Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 260: The Legendary Library

Chapter 260: The Legendary Library

Though the Swordswoman, known for her immense wisdom, was absent, the two Sorcerers quickly figured out how to use the library. Right before them, on the first bookshelf, there was a book emitting a brilliant green glow as if it were saying, “Look at me, look at me.”

Guide to the Legendary Library

“Congratulations to every Sorcerer who steps into this library, your luck is unparalleled, your story will be told by thousands, you are the light, you are the electricity, you are the myth of the future!”

“This library was built by the ‘Dramatic Poet’… Remember this name, for… is the narrator of Destiny, holding the scepter of contradictions, directing countless joys and sorrows, witnessing the world’s unions and separations.”

“Among the billions in the Virtual Realm, none can compare to… even by half!”

“But… is a generous Sorcerer, and thus built the Legendary Library especially for the successors, scattering their own glory to any fortunate one!”

“The following reading rules must be adhered to in this library—”

“① Aside from this guide, each person may only read one book. Rarity brings value.”

“② The path you walk must not be retraced. There are no do-overs in life.”

“③ The library has four floors, each higher level contains books of better quality than the one below. Always aim higher.”

“④ Books may deceive you. It’s better to be skeptical than to believe everything.”

“⑤ As a price for acquiring knowledge, every Sorcerer must leave behind a memory. You may choose which memory to leave. This is an equivalent exchange.”

“While reading any book, you have a chance to receive any reward, including but not limited to spirits mentioned in the books, Miracles, treasures, special abilities, etc. For instance, if the book mentions a deity, gaining a deity isn’t out of the question!”

“Although there are no specific requirements for the memories left behind, this library spans countless golden years. Even the most significant memories you leave might remain undiscovered by successors for thousands of years. So, try to leave your most thrilling memories; after all, if everyone were selfish, then you’re likely to only encounter dull memories.”

“Method to leave memories: Simply press any gap in the bookshelf.”

“Method to leave: Once you finish reading a book and have left a memory, you will automatically be transported to the entrance.”

Legendary Library!

Never heard of it before.

However, the guide has already detailed how to use this library. In simple terms, pick a book to read, and upon finishing, you might gain anything that appeared in the book. Then, leave behind a memory to complete your transaction with the Legendary Library.

“Why have the builder’s names turned into dots? Is their name actually ‘……’?” Deya exclaimed in surprise.

“It could be that the builder thought it undignified to leave a name in the guide, so they erased their own name; or perhaps the builder didn’t erase their name, but someone else did it for them—’Dramatic Poet’s’ real name has been completely obliterated, so even the guide’s mentions have disappeared.”

“The power to erase a name…” Deya murmured. “Did they offend some Divine Master?”

“Perhaps they offended them all.” Ashe looked at the phrase “Among the billions in the Virtual Realm, none can compare to… even by half,” feeling that although the Dramatic Poet might not deserve death, they were certainly seeking death.

Being so arrogant, if I were a Divine Master, I’d be annoyed with you just for not wearing a hat.

However, the fate of the builder clearly wasn’t a concern for the two junior Sorcerers. They turned their gaze to the bookshelves and then looked at each other.


“Let’s go!”

Entering the exploration phase, Ashe and Deya were both very excited. A structure in the Virtual Realm like this, previously unencountered yet safe, was as irresistible to Sorcerers as dung to flies.

Walking through the Maze, they quickly understood what the guide meant by “Books may deceive you”—each book on the shelves emitted a variety of ‘impressive but inexplicable’ auras. A scroll glowed with rune brilliance, a piece of parchment exuded an air of history, and even a suspicious data storage USB stick showed off electric Pattern Lines. Everything was tightly controlled in terms of aura.

As for the bound books, they were even more impressive—one looked like the notebook of a Death Monarch, another like the spellbook of a Time Lord, and there was even one with a cover featuring a beauty—daring to tempt me without even featuring silk stockings, how disrespectful!

However, since the guide mentioned that the quality of the books would improve with each ascending level, Ashe and Deya were not fooled by the first level’s offerings. They quickly moved past the shelves of the first floor and reached the second level.

The variety of books on the second level was even greater: crystal balls, tapestries, cards, human skin books… Nearly everything capable of recording information was collected as books by the Legendary Library. Now, the journey for Ashe and Deya became even more challenging — not only had the allure of the books increased, but their very essence seemed to twist reality itself!

For instance, a book that appeared to be made from Bewitcher human skin (judged by the hair) emitted a pink, seductive fragrance. Even from a distance, the faint, enticing scent filled their minds with strange thoughts, making it impossible for them to walk directly past it.

On another side, a crystal skull was emitting a glowing green light, and the smell of decay hit them full in the face, walking past it would feel almost like bathing in the River of Flowing Gold, prematurely experiencing what retirement feels like.

Since retreating was not an option in the library, they had to carefully find a safe path to the third level. However, as they were making their way, Deya noticed that Ashe had stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

“I found the book I want to read,” Ashe said. “You go on to the third floor.”

“But we’re only on the second floor!” Deya was puzzled. “The best books are on the fourth floor!”

“But I want to read this book.” Ashe reached out and pulled a book from a nearby shelf, his actions clearly showing his resolve. Deya wanted to persuade him further, but seeing his determination, she had no choice but to continue alone towards the staircase to the third floor.

Ashe leaned against the bookshelf, flipping through the book in his hands. He didn’t choose any of those that seemed to tell tales of thunderous devastation or the rise and fall of worlds, but rather a seemingly mundane book, for a very simple reason — he heard the sound of hammering coming from within, as familiar and comforting as the noise his father made every Saturday morning at seven-thirty.

Ashe has never considered himself a sentimental person, at least that’s what he believes.

It’s been almost a month since he transmigrated to this world, yet for him, his past life feels as distant as if it belonged to someone else—even though it indeed was his previous life.

He has always avoided dwelling on what his transmigration means for his family because that road leads only to a morass of despair. To even ponder it is to risk being suffocated by sadness, drowning in a sea of unreal misery.

However, upon hearing the clanging of steel, Ashe couldn’t help but feel a surge of warmth and longing. Just that alone made it worthwhile for him to read the book as a way to honor this nostalgia that blossomed in a foreign land.

More importantly, Ashe was indifferent about which book he chose to read. According to the guide, what a Sorcerer gains from reading is entirely random—good luck might bring a rare spirit, while bad luck could yield something as trivial as the nail clippers mentioned in the text. And if the author was particularly uninspired, virtually anything could be in the offing.

As for his own luck, Ashe has always maintained a pessimistic attitude.

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