Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 306: “One More News”

Chapter 306: “One More News”

The news brought by Barty shocked Sean greatly. He has always believed that the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald will be unbreakable as long as the Blood Pact exists.

After all, there wasn’t a duel between the two most powerful wizards in 1945, was there? The fight between the two decades ago ended because of Grindelwald’s change of heart, didn’t it?

But when the news came, Sean always felt a little uneasy.

The next day, taking advantage of the day off, Sean went to the library. He got a restricted section borrowing card from Professor Flitwick and then wandered around under Mrs. Pince’s surveillance.

“What exactly are you looking for?” Mrs. Pince stared at Sean warily. She had been following Sean for twenty minutes, holding up a feather duster just now.

“Um, I just want to find some information about rare magical animals.” Sean lied.

He wanted to find out if there was any information about the Blood Pact in the restricted area.

Mrs. Pince frowned. She lifted the feather duster and looked at Sean maliciously, “Information on magical animals? Why don’t you go to Professor Scamander, he is a magizoologist. The Hogwarts library is not extensive, at least when it comes to magical animals, and I don’t think the materials in the Restricted Section can match Professor Scamander’s knowledge.”

“That’s true, but Professor Scamander mentioned that there are some materials in the restricted area that record extinct species of magical animals, you know.”

Mrs. Pince was obviously not that easy to deal with. She tapped the feather duster in her hand and asked suspiciously, “Then why does Professor Flitwick issue the library card? “

“Professor Scamander is not available. He seems to have gone out.” Sean replied truthfully.

He did go to Newt first, but he wasn’t there, so he had to go to Professor Flitwick.

He should probably use Lockhart’s since Mrs. Pince is a huge fan of him. But Sean really didn’t want to cooperate with Lockhart, so he gave up that idea.

Mrs. Pince wrangled until Sean took a copy of “Ancient Most Dangerous Fantastic Animal Fossils Exhibition” from the bookshelf.

Sean pretended to read on the table for a while while Mrs. Pince chased the Weasley twins who were eating sandwiches in the library.

Fred and George were on his plan. He promised to help them enhance the brightness of the Golden Dawn symbol.

“”Encyclopedia of Ancient Magic”, I have read it. I have read “Deciphering the Advanced Dark Arts”, but it is not as much as I have in my mind. I also read “Medieval Rune Rituals” when I sneaked in last time, but I can’t read it.”

Sean was flipping through the books in the Restricted Section. He had slipped into the Restricted Section several times before. Quickly browsing through the catalog, Sean kept looking for the information he wanted.

“”Deadly Contract”…” Sean’s gaze stopped on a book and caught his attention.

“Blood Deed: Reflections on Baron Skinner’s Manor in the Thirteenth Century.”

Blood-type contract magic itself is rare, and this type of magic may be related to each other. Before Mrs. Pince came back, Sean immediately pulled out the book and turned to that page.

This book does not have much content about the Blood Pact, and it does not mention the spells and casting methods of this type of contract, but it describes the way this blood bond has been displayed in history.

It is mentioned in the book that at the end of the thirteenth century, a baron named Skinner lived in a certain village. That village is under Baron Skinner’s rule, so there is no need to go into details about it, but one thing is important. Baron Skinner and the Baroness are actually two amazing wizards.

The two live in seclusion here, using their magic to help the villagers from time to time and have a very good reputation in the local area.

What is even more interesting is that the relationship between Baron Skinner and the Baroness is very good, and both of them are even willing to dedicate their lives to their lover. After a few years of this sort of thing, a horrific incident occurred.

In an overnight, most of the entire manor was destroyed, and all the servants and livestock died. The villagers who found the situation tried to rescue Baron Skinner and the Baroness.

Then, a whole village of villagers saw a scene they will never forget. The Baroness walked out of the manor in a daze; her eyes were ashen, and grief and hatred intertwined on her face, just like the flames in her hands.

The villagers backed away in horror. Not only did the Baroness control the flames, but she also carried a man in one hand- her beloved Baron Skinner.

The Baron was lifted in mid-air by great force. Blood flowed from his eyes, nostrils, and the corners of his mouth. He feebly raised his hand as if wanting to touch his lover’s face but finally fell down.

Immediately afterward, the Baroness pinched her husband’s throat without hesitation.

The moment Baron Skinner died, his body swelled up like a balloon filled with water. The blood in his body oozed out from the pores, and the blood droplets gathered in mid-air. When all the blood in Baron Skinner’s body was separated, he was completely shriveled. The Baroness raised her head and inhaled all the blood.

The villagers who saw this scene were terrified and ran away desperately, but an accident happened at this time.

The Baroness who had absorbed Baron Skinner’s blood also swelled up in pain. In the end, her whole body exploded. The explosion engulfed the villagers who had not had time to escape, and all died on the spot. In the village of hundreds of people, only a few dozen survived.

Baron Skinner’s manor has become a famous local place.

Hundreds of years later, wizards investigated this and finally found traces left over from the past in the ruins of the manor. It turned out that Baron Skinner and his wife had formed a blood contract with each other long ago, and the two had been performing magic rituals in the manor’s basement.

This unknown blood contract magic seems to be the link to maintain the love between the two, but another person’s malice is hidden in the depths of the blood contract magic.

The contract magic has been changed, and the specific effect of the change is unknown. But it can be seen that the change of the magic means the destruction of the love between the two.

Surprisingly, later scholars learned some clues about the changes. The betrayer was not the Baroness but Baron Skinner himself.

But the Baroness didn’t know the reason behind her husband’s malice. She was deeply hurt and chose to take revenge. But in the end, she died due to an unknown factor.

Baron Skinner’s notes were left at the scene of the incident, and a sentence in the notes was translated and recorded.

“Hate takes love, exchange equal value, and adding great power.”

Sean frowned after reading the whole content.

The contract magic has a little connection with each other, and this kind of blood contract magic recorded in the book may have something to do with the Blood Pact.

“What does this sentence mean…” Sean pondered deeply.

However, before he could come up with anything, a gust of wind came from behind him.

“Mr. Wallup, what are you doing?”

Sean got goosebumps on his back. He turned around stiffly and saw Mrs. Pince holding a feather duster.

“Um, ma’am. I’m here just reading a book.”

Mrs. Pince’s feather duster floated out of nowhere, and her voice was gloomy and angry, “Give it to me. Get out!”


Sean was chased and beaten by the feather duster and escaped from the library. Fleeing to a corner, Sean rubbed his buttocks and shoulders and looked out in fear. He was relieved to see Mrs. Pince’s feather duster not catching up.

“Damn, that feather duster is more ruthless than any dark magic…” Sean sighed.

He was beaten, but he didn’t get any specific information. The content about the blood contract recorded in the book was too vague, and it wasn’t necessarily related to the Blood Pact.

However, Sean noted down the location of Baron Skinner’s estate in the book. If he had the opportunity and necessary, he was going to take some time to go there to see it himself. Maybe he could find some information. If he couldn’t find it, he would treat it as sightseeing.

Sean, rubbing his hands, walked towards the outside of the castle and soon found Hermione and Daisy by the Black Lake. Daisy waved to him, and Hermione was reading the newspaper beside her.

“Sean, have you been beaten?” Daisy handed over a glass of iced pumpkin juice.

Hermione, who was reading the newspaper, said without raising her head, “He must have been beaten. Sean is careless sometimes. Mrs. Pince’s feather duster is a fair punishment.”

Sean took a sip of the pumpkin juice and said helplessly, “It hurts, you know. By the way, is there any news today?”

Hermione unfolded the newspaper in her hand, pointed to a small page, and said, “Here, that’s all. Apart from the “Merlin Weekly Newsletter”, no other newspapers reported on this matter. The Guards spokesperson came out and said this is all Grindelwald’s plan. The Daily Prophet only used a small section to publish relevant reports.”

Sean glanced at it and lay down on the grass. “As expected from them to deal with it like this.”

“But it’s not a long-term solution.” Hermione rested her chin on the grass. “This will only make things boil slowly. It would be something that no one wanted to see.”

“I guess it depends on whom you’re siding now.”


In the basement of the headquarters of the Guards, a middle-aged man sitting on the leather armchair turned the chair and looked at Marshall at the table.

“Cyril, it’s good news that you’re back.” He said sincerely but didn’t stand up.

Marshall looked calmly at the man in front of him, Diane Allison.

She and Allison built the Guards. He provided resources, and she was responsible for handling matters.

After the establishment of the Guards, he handed over the position of the temporary person in charge to her. After all, the temporary person in charge always had to deliver duties, and his goal was to be the first official person in charge of the Guards.

In this regard, Marshall has no complaints. She has always adhered to the original intention of the establishment of the Guards – for a better world.

Hunting Grindelwald is one of the things they should do.

It’s just that half a year has passed, and the wizarding world doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

Marshall lowered her head slightly, “It’s nice to see you, Allison.”

“Of course, we should be happy to meet again.” Alison didn’t have a happy face. He sighed, “It’s just that we are facing huge troubles now.”

Marshall shook her head, “It’s my fault. We still underestimated Grindelwald.”

“I don’t blame anyone. After all, we made the plan together. It’s just that Grindelwald is too cunning and too powerful.” Allison said with a sigh.

“So what do we do next?” Marshall asked.

“Marshall, I need you to recall all the details.”

Marshall shook her head, “I don’t think the news I brought back is very valuable. After all, Grindelwald may have considered these. He may give me fake news and then use this to set a trap.”

“But we can tell the difference, can’t we?” Allison said, “Also, his plan is obviously to kill you and Onassis. I think your news will be of great value.”

Marshall gave a thoughtful look, and finally, she nodded slowly, “I guess.”

“I don’t know much about it. First of all, Onassis and I were controlled to appear in Belgium at his orders. We didn’t know the goal of this act.” Marshall glanced at Allison and continued, “It’s just that when he was discussing the plan with his subordinates, he didn’t avoid me, who was controlled by the Imperius Curse. He said—”

“Wait a minute,” Allison interrupted her abruptly.

“Previous experience tells me that Grindelwald is not only powerful in magic but also a master of manipulation. Marshall, has he been earning your trust and loyalty without even using the curse?”

“Are you doubting my loyalty to the Guards, Allison?” Marshall stared at him blankly.

“No, it’s just a concern from a friend.” Allison didn’t change his face.

Marshall paused momentarily, and finally, she nodded, “Yes, Grindelwald once untied the Imperius Curse, and he tried to recruit me.”

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