Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 347: “How Long Has It Been?”

Chapter 347: “How Long Has It Been?”

Stephanie hesitated for a moment, then finally held up the mirror. This is a magic item that Grindelwald gave her to contact him.

“Reporting, sir.” Stephanie said to the mirror.

However, after waiting for a long time, Grindelwald did not respond. Stephanie can only give up, and this is not the first time she has been unable to contact him.

At this time, Sean had already walked out of the Room of Requirement in a place where no one was around. Many students in the castle had already noticed something was wrong, and they were making noise everywhere.

Sean approached the professor and finally got the same answer as Stephanie told herself. Time on the twenty-seventh of October had indeed disappeared.

Sean made a side note, wanting to see if the professors would better understand the Time Turner. However, even Professor Flitwick doesn’t seem to understand it. This also confirms Stephanie’s statement that the Time Turner was destroyed long ago.

Sean walked out of the common room and walked into a narrow side corridor to the Ravenclaw tower. With the authority of the Room of Requirement, he no longer has to worry about getting lost at Hogwarts.

Sean bowed his head in thought. He was thinking about the instigator of this accident. Is it Dumbledore, Grindelwald? Or is it some other third party?

What did that person change when he went back to the past? Who was the person who modified Stephanie’s memory?

Sean didn’t pay attention to his front and accidentally bumped into a student.

“Sorry, I didn’t pay attention to the road. Are you okay?” Sean quickly apologized.

He looked at the student he’d bumped into, a sixth-year Slytherin student.

He looked weird. At this moment, he just patted himself on the shoulder, hit by Sean in annoyance, and said coldly, “Watch the road carefully.”

It was still dark at the moment, and the light from the torches in the corridor was not too bright. When they intersected, Sean only saw a cold and arrogant face.

Sean complained helplessly in his heart. Under Sean’s series of plans and Draco’s lead, the relationship between Slytherin and other houses has eased a lot.

According to the plans given by Sean, Draco would tell stories to everyone in the Slytherin common room after class every day. The topics were nothing more than the true glory of pure blood, the true cultivation of Slytherins, and so on.

There are a lot of brainwashing stories, and Sean often helps Draco make some stories about certain ghosts. He lets the Basilisk hide to cooperate with the story. The attitude of the Slytherins is also slowly changing.

Under Draco’s stories, most Slytherins began to think that discriminating against their classmates was very bad. Real Slytherins have bigger and nobler things to do, even though they haven’t found their own yet.

However, this is a good thing for easing the atmosphere at Hogwarts. Sean subconsciously looked back at the Slytherin just now, but his brows frowned.

He was walking on a small path where it was easy to get lost by the stairs. The direction of that person is not the Slytherin common room, and there is no class now. If he wants to go to the library, taking the stairs from the hall is closer. There is no need to turn around from the corridor here.

Although the Slytherins are prideful, they don’t act alone. They prefer to get together and let their side always maintain the superiority in numbers.

At most, Sean would be curious and not care about it anymore. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and he should not monitor others.

But it happened that a time travel accident happened. Sean’s mind was more sensitive than before and suspicious of all abnormal things. Sean pondered for a while and decided to catch up and have a look.

Walking to a corner where no one was around, the stone wall squirmed to Sean’s will, and the Room of Requirement was opened again. However, Sean walked into the storage room instead of entering a specific room.

He walked into the stone walls of Hogwarts, and everything outside the walls was completely displayed in front of him. He was walking in an empty corridor that no one could see. This is also one of the authorities the Room of Requirement gave to Sean.

Sean trotted a few steps and caught up with the Slytherin student who was on the stairs. His eyes were indifferent, his expression was calm, and his steps were extremely fast.

Sean hid in the stone wall, watching him go up several flights of stairs without stopping. Moreover, Sean also noticed that although he looked calm, he had been deliberately avoiding places where students would be seen.

He didn’t want anyone to know where he was going.

Seeing his appearance, Sean became more determined that something was wrong with this guy.

The Slytherin student kept going up the small, out-of-the-way stairs, avoiding the big corridors, and finally came to a certain floor.

Does this person know about the Room of Requirement?

Among the stone walls, Sean raised his eyebrows. If he is going to the Room of Requirement, then there is no need to follow him. He doesn’t like to pry into other people’s secrets. However, the person walked past the tapestry and straight towards the corridor’s end.

It’s the principal’s office.

Sean quietly followed him, only to see that the person looked around in front of the gargoyle, and after making sure that no one was around, he uttered the password.

“The past whispers.”

It seems that Dumbledore uses passwords other than desserts.

Moreover, Dumbledore hadn’t appeared in the castle for a long time, and only from Stephanie did he know that Dumbledore was in the castle last night.

But how does this person know?

To Sean’s surprise, the gargoyle actually jumped aside, but he didn’t go in but waited quietly at the door.

Soon, Dumbledore appeared.

Sean’s pupils contracted suddenly, and Dumbledore was much older than before, just after not seeing him for a while. Before, although Dumbledore was gray-haired, he didn’t look like an old man, no matter his eyes or movements. But this time, Sean really saw the oldness and exhaustion exuded by Dumbledore.

“They told me to come to you,” said the Slytherin student.

Dumbledore smiled, and with a wave of his hand, Sean could no longer hear their conversation clearly.

The conversation between the two was very short. Soon, Dumbledore removed the spell, and the student left quickly. Sean watched all this silently from within. He did not chase the student.

After a little hesitation, he placed his hand on the wall, and the door emerged.

He can completely catch up with that student. He can use Imperius Curse, Hypnotizing Curse, and more than a dozen ways to get the content of the conversation between the two just now. However, Sean still decided to ask Dumbledore himself.

Dumbledore had not yet returned to his office and saw the wall and Sean coming out of the wooden door that appeared out of nowhere. His eyes were first surprised, then admired.

“Sean, it seems that you have done better than me in discovering the secret of Hogwarts.” He said with a gentle smile.

Sean closed the door, the door disappeared, and he looked directly at Dumbledore.

“Professor Dumbledore,” he said softly, “May I ask what you’ve been up to?”

Dumbledore smiled helplessly, “Sean, you know that I can’t tell you.”

‘I can’t tell’, instead of ‘I won’t tell’, Sean heard the hidden meaning in his words.

“Why?” Sean frowned and said, “Is it like the prophecy? The more people who know it, the more it will affect the direction of the whole thing?”

“Forgive me for not being able to give an accurate answer.”

Dumbledore changed the subject directly, “I wondered last night why a second person suddenly touched Hogwarts secrets. I have to say, my students discovered a deeper secret step by step, and I am a little ashamed myself but proud.”

Sean took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “However, your students were controlled and humiliated by Umbridge for a month, and you didn’t show up.”

There was some guilt on Dumbledore’s face, but his eyes were sincere, “This is indeed a problem on my behalf. I must apologize to everyone, but please allow me to explain.”

“At that time, the things that I needed to be dealt with were too troublesome, and it was difficult for me to get out. Besides,” he smiled at Sean, “The Ministry of Magic still binds me. I couldn’t have done better than what you did, Sean; I’ve always had faith in you.”

“Forgive me that is already old and aged, but I mean that.”

Sean replied sullenly, “I don’t think you are.”

Dumbledore sighed, “Sean, I can’t even describe the whole thing to you, and I hesitated for a long time before doing anything. I shouldn’t even communicate with you.”

“However, I think I should tell you that I’m not trying to reassure you, but as an old man with no skills who wants to continue to win the trust of his students.”

“Sean, do you trust me?”

Sean fell silent, and the atmosphere in the corridor was silent. The gargoyle moved its position secretly as if it wanted to keep itself away from here.

Sean glanced at the gargoyle, who turned his head as if he didn’t exist and said in a deep voice, “Professor Dumbledore, I chose to come out instead of taking care of that Slytherin student. This has already proved my trust in you.”

Dumbledore was stunned, “I’m shocked. Thank you very much for your trust, Sean.”

After saying this, he blinked at Sean, still like the wise and humorous old man before, and then returned to the office.

“Professor,” Sean called to stop him, “About Grindelwald…”

This name made Dumbledore stop in place, and finally, he turned his head, but Sean found that his eyes were sad.

“I wish I could go back to that time…” He sighed, “By the way, Sean, don’t go looking for the Slytherin students just now. It won’t do you any good.”

The gargoyle jumped back and blocked the entrance to the principal’s office again.

“Goodbye, Sean.”

The corridor became empty again, leaving only Sean.

That night in Paris, he had already confirmed that these two old men were obviously acting.

Why Dumbledore looked so sad?

The short conversation with Dumbledore made Sean more curious than ever. Sean stood alone in the corridor for a long time, with various thoughts flashing through his mind until the sunlight fell in front of Sean’s eyes through the gap in the curtain.

Sean was silent for a long time.

“Can those two old men speak human language? This is a matter of life and death; it won’t help anyone when they speak like that. Ugh, I have to study every day, and finally control the thing in my body, and put all of you guys down.” He cursed.

In the end, Sean left distraught.

He intends to find Hermione and Daisy. He needs something nice to lighten his mood. However, Sean saw the two girls not long after, but Harry and the others also followed behind them in a panic.

Seeing Sean, Hermione’s eyes lit up, “You are here! Sean, what’s going on with you?”

She noticed the expression on Sean’s face.

“It’s alright.” Sean waved his hands lazily and looked at Harry, “What’s the matter? Are you looking for me?”

Harry rushed up, holding something invisible in his hands.


“What’s wrong?” Sean looked down at the other’s empty hands.

Harry gulped, “The invisibility cloak… is broken…”

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