Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 136: I Want To Sleep With The City Lord

Chapter 136: I Want To Sleep With The City Lord

Qi Bei had ambitions, but after all, he also had the blood of the Nord family flowing in him. Wasnt Emperor Han Mo underestimating him?

Just then, a thought flashed through Qi Beis mind. Han Mos cunning and methods were on the same level as Kurt Nord, the head of the Nord family. Did he try to bribe him by drawing a pie in the air?

Qi Beis sharp gaze turned towards Kasef, and a cold, cruel smile appeared on his lips. Marquis of Lanling, you are now this young masters dog. Dare to deceive me, and I will scatter your soul.

With a single thought, Qi Bei suddenly stirred up the internal energy sealed in Kasefs brow.

Kasef immediately let out a scream, clutching his head and rolling on the ground.

Master, master, I was wrong. Spare me, please, Kasef cried out miserably.

Qi Bei smirked coldly, with no intention of stopping. It seemed that this guy had forgotten the pain of his past injuries or perhaps he doubted whether Qi Bei could truly control him.

It was not until Kasef foamed at the mouth, convulsing on the ground without any strength to cry out that Qi Bei finally stopped.

After a long time, Kasef weakly stood up, his whole body still trembling. His gaze was filled with extreme horror as he lowered his head and stood subserviently in front of Qi Bei.

He had visited the Light Temple in various places some time ago, asking the high priests there to check if there was anything wrong with his body, but the results showed no issues. And while waiting here for the past three months, he received a message that he now has to take orders from Qi Bei Nord, that little brat. As time went on, he began to suspect whether he was truly being controlled.

But now, this agonizing pain told him that there was no such thing as luck in this world. Not only was his life held in the hands of that mysterious person, but it was also under Qi Beis control.

Han Mo asked me to give you this thing. I couldnt help but take a sneak peek, Kasef said, handing over a transparent magic stone to Qi Bei.

Qi Bei infused a trace of energy into it, and the magic stone revealed a piece of text.

A divine stone? Hundred years of lifespan! Qi Beis pupils contracted. He didnt expect Han Mo to offer such conditions.

According to Han Mo, the founding emperor of the Golden Leaf Empire had encountered a opportunity and was gifted a divine stone. When the divine stone was activated, it would be illuminated by the divine light of the God of Light, extending ones lifespan by a hundred years.

The average human lifespan was around a hundred years, but after reaching the Heaven-grade , one would have three hundred years of lifespan. Unless they entered the Saint-grade within those three hundred years, there was absolutely no human who could live beyond three hundred years.

Many Heaven-grade powerhouses die unwillingly before their lifespan is exhausted, solely because they havent transcended the realm of humans and stepped into the Saint-grade. The main thing they lack is time. Give them another fifty or sixty years, and perhaps they would reach the Saint-grade.

The ability to grant lifespan is probably something only gods can accomplish.

But is this true? Or is it Han Mo the Great Emperors scheme to manipulate their minds?

You have seen the content of this magic stone, so you have some thoughts, right? Qi Bei suddenly looked up and gazed at Kasef.

Yes yes, Kasef couldnt meet Qi Beis gaze. He was indeed tempted, which is why he kept it hidden, hoping to find a way to get his hands on the divine stone.

After you go back, tell Han Mo that this young master needs more time to consider, Qi Bei said calmly. He naturally wouldnt betray the Nord family and help Han Mo eradicate them just because of this divine stone. Han Mo tried to manipulate him with deceitful tactics, so he would keep stringing him along, withholding his decision, and focus on developing his own strength instead.

Yes, Master, Kasef breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Qi Bei would destroy him in a fit of rage.

After you return, have the potion master Weir come to the West Spirit City, no matter what means you use, Qi Bei added.

Yes, Master, Kasef nodded repeatedly, not daring to hesitate in the slightest.

You may leave now, Qi Bei waved his hand, as if shooing away a fly.

After Kasef hurriedly left with a trembling gait, Qi Bei held his teacup, seemingly frozen in that position, his gaze constantly changing.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly the sound of footsteps came from outside, followed by a petite figure rushing in, carrying a pungent smell.

City Lord, youre back, and you didnt come to find me! Mi Qi exclaimed loudly and jumped onto Qi Bei, landing on his lap.

Qi Bei was startled and quickly put down the teacup.

I say, little girl, whats on you? Its dirty and smelly Qi Bei frowned, picking up Mi Qi and placing her aside. His clean robe had been stained with various colors.

Youre still complaining about me being dirty? Isnt this all because of helping you create the Skybreaking Armor? Mi Qi pouted.

Alright, stop pouting. Youre the number one meritorious subordinate under this Lord, okay? Qi Bei smiled and pinched Mi Qis puffed-up little face. Suddenly, he thought of Feng Ruoyu, who was not much older than Mi Qi. That little girl was also mischievous. When the two of them were together, they would probably get along well.

Thats about right. So, as the number one subordinate, do I have any rewards? Mi Qi immediately smiled and asked.

Go wash up first, then well talk, Qi Bei said.

Since youre already dirty because of me, why dont we wash together? Mi Qis eyes sparkled, but her gaze glanced towards Qi Beis lower region.

Qi Bei suddenly felt a chill down there. This little girl, is she intentionally trying to cause trouble?

Huan Ying, take this dirty girl and make her clean herself a few times, Qi Bei called out directly.

Huan Ying flashed in and, disregarding Mi Qis protests, dragged her away.

You stingy person! Its not like I havent seen it, Mi Qi grumbled.

Qi Beis hearing was quite sharp, and he almost stumbled upon hearing those words. Who taught this little one to say such things?

An hour later, Mi Qi appeared in Qi Beis room, wearing a cute bathrobe, looking exquisite and delicate.

Without saying a word, she bounced onto Qi Beis bed, clutching a pillow and rolling around in circles. She spoke up, City Lord, your bed is really big. It can fit eight or ten women.

Qi Bei rolled his eyes and couldnt be bothered to respond to her random remarks.

Im a woman too, so why dont I sleep here today? Mi Qi giggled.

This young master is not interested in little girls like you, Qi Bei replied with a wry smile.

Lack of taste! When I grow up, Ill definitely be a stunning beauty, no less than Sister Huan Ying, Mi Qi said.

Lets talk about it when you grow up.

Mi Qi wrinkled her little nose and asked, What about my reward?

Qi Bei waved his hand, and a piece of animal hide floated lightly in front of Mi Qi. It was inscribed with mysterious symbols from the underground passage in the Goblin civilization ruins.

Mi Qi took a look and couldnt help but exclaim, City Lord, where did you get this thing?

In the place you mentioned, the ruins. We found three Gothic skeletons with these inscriptions beneath them. Do you recognize them? Qi Bei asked.

These are Northern Goblin characters, known for their profound and incomprehensible nature. I only recognize a few words for now, but Ill definitely study them, Mi Qi said.

She concentrated as she looked at it for a while, then suddenly raised her head and pouted, City Lord, the reward you mentioned isnt this, is it?

Correct. What else do you want? Qi Bei smiled.

I want everything from you? Mi Qi asked, her gaze starting to wander around.

Well, thats unreasonable. It has to be something I can do, Qi Bei didnt fall for it.

I want to sleep with the City Lord tonight, Mi Qi said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Qi Bei.


Dont say no. Im scared to sleep alone. Just for one day, only this day, Mi Qi pleaded, her big eyes moistening with a layer of mist.

Well Qi Bei hesitated a bit. Mi Qi was still a child, and although she said some inappropriate things, maybe she didnt mean anything else in her heart.

Plus Sister Huan Ying, the three of us can sleep together, Mi Qi added.

Qi Bei seemed to have no reason to oppose it anymore and agreed.

Yeah! Mi Qi happily bounced and jumped on the bed, as if this was the greatest reward for her.

Night fell, quietly, with only the faint moonlight shining through the window lattice.

Qi Bei lay in the center of the large bed, with Huan Ying sleeping on his left side and Mi Qi on his right.

Mi Qi rested her head on Qi Beis shoulder, her hands clinging to him like an octopus, sleeping soundly.

Huan Ying, do you think we look like a couple with a child like this? Qi Bei asked with a soft laugh. He thought Mi Qi would cause a commotion again, but to his surprise, she quickly fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. However, she held onto him tightly, as if afraid he would leave.

Huan Ying smiled faintly and whispered, Young Master, I think Mi Qi lacks fatherly love and sees you as her father.

Qi Beis face turned bitter. Im not even eighteen yet. Do I have such a grown daughter?

Its just a psychological response. I understand, Huan Ying murmured.

Huan Ying, do you see me as a father too? That would be Qi Bei said in a strange tone.

Huan Yings face instantly turned red, and she anxiously said, Young Master, youre thinking too much. I just said that I understand, not that I really see you as a father

Alright, alright. I was just joking, Qi Bei surrendered.

The room fell silent, with only the varying sounds of breathing filling the air.

At this moment, Huan Ying suddenly felt a hand gently caressing her thigh. She trembled, softly pleading, Young Master, Mi Qi is here.

Who cares? Shes asleep, Qi Bei turned his head, biting her earlobe and lightly licking it with his tongue.

That was the most sensitive spot for Huan Ying. Her body trembled instantly, and a faint sense of excitement surged within her.

Just then, Mi Qi murmured in her sleep, and her foot accidentally landed on Qi Beis body, pressing directly against his stirring manhood.

Qi Bei gasped, damn it, is this girl pretending to sleep? Is she intentionally causing trouble?

Huan Ying, who had started to get into the mood, was also startled by Mi Qis movements. She simply turned her back to Qi Bei and fell asleep.

Qi Bei sighed inwardly, forget it, lets just sleep.

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