Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1166: Hidden World?

Chapter 1166: Hidden World?

Shang Xia was thinking if he should give up chasing the Star Origin Lord Robe, but he didn’t think that he would discover Wen Juxiang’s presence among those who appeared suddenly.

Wen Juxiang had been heavily injured by the projection of half the Crimson Soul Tablet earlier, and Shang Xia was sure he hadn’t fully recovered.

Even under such circumstances, Wen Juxiang was still adamant about obtaining the Star Origin Lord Robe and that was enough to prove how special it was.

All the hesitation he felt disappeared, and Shang Xia made up his mind to obtain the Star Origin Lord Robe.

The reason was simple. Shang Xia and Wen Juxiang’s grudge had reached a point where both sides had to kill each other in order to be satisfied, and there was also the matter of Wen Juxiang seeing the Crimson Soul Tablet.

The Crimson Soul Tablet’s existence was the greatest secret Shang Xia had. Also... With Wen Juxiang heavily injured, it was Shang Xia’s best chance to kill the man.

Due to their differences, after Shang Xia saw that Wen Juxiang was so interested in the Star Origin Lord Robe, there was no way he would allow his enemy to obtain something he desired.

Actually, there was another reason Shang Xia planned to mess with Wen Juxiang and that was because he simply didn’t wish to leave yet.

With so many reasons to take action, Shang Xia naturally had to try killing Wen Juxiang.

Since Wen Juxiang had the Essence Hong World behind him, if Shang Xia missed his chance this time, he felt that any opportunity to kill Wen Juxiang in the future would be hard to come by.

After clearing his mind, Shang Xia didn’t charge ahead like a fool. Instead, he concealed his aura and started to transform it slightly. He didn’t wish to reveal his identity at that point in time.

Actually, of those who were chasing after the Star Origin Lord Robe, most of them did the same and concealed their auras.

As they raced further and further, the distance between the True Immortals got closer and closer. Shang Xia could clearly feel that other than the 2 closest to the Star Origin Lord Robe, the others were third tier True Immortals like himself.

As for those closest to the Star Origin Lord Robe, one of them was naturally Wen Juxiang, and the other was also a high-level True Immortal at the fourth tier. Shang Xia suspected that the other person was an expert from the Essence Ming World.

By that time, Shang Xia could already discover that even though the clone holding the Star Origin Lord Robe was still speeding up, be it Wen Juxiang or the other high-level True Immortal, both of them would be able to stop it if they were willing to make a move.

That was exactly what made him feel a little strange. Both of them didn’t seem to have any intentions of stopping the clone, and they simply allowed it to continue flying through the void.

“No... They’re not trying to obtain the Star Origin Lord Robe! They seem to be using it to look for something!” Shang Xia gasped to himself. At the moment of realization, he started to slow down.

He wasn’t the only one who could tell what they were doing. The others quickly slowed down and there were even several third tier True Immortals who chose to give up rushing over to the clone.

The 6 third tier True Immortals who were flying behind Wen Juxiang and the other unknown high-level True Immortal relaxed their pace in unison.

In the blink of an eye, the group chasing the clone traveled hundreds of thousands of miles.

By that time, Shang Xia had a general gauge of the direction they were traveling and he noticed that they seemed to be flying towards the void north of the Spirit Abundance World.

It was where the frost wave that affected the Spirit Abundance World came from, and it was where a world was suspected to lay.

In an instant, information regarding the frost wave and the region of space filled Shang Xia’s mind.

For the Star Origin Lord Robe to fly in that direction... Shang Xia refused to believe that everything was so coincidental.

Hmm... If it’s really headed to the north of the Spirit Abundance World, that would mean...

Shang Xia started to circulate his inner qi and compacted the domain around himself. At the same time, a warm energy started to surround him and fill the area within his domain.

Almost the same time he completed his preparation, the space in front of the clone carrying the Star Origin Lord Robe started to transform. It seemed like a giant beast in the void had opened its jaws to swallow them into its pitch-black stomach. A powerful wave of frost energy also swallowed everyone present.

The clone was the first to be affected, but even though it looked extremely illusory like it would be destroyed the very next moment, a faint layer of starlight appeared around it before anyone else could react. It seemed unaffected by the frost wave as it continued to charge deeper into the void.

Wen Juxiang and the other high-level True Immortal flanked the clone and they also seemed to have made preparations for the sudden change.

As soon as the burst of frost energy emerged, Wen Juxiang held an umbrella in front of his body. Streams of frost energy were split apart in front of him, and he wasn’t affected in the slightest.

The other fourth tier True Immortal from the Essence Ming World revealed a burning pearl that hovered above his head. With the protection of the light it emitted, he was also protected from the frost wave.

Clearly, both of them were already prepared. Even though they weren’t affected by the frost wave, they were still forced to slow down to a certain extent.

Because of that, they were forced to lag behind a little, as the distance between them and Zhuge Xiang’s clone increased by close to 100 miles. After all, Zhuge Xiang’s clone wasn’t affected by the frost wave in the slightest.

4 of the 6 third tier True Immortals who used to be 300 miles behind them were left even further behind because of the arrival of the frost wave.

Shang Xia, who managed to make his preparations, beforehand, managed to maintain his speed, and to his surprise, there was another third tier True Immortal who also made preparations. They flew at the same speed into the region of space.

As for the others... They were clearly caught off guard. The frost wave that emerged froze their domains, and their speed dropped greatly. They were left hundreds of miles behind Shang Xia and the other expert.

The moment it happened, Shang Xia placed his full attention onto the other third tier True Immortal beside him.

Even though the other party also concealed his aura, he released a powerful burst when the frost wave first arrived. It tore through the spatial currents that arrived, but it also allowed Shang Xia to learn of his identity. In fact, Shang Xia had a very deep impression of the other expert.

The burst happened for a split second, but Shang Xia could tell that the other expert belonged to Hua Jianlou of the Spirit Abundance World!

In the past, he was the expert who suppressed Kou Chongxue and Huang Jinghan even with the advantage of fighting close to their worlds. His domain was so powerful that even with Kou Chongxue and Huang Jinghan working hand in hand, they failed to struggle free from it.

Even though Shang Xia had reached a similar cultivation level, when he thought about the powerful sword art Hua Jianlou displayed in the battle above the Spirit Luxuriant World’s heavenly screen, he didn’t know if he would be able to defeat an expert like that.

It was then that the frost wave increased in intensity.

Since they experienced the effects it brought, the True Immortals who were chasing after the Star Origin Lord Robe reacted quickly.

The high-level True Immortals chasing after the clone managed to shorten the 100 mile distance to the clone once again, and they showed signs of approaching even closer.

Shang Xia could see that they were getting so close that if they wanted to, they could reach out to grab it.

However, that was clearly not a part of their plans. Instead, they followed quietly behind it.

Shang Xia suddenly noticed that if those high-level True Immortals really wanted to track the Star Origin Lord Robe, approaching it so closely might mean that they were about to reach their destination!

Shang Xia couldn’t help but increase his speed in order to shorten the distance between them.

He also discovered that Hua Jianlou was thinking the same thing.

The True Immortals behind them might not know what was going on, but seeing how everyone in front of them was accelerating, they started to use everything in their power to speed up.

The next moment, the clone carrying the robe seemed to smash head-first into a pool of still water.

Large spatial ripples appeared in the void without warning, and with the arrival of the clone, a massive vortex seemed to take shape. It eventually turned into a spatial tunnel where boundless frost energy came from the other side.

Beautiful illusions lined the walls of the spatial tunnels and as soon as the clone carrying the robe rushed into it, it disappeared.

Soon after, the tunnel started to close and the beautiful illusions were destroyed by the powerful frost energy on the other side.

The high-level True Immortals from the Essence World who were in the lead, charged into those beautiful illusions without a second thought. Amidst the powerful explosions which sent countless ice shards flying everywhere, they entered the closing spatial tunnel.

Shang Xia didn’t know if he was imagining things, but right before Wen Juxiang entered the tunnel, he saw the man shooting him with a look of provocation.

Wen Juxiang seemed to have already noticed him a long time ago.

Raising an eyebrow, Shang Xia continued to charge at the closing spatial tunnel right behind Wen Juxiang.

At almost the same moment, he noticed a powerful sword light rushing at him.

Shocked, he got rid of the void light beneath his feet and he tumbled uncontrollably through space. It took him a breath of time to regain his footing, but the sword light tore through the region of space he was originally in.

If he didn’t react quickly enough, he would have been cut in half.

It was also in that short moment when Hua Jianlou passed him and entered the spatial tunnel before he could.

The sword qi continued and slammed into the closing spatial tunnel, and even though Hua Jianlou entered and the spatial tunnel didn’t close, the region of space right in front of it was turned into a fragmented mess.

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