Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1162: Deciding a Victor

Chapter 1162: Deciding a Victor

With the successful projection of half a mighty tablet, Wen Juxiang’s hammer was stopped and everything around seemed to freeze.

Even the spatial waves that formed were stuck in place, and the only thing that moved was the starlight that scattered from the collision.

Wen Juxiang’s thoughts also seemed frozen at the moment, and the Stone Rod he had been trying to suppress and get his hands on also stopped moving.

A short moment had passed, and Wen Juxiang blinked once before everything returned to normal.

The spatial current continued to flow again after freezing initially, and space resumed its motion.

The starlight that emerged dissipated, and the tablet that appeared from the vortex seemed like it never existed in the first place.

When the hammer returned, Wen Juxiang’s expression changed drastically. He felt a surge of energy return to his body, causing a massive backlash. He spat blood and he felt a lot more confused.

What in the world happened?!

Instinctively, Wen Juxiang inspected the hammer he just grabbed and noticed that it was covered in cracks.

The high-grade divine weapon was actually damaged!

Before he could feel even more heartache, he spat another mouthful of blood.

However… That wasn’t the end. Along with the sound of rapidly rushing water, an arm tore through the spatial current that had formed before grabbing onto the other end of the Stone Rod!

With Wen Juxiang being heavily injured, how could he continue to suppress the Stone Rod? Not to mention the fact that he hadn’t even made sense of what just happened…

The unknown was the scariest, and Wen Juxiang was starting to feel frightened.

Giving up on the weapon decisively, he quickly pulled away from it. Making a quick decision, he chose to run away.

Shang Xia regained control of his weapon, and he rose above the spatial current that swallowed him earlier. Despite regaining control of the battle, his pale face and ragged breaths proved that his injuries weren’t as light as they seemed, and he was in a pretty sorry state.

Even so… Shang Xia didn’t hesitate as he swung the Stone Rod in his hand at the fleeing Wen Juxiang!

He unleashed the third move of his Six Harmony Rod Technique, Void Emptiness!

It was a move that specialized in tearing through a Martial Void Realm expert’s domain, but his strike looked completely different from when he used it previously. The surface of the Stone Rod was covered in a layer of faint starlight as it went smashing straight for Wen Juxiang.

“It’s you!” Wen Juxiang roared in fright when he saw the layer of starlight around the rod. He made the connection between the starlight he was seeing and how he suffered earlier.

However… He didn’t have the energy to think about what just happened, about how Shang Xia was able to make use of starlight, or if the power of the stars was attracted to Shang Xia by itself. Void Emptiness, Shang Xia’s third move in his Six Harmony Rod Technique, had arrived!

Wen Juxiang’s domain was instantly torn through by the move, and he quickly formed a hand seal before slapping it into the void with him as he poured his inner qi into it frantically. A giant palm condensed around him and pushed against the incoming Stone Rod.


A piercing sound that was extremely hard on the ears rang through the space as Wen Juxiang continued to pour his inner qi and the power of his Void Origin into his defense. Even though he suffered heavy injuries from the backlash of his hammer smashing into the unknown item that appeared out of nowhere earlier, he still had enough energy to desperately resist Shang Xia’s third move.

Unfortunately, he was unable to stop the Stone Rod’s advance.

Seeing as it was about to land on his chest, he could only use the small hammer once again. With no other choice, he swung it at the rod.


Another crisp explosion rang through the void, but this time, the power that froze everything didn’t emerge.

Wen Juxiang’s mind buzzed, and a strong sense of dizziness caused him to tumble through the void.

When he finally regained his senses, he noticed the cracks on the hammer growing longer and wider, and the damage had already affected the artifact spirit.

Fortunately for him, Wen Juxiang’s desperate defense stopped Shang Xia’s Stone Rod from slamming into his body. Shang Xia had no choice but to pull his weapon back.

However… For him to finally gain the upper hand, how could Shang Xia let a powerful enemy like Wen Juxiang leave as he wished? Even if he wasn’t in the best of conditions, he forced himself to struggle free of the spatial current to continue his assault. What better chance to beat up a piece of shit who had been plotting against him, and was a high-level True Immortal to boot?

When Shang Xia freed himself from the annoying spatial current, the region of disrupted space he went to inspect that was initially dark started to emit brilliant rays of light.

Turning around, he noticed starlight filling the region hundreds of thousands of miles from the disrupted space. The power of the stars that was infused in them spread across space and intense spatial fluctuations burst forth!

It seemed as though the region of disrupted space was finally open as the battle between god knew how many True Immortals had finally come to an end.

Even though Shang Xia guessed what was going on, he was hundreds of thousands of miles away and due to the intense twisting of space, he was unable to learn what happened.

His reactions were quick, but they weren't fast enough. By the time he turned back, Wen Juxiang was nowhere to be seen.

Shang Xia knew that even if he was fully engaged in the battle, he might still not be able to slay Wen Juxiang. After all, the man was a high-level True Immortal from an Essence World. However, he was still feeling a little reluctant to let the enemy escape.

Sighing to himself, Shang Xia stared at a certain spot in space before taking his leave.

After the powerful starlight hundreds of thousands of miles away dissipated, the spatial fluctuations didn’t disappear along with it. Instead, it started to grow even more intense and Shang Xia who was so far away could clearly feel the disturbance.

When he spread his divine soul around to inspect the space around him, he discovered a spot that was completely calm. Even the most twisted of space couldn’t affect it.

Taking several steps, Shagn Xia quickly approached the abnormally calm space. A strange smile appeared on his face as he reached into the void. A tattered bamboo hat emerged from the void with a single pull from Shang Xia.

One couldn’t see how tattered and broken the bamboo hat looked. After all, Shang Xia personally witnessed its might! It allowed Wen Juxiang to travel through the void despite the powerful fluctuations all around him as it calmed the space around him no matter how violent it rocked.

… Even though Shang Xia was a little annoyed that he allowed Wen Juxiang to escape, he managed to get his hands on an amazing treasure like the bamboo hat. At the very least, he didn’t leave empty-handed.

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