, and that despicable rogue walked out with a sly smile on his face.

Feng Ruoyu was as if she had seen a ghost. He didnt die? How could he possibly not be dead? She had personally buried his body.

Good morning, ladies. Huh, Ruoyu, why are you looking at me with such fear? Did I grow horns on my head? Qi Bei spoke with a laugh.

Feng Ruoyu opened her mouth but couldnt say anything. Was her vision playing tricks on her? Or was what happened yesterday just a dream?

Meanwhile, Ye Longsha beside them was filled with doubts and shame.

She had clearly worn the Soul Piercers on her wrists, which would inflict damage on his soul if he touched her. However, when she inexplicably fell asleep, she woke up to find herself sleeping on naked Qi Bei, tightly hugging him, and his hand had even slipped into her revealing clothing, fondling her bosom, with his fingers pinching the cherry on top.

The Soul Piercers had failed!

Moreover, when she asked him about it, he claimed that she had reached for his embrace in the middle of the night and refused to let go.

While everyone was packing up their belongings, Feng Ruoyu saw Qi Bei alone and walked up to him, asking, I think I saw you get up last night.

Qi Bei pretended to look surprised and answered with a non sequitur, Youre willing to talk to me? Youre not mad at me anymore?

Dont talk nonsense. Did you get up or not? Feng Ruoyu asked angrily.

Yes, I got up to relieve myself and selflessly fertilized a big tree, Qi Bei smiled.

And then? Feng Ruoyu nervously asked.

And then I went back to my tent to sleep. Did you see that? Were you hiding in the dark peeping? Qi Bei chuckled.

Youre talking nonsense, Feng Ruoyu seethed with anger, but a hint of embarrassment flickered in her eyes. She involuntarily glanced at Qi Beis lower body, which had a bulge?

Qi Bei suddenly covered his lower body with his hand and exclaimed, You really saw it, thats too much.

As Feng Ruoyu snorted and turned to leave, Qi Bei added, Lets consider ourselves even.

Feng Ruoyu gritted her teeth but rushed toward the small grove. She arrived at the spot where she buried Qi Bei yesterday, but to her surprise, there was no trace of disturbed soil. She dug several meters down but found no sign of a body.

Could it be that I was really dreaming? Feng Ruoyu started to believe that last nights murder was just her dream.

As she recalled the actions of that despicable rogue, Feng Ruoyu suddenly realized that her intention to kill him had diminished significantly.

Perhaps it was because she had already killed him once.

This guy, is he pretending to be weak and vulnerable? After a long time, Feng Ruoyu muttered to herself.

This shameless bastard, is he pretending to be weak and vulnerable? Outside the grove, Ye Longsha also thought to herself.

Golden Leaf Imperial City.

As the day of the 800th anniversary celebration of the Nord family approached, more and more people flocked to Imperial City.

And the Fifth district of city, as the most prosperous area of the capital, was almost filled with crowds as far as the eye could see.

In a luxurious teahouse by the side of Fifth district, a figure silently watched the bustling street outside through the window.

Young Master. At this moment, another figure appeared silently, showing utmost respect.

This place is becoming more and more interesting. Xiaoming, do you think theres a chance well find what were looking for during the 800th anniversary celebration of the Nord family? The figure spoke without turning his head, his voice magnetic. The contours of his face were distinct under the shadow, but his eyes were dull and gray, occasionally reflecting the light like a mirror.

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