Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 350: “Happy Birthday”

Chapter 350: “Happy Birthday”

“When will this end?” Students were piled up in small groups in the corridor, and Harry looked out at the garden.

Harry had been in a low mood because of the damage to the Invisibility Cloak. Daisy said that her brother was so depressed because he couldn’t play Quidditch.

The Ministry of Magic’s ban is still going on, and students without outdoor activities are like flowers and plants without water, especially Quidditch fans. He heard that Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, has begun to suffer from insomnia. He needs to hold the Quaffle to fall asleep peacefully.

Although Sean has always had little interest in Quidditch, this does not prevent him from expressing sympathy for his friends.

“Bear with me, it won’t last long.”

Hermione was still flipping through the books Sean brought, and casually comforted, “We’re way more relaxed here, I heard that the outside is more strict. Whether it is other magic schools or gathering places. Tom’s Leaky Cauldron business has plummeted, and Aurors and Guards are patrolling Diagon Alley daily. Last time Hagrid got a warrant to go to Diagon Alley to buy supplies, he was inspected three times in half an hour.”

Harry drooped his head, “The main reason is that it’s too depressing. Recently, the time has always been chaotic. Sometimes, I worry that I will suddenly be a year older when I wake up.”

“This situation is weird. It is unimaginable for the world to be in this situation. However, Sean is now one year older. Happy birthday.” Hermione closed the book.

Today is Sean’s birthday.

Sean smiled, “Thank you, Hermione. However, birthdays happen yearly, so I don’t care about that.”

“Fred and George said there was going to be a birthday party for you.”

“Those two just wanted to take the opportunity to have fun, but I have no objection. It’s a good thing to have some fun for everyone.”

Daisy said next to him, “It would be nice if you had thirty or forty hours; your birthday is going to last a long time.”

“It does sound good.”

Several of them were talking, but Sean suddenly felt his magic power fluctuate. That’s the Golden Dawn mark he left in Nurmengard. There was a message from Lupine.

After talking to a few people, Sean quickly left and entered the Room of Requirement. He saw a note after using the Vanishing Cabinet to move to Nurmengard.

“There’s something big going on. Let’s talk about it—Remus Lupin.”

Sean didn’t hesitate. He grabbed a handful of Floo powder and stepped into the fireplace.

Five minutes later.

“Look at this.” In the private room, Lupin handed over a newspaper.

Sean took the newspaper and saw the black-and-white photo at a glance. On it, several wizards in the Guards’ uniform were casting spells at another wizard.

That’s Newt Scamander.

Sean frowned and looked down.

“Just yesterday, this newspaper received information that Mr. Newt Scamander, a well-known magizoologist in the wizarding world and professor of the care of magical animals at Hogwarts, was attacked by the Guards when they were having a meeting with friends.”

“All kinds of facts have shown that the Guards wanted to kill one of the witnesses of the Paris at that time, and the root of all these actions pointed to the former Nurmengard headmaster, Grindelwald, who was wanted by all countries.”

“As we all know, about half a year ago, the Guards dispatched a large number of personnel to try to arrest Grindelwald, and Newt Scamander acted as a witness to crimes committed by him decades ago.”

“At that time, everyone thought that this matter was correct and just. But it didn’t take long for a series of scandals about the Guards to break out, and all kinds of evidence point to the Guards trying to frame Grindelwald.”

“However, one cannot make a decision without Mr Scamander’s testimony being changed or retracted.”

“However, just a while ago, we learned that Mr. Scamander had been threatened secretly.”

An old man with white hair appeared on the page with a simple and honest smile.

“Scamander’s close friend, a Muggle named Jacob Kowalski from the United States, and his wife have already been secretly imprisoned, and the Guards used this to coerce Mr. Scamander.”

“We don’t know what happened during the period, but obviously, in order to ensure that the testimony is always valid, the Guards have come to a new conclusion.”

“According to the information sent back by our informant, the Guards attacked Mr. Scamander and his friends who were going to the United States. Their whereabouts are unknown, and their situation is unknown, and the Guards have not yet sent a spokesperson to explain all this. “

“We are almost certain that Grindelwald was framed.”

After reading this report, Sean didn’t know what to say for a while. Newt was obviously not giving false testimony. He was just following Dumbledore’s instructions.

Sean thought it would be easy for Grindelwald to retract his words when Dumbledore and Grindelwald acted together. But this series of actions, no matter how you look at it, seems to be the work of Grindelwald alone.

He couldn’t get in touch with Dumbledore, so he chose to use his own way to make Newt’ change’ his testimony. This seems to confirm what Dumbledore said to himself a few days ago.

Lupin watched Sean finish reading the newspaper and added, “As far as I know, as soon as this report came out, many wizards have clearly expressed their dissatisfaction. They called the Guards to come out and tell the truth about the whole situation. At the same time, a large number of people joined forces to put pressure on the International Confederation of Wizards. They demanded that the arrest warrant be lifted and that Grindelwald is innocent.”

Sean sighed, “We should be very familiar with the forces that do that, right?”

Lupin nodded, “Most of them are students who have graduated from Nurmengard in the past few decades, and others can also have something to do with Grindelwald. In fact, someone came to me in the morning. They hoped that our agency would also cooperate with them in putting pressure on the Ministry of Magic and the Confederation. However, considering that we are still operating in the dark, I rejected them.”

“That is the correct move. We don’t need this small institution that has just raised its hand,” Sean said, “How is Professor Scamander doing now?”

“It was not clearly stated in the newspaper. I went to someone to ask about it. He should be fine. It is a little strange that according to recent news, the Guards hunted down him and went to the ancient East.”

Lupin considered his words for a while and finally said in doubt, “It seems that there is a third party chimed in, and that third party hinders the Guards most of the time, but they are not strong. Frankly Speaking, although Mr. Scamander is powerful, he is running away with an old Muggle, so it is a bit strange that he can survive until now.”

Sean said in a deep voice, “Are they trying to drive Professor Scamander to the East on purpose?”

Lupine nodded, “That’s what I thought as well. I think the Guards and the third party are pushing him to go to a place. They look like they’re waiting until he finds something.”

Sean immediately thought of something.

Qilin, they are looking for Qilin with the help of Newt.

“Is there any change in the general election of the International Confederation of Wizards?” He asked quickly.

Lupine shook his head, “Not at all. It can even be said that the progress of the election is not doing much, even though those candidates have already started their move. Half a month later, the election will be held as scheduled. At present, there is no news of a postponement or anything else.”

“However, I heard that the current chairman, Charles Vogel, is under a lot of pressure. He was about to resign, but he encountered the Grindelwald incident. Many people expect him to do something before he resigns.”

“The next chairman will hope that his predecessor will deal with the problem first and be laid off. However, the chairman usually doesn’t care much, and I haven’t heard anything from him.”

Grindelwald was going to make trouble in the election of the International Confederation of Wizards. This idea popped into Sean’s head immediately. He never forgot that Grindelwald would not be the principal of Nurmengard without the Seer power he has. He had prepared decades ago for wizards to rule the world.

If Grindelwald fulfilled his plan, he would lead the entire wizarding world to war against the Muggle world.

At that time, can Dumbledore really persuade him? Can his student speak up again?

Sean rubbed his temples with a headache. However, it’s useless to worry about it here. All he can do is make Lupin gain more information about the situation and contact him promptly.

Just as Sean was about to leave, Lupin stopped him.

He took out a large pile of large and small gift boxes from behind and said with a smile, “Sean, I must say that sometimes you put too much pressure on yourself. I think you should try to get some relaxation; happy birthday.”

Sean was a little surprised and finally smiled silently.

“Thank you. I haven’t used the owl for so long; I almost forgot.”

“It’s okay. Many people remember it. This is from me, this is from Lily and James’s, this is from Sirius’s, this is…” Lupin carefully placed gift boxes of different sizes in front of Sean. In the end, he took out three boxes.

In the center is a huge transparent box. He can see that it is a birthday cake, and the words “Happy Birthday Sean” are written. Next to it is an exquisitely packaged gift box with a letter pinned to it. On the top is a handmade box with loose wrapping paper; a few big and small faces were painted on it, all of which are Sean’s face.

“Your parents asked me to send a gift, this is from your sister. She missed you very much. That cake is big, and there is ice cream in it; I used a Freezing Charm, worried that it would melt and appear well preserved.”

A warm current rose in Sean’s heart. He shook his head with a smile and hugged Lupin.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome and happy birthday.”

Sean and his friends shared their own birthday cake that night, and his parents apparently thought about it, ordering enough for many to share.

Fred fussed and yelled, “How did you get such a delicious cake?!” and fought with George, where Ron and Neville argued about “Muggle world cake sprinkled with a little honey destroys the taste,” and Daisy indulged in the cream.

Sean received a bunch of gifts, and Hermione laughed and said, “They didn’t even ask you to make a wish!”

Sean smiled and looked up: “I don’t have any wishes. It’s alright.”

The happy birthday party lasted for a long time, and finally, Sean found an excuse and walked out. Pushing open the wooden door of the Room of Requirement, Stephanie was sitting quietly in that small room that belonged to her.

Seeing Sean approaching, she stood up and handed over a manuscript.

“Happy birthday to you.” Stephanie’s voice was not so cold but soft, like a comfortable breeze at night.

“Thank you, but why don’t you come with us?” Sean accepted her gift.

Stephanie shook her head, “Thank you for the invitation, but I don’t have to. I didn’t prepare a gift, this is just Ravenclaw’s manuscript, I just found it for you.”

Sean opened the manuscript and smiled, “Can Ravenclaw’s manuscript be translated into English like this?”

Stephanie’s face turned red, and she whispered, “It’s just some trivial notes.”

Just flipping through two pages casually, Sean knew that Stephanie should have written this manuscript for a long time. The content in it is detailed and comprehensive.

“Thank you. I bet you would be a good teacher in the future.” Sean praised sincerely.

Stephanie lowered her head, and there was a flash of joy in her eyes. She shook her head, “I just like reading.”

“I can see that.”

Stephanie looked up in surprise. She saw Sean take out an exquisite gift box.

“You have the same birthday as me, right?” She heard Sean’s voice.

She raised her hand slightly, she was a little surprised and hesitant, and finally accepted the gift under Sean’s urging.

“Thank you…” The joy in Stephanie’s voice was hard to hide.

She saw Sean conjuring out a miniature cake with a candle stuck in it.

“I must admit, this

is a birthday cake I just made. I hope you like it,” Sean flicked his fingers, and the flame danced happily.

“Make a wish.” Sean laughed.

Stephanie’s heart was blank.

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