Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 139: Ironback Tribe

Chapter 139: Ironback Tribe

Thousands of miles southwest of West Spirit City lies the terriroty within the sphere of influence of the Orc Ironback Tribe.

The Ironback Tribe used to be a prominent tribe among the orcs, but now they have declined and only hold five cities. They have maintained a neutral stance in the ongoing conflicts among the three major powers of the orc empire.

Father, the war between Bimon and the Rhino Tribe has reached our territory. Our provisions are abundant, and the terrain is easily defensible. Both tribes have sent emissaries to persuade us to surrender, a young Ironback orc, tall in stature with pitch-black hard fur on his chest and a back as hard as steel, spoke to the elder seated at the central citys massive rock house.

Hmph, they can dream on. Our Ironback Clan is the descendant of the Beast Gods servants. Originally, we should have followed the Beast Gods family, but the bloodline of the Beast Gods family has become increasingly thin, failing to produce powerful Beast Gods descendants. As a result, we have remained dormant. However, it is impossible for us to surrender, even if we fight to the death until the last person, the elder Ironback orc declared with a grim aura.

But father, is there really no other way? the young orc asked.

The elders gaze flickered, and he was about to speak when suddenly the sounds of battle and screams echoed throughout the city.

Somethings wrong, Chief. The Bimon Tribes army has invaded, a panicked Ironback soldier rushed in to report.

They dare to provoke us too much. I will go and fight them, the young orc roared, gripping a large blade as he prepared to charge out.

Hold your ground! the elder Ironback orc commanded in a stern voice.

Father, our warriors are being slaughtered. How can we sit idle here? the young Ironback orc pleaded in a sorrowful tone.

Tie Long, come here. Theres something I must tell you, the elder Ironback orc sighed softly.

The young Ironback orc approached his father, waiting for him to speak.

The Bimon Tribe has already broken through, and we undoubtedly wont be able to hold on. There is something extremely important I must tell you. The Beast Gods family hasnt been completely wiped out. The chieftain of the Beast Gods family had two young children who successfully escaped from that catastrophe. They are currently with the Lord of West Spirit City and have awakened their Beast Gods bloodline. The older brother has awakened the Tyrannical Bloodline, and the younger sister has awakened the Sky Cat Bloodline. Now, you must escape through the secret passage and go to West Spirit City to find them, the elder Ironback orc revealed.

The Tyrannical Bloodline and the Sky Cat Bloodline!

Tie Long, the young Ironback orc, was stunned. He knew how formidable those Beast Gods bloodlines were. The Beast Gods family hadnt seen Tyrannical and Sky Cat bloodlines for many years.

But father, what about you? Tie Long regained his senses and asked urgently.

I am old now and can no longer run. I will stay behind. Hurry, leave and preserve a trace of our Ironback Clans bloodline, the elder Ironback orc said.

Father, I

Go, quickly! the elder Ironback orc sternly commanded.

Father, I will definitely come back, Tie Long gritted his teeth and ran towards the back room, where a secret escape passage led outside the city.

The elder Ironback orc stood tall, holding the scepter symbolizing leadership, and walked out


Leng Sufeng entered the City Lords Mansion and refused to leave. He didnt wander around or speak to anyone. Every day, he sat cross-legged in the courtyard of the City Lords Mansion like an ice sculpture, unaffected by wind or rain.

However, the City Lord, Qi Bei, didnt say anything, and naturally, no one else would either.

On this day, Li Dong rushed into the Lords Mansion in an excited manner and loudly exclaimed when he saw Qi Bei, Young Master, Young Master- something big has happened.

Whats the matter? Why are you making such a fuss? Qi Bei asked.

Young Master, in these past few days, I have gathered information from various sources and discovered a calamity of darkness occurring in the River Water Kingdom, part of the Saint Yana Alliance, Li Dong said, shaking his plump face.

The calamity of darkness refers to a phenomenon where dark clouds cover the sun, and gloominess and negative energy spread, causing various diseases in people with weak constitutions.

This kind of situation has occurred from time to time over the years, so Qi Bei didnt find it particularly surprising.

Li Dong, is this considered a significant event? Qi Bei said.

Young Master, I knew you would react this way, but after gathering this information, I noticed a pattern, Li Dong said, spreading out a map of the surrounding countries of the Golden Leaf Empire.

Young Master, take a look. According to records, the calamity of darkness occurred in the Glorious City of the Sunset Empire a hundred years ago, in the town of Min Yin in the Shield Kingdom ninety years ago, in the west of the Gothic people eighty years ago, seventy years ago As Li Dong spoke, he circled locations on the map.

Qi Beis gaze gradually changed, and his expression became serious.

The calamity of darkness occurred in the Fire Phoenix Kingdom ten years ago, and now its happening in the River Water Kingdom of the Saint Yana Alliance. Young Master, take a look, Li Dong connected the locations of the calamity on the map with lines, forming a circle.

In other words, the calamity of darkness occurs once every ten years, and these ten instances over the past hundred years follow a certain pattern.

However, Qi Beis gaze focused on the center of the circle, which was the Imperial City of the Golden Leaf Empire.

Seeing Qi Beis gaze fixed on the Imperial Capital at the center of the circle, Li Dong whispered, Young Master, I suspect that the next occurrence will be in our Golden Leaf Imperial City.

But Qi Bei didnt think so. He even suspected that the cause of the calamity of darkness was within the Golden Leaf Imperial City, which made him vaguely uneasy.

Well done. Keep this matter confidential and dont reveal it to anyone, Qi Bei patted Li Dongs shoulder.

Li Dong suddenly became as elated as a drunken toad, as if Qi Beis praise and approval were his greatest joy.

At the city gate of West Spirit City, Lone Eye returned with a battalion of the Divine Dragon Army from their training outside.

At this moment, a city guard on the city wall pointed into the distance and shouted, Orc cavalry, over a hundred riders!

Lone Eye turned his head and anger surged within him. How dare the orc army come to harass West Spirit City again? This was unacceptable. Over a hundred riders dared to be so arrogant. He would teach them a lesson.

The 8th Battalion of the Divine Dragon Army, follow me to wipe out those orc cavalry, Lone Eye shouted loudly.

Roar! The four hundred members of the Divine Dragon Army roared in unison, following behind Lone Eye. Their steps were swift and uniform as they charged forward. Only the Divine Dragon Army could face cavalry with infantry and come out on top.

Soon, the Divine Dragon Army led by Lone Eye approached the orc cavalry. It was then that he noticed a bloodied orc stumbling towards them, chased by the orc cavalry. Originally, he didnt want to get involved.

However, someone among the orc cavalry suddenly shouted, We, the Bimon Tribes army, are pursuing rebel soldiers. Outsiders are not allowed to interfere!

Lone Eye suddenly changed his mind. He rushed forward, picked up the fallen orc, and then turned back.

This is the territory of West Spirit City. We have the final say here. If you dont get lost, there will be no mercy! Lone Eye roared sternly.

The over a hundred orc riders stopped a few hundred meters away from Lone Eye. A rider among them stepped forward. He was a red-eyed tiger-man, and he angrily said, You are harboring our orc races rebel soldiers. This is a provocation to our Bimon Tribes army. Hand over the person, or

Divine Dragon Army, form ranks and prepare to attack! Lone Eye completely ignored the orc cavalry captain and issued a stern command.

The soldiers of the Divine Dragon Army thrust their spears forward, full of killing intent, as if they were facing not a hundred riders but a hundred defenseless rabbits waiting to be slaughtered.

Seeing the cavalry charging out from West Spirit City, the orc cavalry captain gritted his teeth and shouted, Retreat!

Soon, Lone Eye arrived at the City Lords Mansion carrying the unconscious young orc.

Lone Eye, you daring fellow. Are you confident facing a hundred orc cavalry with your infantry? Qi Bei didnt even look at the unconscious young orc. He coldly spoke to Lone Eye.

Master, I am confident, Lone Eye straightened his chest and said.

Can your trained soldiers withstand the charge of orc cavalry with just their light armor? Qi Bei asked.

Lord, if we were to engage in a straightforward confrontation, it would be impossible. However, isnt there a saying that goes surprise brings victory? If we cant win head-on, we can resort to trickery. I just trained this battalion of the Divine Dragon Army, focusing on poison tactics. They carry poison powder with them. When the orc cavalry charges, they will throw the poison powder at them and immediately disperse. Once the orc cavalry passes through the poison powder, I guarantee they wont be able to get up again, Lone Eye said loudly.

Qi Bei was taken aback for a moment, but couldnt help but laugh. He had a rule that after completing the required training subjects, commanders could autonomously add additional training.

Lone Eye had been a mercenary captain who had traveled far and wide, so he knew a variety of underhanded methods. Unexpectedly, he was applying them to training his soldiers.

Well, since youre not blindly acting and putting our comrades in danger, I wont pursue the matter further, Qi Bei said. Training an elite soldier was not easy, and even though he hoped for fearless sacrifice, he also wanted to see results.

It was at this moment that Qi Bei finally turned his attention to the orc youth, who was covered in blood. Seeing the distinct features on his back, it was evident that he was an Ironback Orc.

Qi Bei had heard of the Ironback Orcs neutrality, but he didnt know why they would be pursued by the Bimon Tribes army. He ordered his men to bandage the wounds of the Ironback Orc youth. This fellow had a strong will to survive, enduring such injuries and still managing to hold on.

Lord, could this be a scheme by the Bimon Tribe, a ploy to insert a wedge into our West Spirit City? Lie Feng, being cautious by nature, spoke up.

Its highly unlikely. Its already a miracle for him to survive such injuries, Iron Head said.

Thats not necessarily true. If he hadnt been injured to this extent, would it be easy for us to believe him? Lone Eye said.

Qi Bei pondered for a moment and said, Well ask him what happened when he wakes up.

Just then, the heartbeat and breathing of the Ironback Orc youth changed, and Qi Bei knew he was about to wake up.

The orc youth opened his eyes but couldnt clearly see who was in front of him. He let out a low growl and instinctively launched an attack, causing the freshly bandaged wounds to burst open once again, staining everything with blood.

((TL: Orc= Beast))

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