Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 277: The Eternal Journey

Chapter 277: The Eternal Journey

Lise watched them, her beautiful, large eyes sparkling and glowing.

Ashe also found it strange that these two death row inmates could possess such a high moral awareness, but upon reflection, it made sense—even though they were indeed guilty of heinous crimes including murder and arson, they had received a complete Blood Moon education during their childhood at the Nursery.

The most important aspects of Blood Moon education are ‘supremacy of human rights’ and ‘racial equality’. It’s precisely because of this focus on human rights that the Blood Moon Tribunal has become so popular— for the audience, ‘death’ is merely a byproduct of the tribunal. Their greatest pleasure comes from ‘trampling on the prisoners’ human rights’.

Even if Igor and Harvey scorn it, deep down, they acknowledge the concept of ‘human rights’; they just believe that the Blood Moon Kingdom has not yet reached a stage where it can respect everyone’s rights.

Had they arrived in a darker, more brutal realm, they would never have questioned the ‘elimination of the Unrelated’ system. It’s like arriving at a foul-smelling cesspit and not being surprised to find flies and cockroaches.

But arriving in the Gospel Kingdom, where the cultural level is even higher than in the Blood Moon Kingdom, they find an elimination system even more primitive than that of the Blood Moon, hence their repeated shaking of their heads.

Even the death row inmates of the Blood Moon find it unacceptable.

“…Although there are disagreements, I’m glad your moral baseline is a bit higher than I imagined.”

Though it was a compliment, it was clear that Annan was not impressed by their rhetoric, much like someone observing ancient people clinging to outdated feudal remnants: “Now, it’s about time.”

It was 58 minutes past the hour, with at most one minute left before the release of the first Ranking List. Everyone couldn’t help but feel nervous, including Banjeet and Annan—for Annan, this was her first experience of the Weaving Festival.

Although it was Banjeet’s second time, his last experience was fifty years ago, and this was likely the last Weaving Festival he would ever witness in his life.

As the time reached 23:59:59, everyone’s Gospels sprouted a glowing bookmark.

At the same time, the city center’s Holographic Screen burst into dazzling rainbow lights!

The Weaving Festival, had begun!

Blood Moon Kingdom, Affiliated Hospital of Kaimon College.

“If you could possess greater power, so mighty that the weak cannot ignore you…”

“If you could possess deeper wisdom, so profound that stupidity cannot deceive you…”

“If you could possess stronger health, so robust that aging cannot harm you…”

“If you could possess more lasting happiness, so enduring that sorrow cannot catch up to you…”

The doll girl whispered softly in Bewitcher’s ear, “Would you then be able to achieve eternal peace of mind?”

Freya looked confused, her eyes vacant as she murmured softly, “If I had power, wisdom, health, and happiness, I could achieve eternal peace of mind…”

“Yes, peace of mind, you would have no worries, no sorrows; the sun would rotate for you, the world would revolve around you, the pillars would become your support, constructing a world exclusively for you…”


“So…” Selina’s eyes grew brighter, but her voice became softer, “Please embrace me, and I will take you to meet the pillars…”

“But I already have pillars.”

“Ah?” Selina was taken aback.

“And I don’t need peace of mind.” Freya’s expression remained blank, but her eyes slowly brightened, “It’s this unease, this nervousness, that makes me so look forward to the future reunion… Huh? What’s happening to me?”

“Freya, you must be very tired lately,” Selina said sweetly, “You were nodding off just now. Do you want to sleep here for a while?”

“No need, no need.” Freya rubbed her temples, “I can’t believe I was so tired that I fell asleep? I’ll recover quickly once I go back to the Virtual Realm… So, I’ll head back first?”

“Mhm, goodbye, sister!”

Watching Bewitcher leave the hospital room, Selina’s expression gradually darkened.

This was her third attempt at Preaching to Freya and failing. As Eternal Calamity, this was truly the first time she had experienced such humiliation.

If it had been earlier, Selina would have already had other believers kill Freya and simply switched to another for Preaching. But here, the doll girl could no longer find any other puppets.

Of course, there’s no need to mention the nominal Guardian Gerard, a Tri-wings Sanctuary Sorcerer. Even Selina at her peak would have had a hard time Preaching to him. Then there’s the lead Medic, Sivirin, but the problem is that this female doctor is also of the sacred bloodline.

After brief interactions, Selina realized that these members of the sacred bloodline essentially lacked Souls, or rather, their Souls were dispersed throughout their blood. While this Soul defect impacts their ability to absorb arcane energy in the Virtual Realm, it also has a positive effect—aside from having longer Soul lifespans, those without normal Souls from the sacred bloodline have high resistance to any mental enchantment.

Imagine a regular person’s body as a water tank and the Soul as the water. Mind Miracle would be like pouring paint to contaminate the water. In contrast, the body of someone from the sacred bloodline is like mud, with the Soul’s water already seeped into the soil. Even if paint is thrown over it, it would only contaminate the surface water without affecting the overall.

Forget the Four Pillars; the sacred bloodline likely has no faith even in the Blood Moon Sovereign. They only revere the Divine Master but never blindly follow. This isn’t because they are all rebellious by nature, but rather it is determined by the essence of their Souls. A defective Soul cannot foster radiant belief.

Normally, nurses also take care of patients, but Sivirin seems to take this case very seriously, sending nurses who are also from the sacred bloodline, which made Selina quite frustrated.

Help, I’m surrounded by the sacred bloodline!

Therefore, Selina’s only Breakthrough point was the college student Freya, who occasionally visited her. However, Freya was like a fortress, specializing in the Mind Faction, which also happened to grant her resistance to mental enchantment.

More importantly, her mental state was incredibly healthy!

This was truly strange.

Among all the people Selina had interacted with, only Freya and Sivirin had healthy mental states. Others, including passing patients, nurses, Freya’s friends, and the Sanctuary Sorcerer Gerard, all had severe psychological issues.

In this group of almost madmen, only Bewitcher and the Medic remained unblemished by the muck, perfectly normal.

Selina’s failure to breach Freya’s mental barriers three times in a row clearly indicated that Freya had fully embraced her life. She neither resented others nor aimed unrealistically high, having detailed plans and firm aspirations for the future.

Such a person does not need the Four Pillars; she is capable of supporting her own world.

Each time Selina thought of this, the doll girl felt somewhat deflated.

After investigating the Blood Moon Kingdom, Selina thought that Preaching here would be simple since the social system was incredibly bizarre. It seemed like a breeding ground for psychological patients, those with depression, and anti-social misfits. She almost suspected that the Blood Moon Sovereign was an incarnation of the Sovereign of Wind, Rain, and Snow.

Moreover, this place revered personal freedoms and lacked widespread prophetic tools like the Gospel. The streets were full of fools ready to give and take, like chives growing from the ground, just waiting for Selina to turn them into Followers of the Four Pillars.

If the Blood Moon Kingdom was like a buffet, then the Gospel Kingdom was like crashing a banquet. Selina had to dodge the Red Caps while quickly gathering Followers.

Thus, Selina’s view of the apocalypse observer worsened—she had learned these past few days that the Four Pillars Cult had recently been destroyed and the Cult Leader, Ashe, had escaped from prison and was on the run, the very man who could compete with her for the favor of the Four Pillars.

She couldn’t understand how the apocalypse observer lost in such an advantageous social environment. If she were Preaching here, the Blood Moon Sovereign would have been promoted as a Substitute of the Four Pillars, completely subverting the Blood Moon Kingdom.

Selina still couldn’t grasp why the Four Pillars favored such a loser; surely they didn’t keep him around just for amusement?

However, she soon wouldn’t need to ponder the troubles brought by the apocalypse observer anymore.

Selina slightly tilted her head, and a Holographic Screen appeared before her.

A few days earlier, she had been implanted with a Miracle Chip, a special product of the Blood Moon Kingdom.

But Selina wasn’t concerned about the shackle installed at the back of her neck; she had endured far worse.

She was destined for Eternal Entanglement, but Ultimate Everlasting.

“It’s 10 o’clock…” Selina squinted her eyes, “Two hours time difference… the Weaving Festival there has already started.”

“That means, Ashe Heath…”

“Your journey of Eternal Entanglement begins now.”

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