Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 293: “A Problem On The Ravenclaw Common Room”

Chapter 293: “A Problem On The Ravenclaw Common Room”

Professor McGonagall’s eyes were filled with amazement.

As the most famous Transfiguration master in the world today, she was a professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts for many years. She realized that she had only seen one student like Sean.

Transfiguration is very different from other magic. Professor McGonagall has been on this road for a long time, but she has a deeper understanding of it precisely because she has walked longer and farther than most people.

However, she saw infinite possibilities in this boy who was just in the third grade.

From ferret to crocodile, despite its flaws, it was barely a successful transformation. As it is also a cross-species transformation, Sean’s transformation this time is much more difficult than the transformation of a bird into a guinea pig in the fourth-grade course.

Not only because of the size and race of the species but also because the ferret came from Sean’s own spell. The difficulty of transforming summoned creatures is much more difficult than ordinary transformation. Professor McGonagall believes that his Transfiguration could be perfect if she provides Sean with more teaching.

Looking down at Sean, who was still thinking about the crocodile teeth, Professor McGonagall said, “Maybe the image construction is not perfect. When you build the image in your mind, you must have paid too much attention to other things. If I’m not wrong, the bottom should still be as soft as a ferret’s paw.”

Upon hearing the words, Sean touched the crocodile’s paw, and it was exactly as Professor McGonagall said. The bottom of the crocodile’s paw was too soft, which should have been rough with some toughness and hardness.

Professor McGonagall continued, “Second, the output of magic power is too strong. You are too quick transforming the ferret. You should have slowed down the output of magic power in the details.”

Sean recalled the magic power fluctuations in his body just now and was surprised to find that what Professor McGonagall said was right. The part that should have been prioritized was too much. He was immersed in the magic power output and fluctuations but ignored some other things.

Sean lowered his head in shame and said sincerely, “Professor, you are right. I found my mistakes after careful thinking. I am sorry, but I ended up making this kind of mistake. If you hadn’t reminded me, I might have walked on the wrong path for a longer time.”

Professor McGonagall’s eyes twitched slightly, and she smiled, “It’s good that you can find out in time. Remember to be in awe of Transfiguration. Even the simplest Transfiguration still needs sufficient concentration.”

“I see, Professor.” Sean nodded solemnly.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and the incompletely deformed crocodile turned back into a ferret and disappeared into the air, “There will be an assessment in my office in a month.”

“Okay…” Sean was a little surprised, “You mean if I pass the assessment, I can start the fifth-grade contents?”

Her eyes flashed with relief, “Sean, sometimes you are too modest, or in the words of Professor Dumbledore, you are too cautious. I have always been strict with my students. ‘Grade skippers’ like Miss Granger are stricter, but I must say.”

“You did very well.”

Sean showed a big smile, “Thank you, Professor.”

“In addition, although it is a bit early. I must ask for your opinion in advance. Can you spare time on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning in the second half of the semester?”

Sean was a little puzzled but still thought about it carefully and replied, “It would be irresponsible for me to give you a promise, Professor. I have to say I can’t guarantee that I will be free for my personal arrangements at that time. Of course, as long as I don’t have any urgent matters to do, please tell me if you have any requests. I will definitely do my best.”

Such an answer made Professor McGonagall nod with satisfaction, “Thank you for your sincerity, and as a Ravenclaw student. Your way of thinking is very mature, which is very good.”

After complimenting her, she continued, “I predict that by then, you should be able to complete the fifth-grade contents by yourself. Your basic skills have always been excellent, so I hope you can come to be my assistant and teach the other grades for me.”

Sean nodded. The number of wizards has increased significantly because of the lack of Voldemort’s activities in this world. Coupled with the accident in Nurmengard last school year, more and more students have chosen Hogwarts.

It seems that the increase in the number of students has made the professors a little bit overwhelmed.

There are thousands of students in Hogwarts and only a few professors. Each of them is responsible for teaching seven or five classes. The workload is beyond imagination. He doesn’t know if Dumbledore has given the Professor more pay.

Sean thought for a while and nodded, “Professor, I am willing to share some simple teaching tasks for you while studying with you. If I can meet your requirements and have nothing to do, of course. “

Professor McGonagall showed a smile, “Thank you, Sean. I am looking forward to working with you. Don’t worry; the school will pay you according to the salary level of teaching assistants. I promise you can come to me if you have any doubts about Transfiguration.”

“That would be great.” Sean replied with a smile.

Salary is a trivial matter. He has plenty of Galleons. The key lies in Professor McGonagall teaching him Transfiguration.

After exchanging good night with Professor McGonagall, Sean left. Of course, the original goal of this trip to find Dumbledore was a failure again, and Sean felt that Dumbledore might have to hide from him for a while.

Going back to the hall and going out again, he saw Hermione and Daisy discussing this semester’s classes at the corner of the corridor.

“Hey, didn’t you say you don’t have to wait for me?” Sean walked over.

Hermione put away the schedule and glanced at him, “I knew you were going to find Dumbledore.”

“It seems easy to guess.” Sean spread his hands helplessly.

Daisy followed up and said, “Hermione said Dumbledore left in a hurry after the dinner. He definitely didn’t want to see you. She guessed right. You’ll probably be back in a while.”

“It’s easy to guess, but I have other things to do, by the way. I will go to divination class with you tomorrow, Miss Granger.”

Hermione looked at him suspiciously, “Someone said at the end of last semester that there is no need for in-depth study of divination, a course that is purely based on talent, and changed his mind after one summer vacation?”

“Well, I’ll admit it. Mainly, there’s you. Shall we go, Miss Granger?”

Hermione raised her head, “I’m not so cheap, Mr. Wallup, who is not telling the truth.”

“It breaks my heart when you say that.” Sean made a sad look on purpose.

Without waiting for Hermione to reply, Daisy quickly replied, “Hermione said you are annoying when you put on a show, and she wants to punch you when you make that expression. I must add, I don’t think it’s that annoying, but it is true.”

Hermione gave her a look, “Thank you for your comment, Miss Potter.”

“You’re welcome.”

Sean nodded with satisfaction, “Daisy, you have finally learned to resist Hermione’s scolding. I am very relieved when you are on my side.”

Hermione snorted coldly, “Daisy, please return my second-grade notes.”

Daisy immediately hugged Hermione’s arm, “Hermione is the right one here!”

“Damn, you betrayed me too quickly.”

“At the end of the term, you also needed Hermione’s notes to pass the exams.”

“I mean… Hermione is right!”

After that, she returned to the Ravenclaw common room. Going up the spiral staircase, they saw a large group of students frowning in front of the wooden door.

Sean raised his eyebrows. The small space in front of the wooden door was crowded with students, not only the Ravenclaw students who had just finished sorting but also many old students who were thinking hard, and even the upper steps were full of people.

This kind of situation rarely occurs in Ravenclaw. Most of the questions the door knocker asks are subjective, and the answers to the questions are not specific. As long as Ravenclaw students can provide answers that represent their own thoughts, they will pass the test.

Ravenclaw students always have their own ideas. It is very common for six students to go back together, give six different answers, and then pass the test at the same time. But today, this is a rare sight.

Hermione whispered behind him, “Could the knocker have a math problem again?”

“Guess so…”

Generally speaking, this “grand occasion” is because the door knocker asked a math problem.

As it happens, most wizards, including Ravenclaw, really hate studying mathematics. However, the knocker seldom asks math problems, and the Ravenclaws agree that the knocker doesn’t bother to give math problems—except when it is in a bad mood and wants to embarrass the students.

When Sean squeezed past, the crowd didn’t even notice him. When he walked to the wooden door, a tall and beautiful girl leaning against the wall saw him.

Percy’s girlfriend and Ravenclaw prefect, Penelope.

“Hey, Penelope.” Sean greeted.

Penelope waved. Obviously, in front of the freshmen, she felt that it was a bit embarrassing for the seniors to be unable to answer the questions.

“Math problem?” Sean asked.

“It’s not, but a weird question. The door knocker is acting weird. I and other students have tried it many times. I personally think that some answers can be passed, but the door knocker didn’t respond. God, it’s embarrassing. We’ve been stuck in here for twenty minutes.”

She said dejectedly, “Sean, you try it. Since you usually have so many tricks.”

“Allow me to correct you. It’s called being resourceful. I was the one who answered the questions about thestral legs and giant octopus last time.”

“That’s a math problem, it doesn’t count.”

Sean shrugged, then stepped forward and pulled the knocker. The bronze eagle knocker opened its mouth, but as Penelope said, the usually ethereal and emotionless voice is particularly weird today.

The speed of speech has obviously become faster. Listening carefully, he felt that it was a little unhappy. It is no longer an emotionless questioning machine but like a rebellious eagle who is not happy but still has to complete the task.

“How do you have it all, and how do you lose it all?”

Sean pinched his chin and began to think. There is no accurate answer to this kind of question. Everyone has different ways of thinking. The answers given must be very different. Whether it is the correct answer or not depends purely on whether the knocker is satisfied.

The two girls who followed him were also thinking about it. After a while, Daisy replied softly, “Everything is the result of thoughts. If you think you have it, you have it. If you think you lose it, you lose it.”

The knocker didn’t budge.

Hermione also tried to answer, “Possession and loss are both the norm. Possession or loss depends on your current state?”

Still nothing.

The Ravenclaws looked over and lowered their heads in disappointment.

“Is that the Sean Wallup that the seniors said because of his knowledge and power in magic?” Suddenly, a first-year freshman asked his friend in a low voice.

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