Steel and Mana

Chapter 143 – Approaching Summer

Chapter 143 – Approaching Summer

As the days passed, the weather became warmer and warmer as we headed into the summer. Still, we were already sweating buckets because Sasha and I were within the industrial complex, overseeing the construction of the base of our very first mech. With the tractors ready and the first batch safely delivered to Elliot, we dialed back on their production to focus on my 'little' project.

"Well... It is bigger than I thought it would be." Sasha mumbled, standing next to me.

"I increased the size after seeing that giant beast walking towards us. Still, it won't be taller than eight to ten meters after being finished." I nodded, watching as our workers slowly completed the first leg of the machine. For now, it was lying on the factory's floor, ready to be transported out into the open, where it would be later on assembled.

"We were lucky that we found the anti-gravity magic first!" she joked, which made me smile because that alone made things considerably more manageable, especially regarding handling the heavy, massive hunk of metal.

Looking at it right now, the one leg looked like a hollow skeletal structure, as we would need to install multiple components into it before it could be considered complete. One was the gyroscopes we would put into both of them, which are still being made by Kraus and his team. It would help with the machine's balance structure, and we also had the cutouts where the hydraulics would be placed, which were personally crafted by Sasha's hands. Then, there was the armor plating that was still further down the line, yet to be made. Still, considering everything, we were in a good place, and I began hoping that the prototype unit would be ready before the following winter.

"I am honestly amazed."

"Of what?" She asked, turning towards me with a smile.

"The speed we are operating with. I expected more issues, but the magic-reinforced machinery performed faster than expected. Then, there are our workers... I bet you that they could put together a tractor from scraps by now, heh. They are scary quick yet also precise!"

"Hehe, maybe our presence is inspiring them. How is the hydraulic fluid coming along? Did Marca and you manage to choose one, or are you still debating over it?"

"I have managed to come to a conclusion." I answered, nodding my head, "It is very close to what I wanted, and we can easily produce it from the local plantlife. She is solely focusing on making more of it, so don't worry!"

"Then I will move forward and start manufacturing the hydraulic system. When it's ready, we can also start building the base of its torso, attach the legs, and then begin creating mechanisms to control its movements. Have you worked on that?"

"That is..." I murmured, falling silent, closing my eyes, "Is still... being worked on."

"So neither you nor Merlin has any idea yet, huh?" She giggled, making me shrug because that was right.

Moving the massive body of the machine can and would be done manually. Well... That was one of the options, so I was in the midst of designing the cockpit from where everything could be controlled. There would be pedals for the legs and joysticks for the arms and torso, similar to how excavators worked or the one-person hover tanks in the army. But that was not enough.

There would be too many sophisticated parts within that needed cohesion to work together and react to the changing ground surfaces and situations, just like how our brains respond to them. Because making computers is out of the question, I will have to make it do with magic. On how to do that... Well, that was something we have been trying to tackle with Merlin. 

We knew that we had to go on the route discovered by dismantling the monsters and seeing their bones covered in runes. Then, there was the example of Mikan's thriving tattoo. It continued to work way beyond its initial design, giving us another angle on how to do it. Whenever she used her magic, the tattoo also reacted, giving her higher control over her powers than should be possible, overshadowing even Merlin with her precision.

I knew from the start that a massive CC, the remains of our very first slain shell-wearing monster, would be installed within the mech when it was done. It would power the machine, acting as a fuel source, be the heart of the whole thing and its defensive and attacking capabilities. However, to achieve that, precise control is likewise a necessity. It was time to start seriously considering some magical solutions, and with our recent discoveries, we were thinking of creating a formation that would kind of let the pilot synchronize with the machine. I used the term 'melding' when telling my idea to Merlin, so we have been calling it that between us. We were trying to make it so that the pilots' thoughts would help drive the machine, not only relying on physical controls.

Of course, creating that was something that was easier said than done. But we were not hopeless, nor were we fumbling in the dark. There was our mind-control spell, for starters. Then, there were the bracelets we made and managed to suppress, Elyzien. Thinking a step further, another puzzle piece was how mana and magic act as waves and how we could direct them and measure them... With that, we could focus not just on magic but thoughts transferred by magic and aim them at a receiver.

Then, there was the fact that monster blood was conductive and that tattoos could be used as a bridge and focus point besides just adding CC everywhere. Our goal was to make it so that someone could take control of mana and command it, like how Mikan now commands hers, without even the need to chant long spells. Everything was there; it just needed to be taken apart and pieced back together in a new way.

It was what Merlin was mainly working on right now from day to night, sometimes missing sleep in its entirety. Both of us knew that, in theory, it could be done and wanted to bring it into reality. That would finally solve the problem I had tried tackling multiple times before, which was how to connect the different spells within my mech. This would be the ideal solution...




Within the capital city of the Empire, the reigning dukes were having their first meeting since the death of their Empress, now overseen by Pascal himself. The two dozen nobles, more than half of whom were newly risen dukes, sat at the oval table, trying to mask their nervousness, which was hard to do even for the surviving, older families.

"The selection process is still ongoing, and until I find someone to take over the throne, you will all report to me at the end of every month." Pascal commanded them, opening the first meeting with a serious decree. "First on our list for today is going to be about the defeated Kingdom of Scorc. Their territory is now under our complete control! Knowing their tendencies and how these barbarians act, we will need to maintain a powerful military presence in the region and break down any rebellious cells and stupid ideas they may harbor while also securing our newest borders against our freshly gained neighbors. Three of you will move your residence into the Kingdom and form a protectorate from the freshly divided Fiendfall Region of Ishillia."


The news was like a bomb dropped on the dukes as it was not something any of them expected. On the one hand, they would be far away from the central power of the Empire, but on the other, they would gain command over a new dominion that would be akin to owning their own little kingdoms and doing whatever they wanted there. Just that alone made many of the dukes' eyes light up in a greedy, dreamy glow.

"We will slice their kingdom up into three equal parts, as I mentioned." Pascal continued, explaining it calmly, "Each of those territories will be governed by one of you. I don't care what method you use, but bring those regions under our complete control and obedience toward the throne in ten years! You will be heavily rewarded if you can do it under less than that. Now... as for who will go..." When he began listing the first two names, they were both from old families, dukes who held noble ranks for many centuries and had proven their loyalties numerous times over. Yet, the last name surprised everyone. "Duke Kustov, you would be the last."

"..." Everyone expected an outburst of happiness or delight to appear on his face, but it was absent, surprising even Pascal. "My Lord... Can I speak freely?"

"Yes. Go ahead." He nodded, leaning forward, wondering why he didn't show any delight yet.

"I'd like to refuse the opportunity, My Emperor."

"WHAT?!" Multiple new or old dukes yelled out, unable to contain their shock and surprise, looking at Kustov as if he had gone mad. Not just by refusing the Emperor but by doing so openly. And denying the opportunity to live the life of a mini-emperor!

"Why?" Pascal asked, leaning back on the golden throne, asking in a whisper. He was curious about his reasons and began to value him and his family more and more.

"With all due respect, my family has only recently gained the rank of Duke. We are still in the middle of rebuilding and reorganizing, and my current subordinates and capabilities are not on par with the esteemed and respected dukes who were chosen before me for this position. I am not confident that my family's weak influence and sub-par abilities would live up to the task compared to the others."

"Weak..." Some of the dukes mumbled, looking down on him for his speech, but Pascal watched him with a different light in his eyes, gently scratching the bottom of his chin.

"He is better than I expected. Saying this out loudly warrants a backbone, just like how he had it when returning after failure. Good. Good! I wanted him to be my trusted spy, keeping an eye on the other two families and reporting to me, but... Now, I am considering making him into the number one family under the next Emperor. He would be a perfect candidate for the post and loyal like a dog..."

"Of course," Kustov continued, explaining calmly, but deep inside, he was cursing his bad luck, "if My Emperor orders, this servant obeys." 

"No, I see the point that you have made, and I value your honesty no matter how hard it is to the ears, Duke Kustov." Pascal nodded, raising a hand, shocking the rest of the nobles once again, "I am going to name another family for the position."

While Kustov bowed, showing his loyalty by hiding the relief within his eyes, Pascal was thinking about the cheekiness of his refusal. Sure enough, even if he sends a newly risen duke away, they could amass great wealth and strength, but not influence, not within the capital. It was a short-sighted dream, and if Kustov wanted to solidify his family's position under the Ishillian bloodline, he had to stay within the city.

"The Gods always favor the wise. Keeping him alive and linking his family to us was the correct decision." Pascal chuckled, thinking to himself, feeling to be in a good mood.

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