Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 102: The Miraculous Spirit Elixir

Chapter 102: The Miraculous Spirit Elixir

For example, assembling secretive electronic devices if other scientists were to do it, they would need various tools, including robots. However, when it comes to Wu Hao, he doesn't need any of that. He doesn't even need to get his hands dirty. He can simply use his telekinesis to manipulate the individual components, assembling them automatically with precision and without any damage.

After instructing the base's AI program 'Zero' to process the video materials he brought back, Wu Hao himself didn't linger. He swiftly changed into protective clothing, carrying with him the mysterious liquid retrieved from the underground space in Shenlongjia, and entered a completely sealed laboratory.

Before entering the lab, Wu Hao and his belongings underwent several checks and sterilization processes. Only after these precautions did they enter the transparent genetics lab.

Wu Hao then proceeded with a series of preparations and divided a drop of the liquid into several portions for different research and analysis purposes.

Several hours later, after a series of research and repeated experiments, Wu Hao's face revealed an expression of immense joy.

"This mysterious liquid is indeed a rare and extraordinary natural substance. It not only extends the lifespan of organisms but also eliminates various ailments in those who consume it, without any side effects. Unfortunately, I can only determine its effects; I have no knowledge of the specific components that make up this enigmatic liquid," Wu Hao said with a mix of excitement and disappointment.

However, he quickly realized that something with such remarkable properties wouldn't be easily analyzed. After all, it came from nature itself.

Even though Wu Hao possessed extraordinary telekinetic powers and an exceptionally capable mind, the more powerful he became, the more he felt a sense of awe towards nature and the universe.

In the face of nature, human strength appeared minuscule. Even the most potent weapon in human possession, nuclear threats, posed no significant threat to the entire Earth. Even if all nuclear weapons were detonated, it would result, at most, in the extinction of most life on Earth's surface. However, given a few thousand years, life on Earth would slowly recover.

In essence, despite humanity's technological advancements, it remained insignificant when confronting the forces of nature. Consider various natural disasters that frequently occur worldwide; even with our advanced technology, we cannot prevent these disasters from happening.

"Since this mysterious liquid possesses such incredible properties, let's call it 'Spiritual Elixir!'" Wu Hao was very satisfied and excited as he gave this enigmatic substance a new name.

Wu Hao's mood was now one of great joy. With the appearance of this Spiritual Elixir, he no longer had to worry about his family suffering from various health issues and leaving him.

At the same time, he no longer needed to expend his efforts on researching gene-based drugs to combat cancer cells. With the presence of this Spiritual Elixir, all illnesses became insignificant.

As long as he provided his father with long-term consumption of the elixir, various health problems would naturally disappear.

The main ability of this Spiritual Elixir, which extended the lifespan of living organisms, was to enhance the body's regenerative capacity. As long as there were no diseases to afflict the body, a longer life was not a problem.

"Now, let's see the specific effects of this drop of Spiritual Elixir and whether there are any specific requirements for storing it. This way, I can tailor a plan for my father and family to consume it." With these thoughts in mind, Wu Hao continued his experiments.

Although he had retrieved the Spiritual Elixir from the underground space in Shenglongjia using a container similar to a bamboo tube, it was still rather rudimentary. It was suitable for temporary storage of a small quantity, but Wu Hao was certain that when he returned to Shenglongjia's underground space next time, he would take all the elixirs with him.

Although this approach might seem unconventional, it was entirely reasonable for these ape-like creatures. After all, their purpose for living in the underground space was to guard this Spiritual Elixir.

The chieftains and a few leaders among them would occasionally take a drop of the elixir for themselves, following their ancestral traditions. However, the majority of the elixir was preserved over the centuries; otherwise, there wouldn't be such a substantial amount of it saved up.

From Wu Hao's perspective, aside from their vastly different appearances compared to humans, these creatures shared similarities with a few tribes living in the primal jungles of Earth. They maintained their ancestral traditions and habits passed down through ancient times.

Wu Hao understood this well and had no intention of changing it. These creatures, due to their long-term existence in the underground space and the limited environment it provided, mainly consumed wild fruits, fungi, and plants, making their diet quite similar to Earth's monkeys.

The reason Wu Hao happened to encounter one of these creatures collecting wild fruits outside the valley was because the underground space had a limited variety of plants, with only about a dozen types. So, from time to time, the ape-like creatures would send a member with experience in venturing outside to collect wild fruits and other food.

What surprised Wu Hao, however, was that despite their modest diet, these creatures, due to the unique environment of the underground space, enjoyed significantly longer lifespans than creatures living outside.


The next day, after a night of research, Wu Hao had a clear plan on how to effectively use and store the Spiritual Elixir in the long term.

Based on his research and analysis, one drop of this elixir could keep a healthy human being free from the invasion of diseases, allowing them to live well beyond a hundred years. If someone's health condition was not ideal, they would only need to take a couple of extra drops. For those who wanted to extend their lifespan even further, taking one drop every ten years would suffice. Wu Hao estimated that this regimen could potentially help someone reach the limits of human longevity.

As for the exact limit of human lifespan, Wu Hao didn't have that information at the moment. However, considering the age of the ape-like tribe leader, it was already quite impressive.

But the question of how long humans could live wasn't a pressing matter for Wu Hao right now. In a few decades, he might have found a way to increase human lifespan by altering their genetics. Therefore, the use of this elixir was limited to his immediate family and loved ones. After all, this elixir was a potent gift from the forces of nature, brimming with life energy.

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