Strongest Mage with the Lust system

Chapter 396 Learning The Demon Language

Hearing system's question, Max smiled indifferently, "It depends."

[Depends? On what?]

"On her choice." Saying this, he squatted down beside the demoness and looked directly into her blood-red eyes.

"Can you translate my words so she can understand what I am saying?" He asked the system.

[Yes, I can. But I won't.] The system chuckled after refusing.

A vein on his forehead popped up when Max heard this, but he calmed himself down since he knew the system won't ever help him for free. So, he asked, "What do you want?"

[Hehe, I see you've become a little intelligent. Good. As for what I want, it depends on your choice.] The system snickered, repeating his words.

"Just say it clearly."

[Okay, okay. If you want me to just translate your words to her, I'll charge you 1000 LPs for one time. However, I have a better deal. I can just give the all the linguistic knowledge of the common demon language to you so you won't need me to translate at all. But it'll cost you only 50,000 LPs. I say, kid. This is an excellent deal.]

When Max heard he could learn the demon language, he was about to nod his head since learning the language himself would be quite convenient. But his expression stiffened when he heard the price.

He then laughed sarcastically, "Hehe, 'only 50,000'? Isn't the price too cheap this time? When did you become so generous?"

[Cough, kid. I've always been generous. If you think this price is too high, I can give a little discount and make the price go down to 40,000. This is my limit as you should know learning a language is a very difficult and long process, but here I'm offering to help you learn in a matter of a few seconds. So, no matter how you think, this is a very reasonable price.] The system coughed and lowered the price by 10,000.

"I'll give you 20,000 max." Max said with a stoic expression on his face.

[20,000? Are you kidding me, kid? 20,000 won't…] The system became hysterical when it heard Max's offer.

"So, do we have a deal or not? If not, you can just take 1000 LPs and translate for me this time. I don't think I'll need the demon language apart from this time." Max casually cut the system's grumblings short.

[Hehe, do you think I'm stupid? You'll stay here more than a month to repay your more than a million LPs debt and you would certainly need the demon language. Not only that, even after you went back, the knowledge of this language would still be useful when the demon army attacks.] The system laughed and counted the benefits of learning the demon language.

"So?" Max asked with a light smile on his face.

Hearing this, the system remained silent for a moment before speaking. [Sigh, kid. You win. I'll charge you only 30,000. Now, shall we start?]

"Hmm? It seems the mighty supreme mage is having some hearing problem. I said I'll pay you 20,000, not 30,000." Max scoffed at the system's obvious attempt to swindle him.

[How about 25,000?] The system asked.

"20,000. I won't pay even a single point more. It's your decision." Max firmly said.

[Tsk. So miserly! Okay. It's 20,000 then.] The system finally resigned.

"Mm." Max nodded in satisfaction. It wasn't easy to earn LPs, and he also needed for his mana enhancement. So, he didn't want to let the system let take advantage of him by charging unreasonable price even if he knew learning the demon language would prove quite beneficial down the line.

[Don't resist. I'm transferring all the knowledge related to the common demon language.] The system said. Max nodded and relaxed his mind.

A moment later, he felt a surge of a lot of information in his mind. While he assimilated this information, the system took away 20,000 LPs.

All this while, when Max was haggling with the system, the demoness was looking at him with hatred and killing intent in her eyes.

'This bastard stole my vital yin energy.' She had already realised why she was feeling so weak and sick so suddenly. 'It was no wonder this bastard wanted to have sex with me. It wasn't for humiliating me or to fulfil his lustful desires, but to absorb my vital yin.'

When the 'senior' said that she could keep her life if she had sex with him, she was puzzled because just a moment before, she almost killed him. So why would he be willing to spare his life just for sex? It didn't make sense to her. But now she understood and became immensely angry at the shameless duo. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it.

After a few minutes, Max opened his eyes. He then checked if the system had taken more LPs than agreed, but it hadn't done such a thing.

[You little twerp, if I wanted to steal your points, was there any need for me to make a deal with you?] The system angrily asked. It didn't like the fact that Max wasn't trusting it at all.

"Yeah. Sorry for being overcautious." Max offhandedly said before shifting his gaze to the demoness.

The demoness tensed, feeling his predatory gaze on her.

Seeing this, Max smiled and spoke in the demon language, "Relax. I won't harm you as long as you are obedient to me. Now, tell me. What's your name?"

The demoness' eyes widened in surprise. "Y-You can speak the demon language."

"What do you think?" Max asked.

The demoness didn't answer. After a moment, her surprise also receded when she thought about the mysterious 'senior'. For someone of his calibre, it wasn't at all surprising if he could teach this weakling their demon language through memory transmission.

She then looked at Max and feebly said, "My name is Amara. Amara Bloodwing."

"Amara." Max nodded and asked, "So, tell me Amara. Do you want to live or do you want to die?"


(A/N: Amara's reference picture is in the chapter comments. You can check it out.)

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