Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Chapter 186 Return From th

Chapter 186 Return From the Dead

The crowd came close and stared intently at Xie Yuqing’s face . Suddenly, her eyes moved a little . After a few seconds, Xie Yuqing’s slowly opened her eyes, and her chest also began to rise and fall .

“What-- Why are you guys staring at me! Go away!” Xie Yuqing yelled as she realized a crowd made mostly of men were staring intently at her . Xie Yuqing quickly covered her face because she felt shy .

Her actions indicated to the crowd that she was totally fine . The crowd began to clap louder and louder . They congratulated Ye Shaoyang on a job well done and Xie Yuqing for making it back .

Li Ansheng clapped and went to the mortician, “What did I tell you? There's no one Master Ye can't save . ”

The mortician was surprised . He pushed through the crowd to Xie Yuqing . He checked her pulse and her pupil reflexes, and his mouth fell wide open .

“She's alive . . . How is this possible?”

He grabbed Ye Shaoyang’s hand and asked, “Young man, how did you bring her back to life?”

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and answered, “I didn't bring her back to life . She was never dead . I just gave her a little stimulus to wake her up . ”

After saying that, he turned and winked at the crowd of policemen .

Immediately, all of them understood what he meant . Since they were officials, they had to be professional and not talk about superstitious things .

A policeman stood up and helped, “That's right, that's right . Captain Xie was never dead; she was just unconscious . Mr . Ye here only used some special trick to wake her up . Isn't that right, guys?”

“Yeah, that's right,” everyone agreed .

The mortician, however, was still reluctant to believe it, “No, no, no-- she was dead just now . You must be some sort of miracle worker! Tell me the secret--”

Before he could finish, a bunch of policemen dragged him away . Xie Yuqing ordered all of her subordinates to leave, and Zhou Jingru asked Li Ansheng to lead the bewildered security guards away .

“Give all of the workers who saw this incident 500 yuan, and tell them to forget about what happened,” ordered Zhou Jingru .

Li Ansheng nodded and led the workers away .

Xie Yuqing’s memories of her death and her spirit being taken were still fresh . She looked up at Ye Shaoyang and said, “You saved me again . ”

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said, “This time doesn't count . You were killed because you were helping me . I had to save you . ”

Xie Yuqing asked, “If I wasn’t killed because of you, would you still have saved me?”

“Of course, I would . You're a good friend of mine . ”

Xie Yuqing smiled gently but seemed to have something else to say .

“Big Brother Shaoyang, why don't you put some clothes on?” Zhou Jingru said . Ye Shaoyang turned around and saw Zhou Jingru holding up his clothes: his shirt, pants and underwear .

Flustered, Ye Shaoyang quickly took all of his clothes from her .

Xiao Ma grabbed his clothing from Wang Ping; however, he was rather happy about it . The both of them quickly went behind the building and changed .

Xie Yuqing got off the stretcher .

When Ye Shaoyang returned, she squatted beside him to look at his cut up legs . He hadn’t been wearing shoes or pants, so his legs and feet were cut badly .

When she saw this, Xie Yuqing felt horrible, “I'm really sorry about this . ”

Ye Shaoyang brushed his leg and laughed, “It's nothing . It'll heal up after a day . ”

When Zhou Jingru saw how close the two of them were, she turned and walked out of the temple . Wang Ping swiftly followed .

She smiled and asked, “Little Ru, are you jealous?”

Both of them were about the same age, and they had a pretty close relationship, so they often talked to each other like close sisters .

Zhou Jingru’s face immediately turned red . She glanced at Wang Ping and said, “No!”

Wang Ping knew that was not the truth, but she chose not to pressure her . Instead, she smiled .

Zhou Jingru looked into the distance and muttered, “I wonder what would happen if I were to accidentally die . Would he do everything it took to save me?”

The temple was not a good place to stay for long . After making sure that Xie Yuqing was fine, Ye Shaoyang asked everyone to leave as quickly as possible .

After a quick discussion, the group decided to go find Tan Xiaohui in the hospital .

As they drove to the hospital, Xie Yuqing began to talk about how she and Tan Xiaohui were attacked .

“You asked Xiao Ma to send the pictures of the female corpses a few days ago . I was going to look for you today, but I got a call from Tan Xiaohui saying that she couldn't reach you guys on the phone . ”

Ye Shaoyang was very embarrassed when he heard this . He had been swimming and left his phone on a table .

Xie Yuqing continued, “That's when I contacted her and told her to meet me in front of Madam Chee’s temple . When I got there, I saw her walking around the courtyard of the temple apparently investigating something . Not long after, a dark smoke began to come out of the well . Tan Xiaohui immediately pushed me aside and told me to run . As I ran, I heard them fight, but soon it became quiet .

“I tried to call you, but you didn't answer . I waited, but I needed to make sure that Tan Xiaohui was fine, so I slowly returned to the temple . When I got outside, I saw her struggling to crawl away . Blood came out of her mouth, and she seemed severely injured . I saw no one around, so I rushed over to help her . Unfortunately, I fell unconscious just as I got close .

“When I came to, I realized I had died and was being taken away by a Spirit Commissioner . I tried to struggle, but he blew air in my face and I became unconscious again until you came . ”

Xie Yuqing shook her head and continued, “Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that I could come back from death . That feeling of death . . . I just can't describe it . ”

Ye Shaoyang nodded . He understood how she felt . Those who have died and come back to life gained a strange experience and an insight into life itself .

“Oh yeah, little trickster . I seemed to recall knowing somethings after I died, but I don't remember any of it now . Why is that?”

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