She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 303 - WHEEL OF FATE

Chapter 303 - WHEEL OF FATE

Cayenne and Stefan arrived in Peach Wood subdivision and found Cole pushing the stroller of his daughter while his wife walked beside him.

"Yen." Cole waved his hand at them when he saw the two of them coming out of their car. "How have you been? Did you hear any news about my brother or did he show up in front of you?"

Cayenne shook her head in dismay.

"Well, as long as he won't show up and destroy your harmonious home, I wouldn't care. I'm just worried that he'd become a psycho and harm you." Cole mentioned with a deep sigh.

"Your baby has grown." Cayenne commented in passing when she saw how cute their child was. "She looks like Sofia. So pretty."

"Thank you." Sofia responded with a smile, her two cute little dimples showed up when she smiled at them.

"Do you guys want to have dinner with us? It's rare for us to come over and eat here." Cayenne invited them while Stefan was busy getting the grocery bags out of the car's trunk.

"Is that really fine?" Cole asked in awkwardness. They might not be very close but he was still an acquaintance to her for several years and now, they've become neighbors again.

"It's okay. It'll be a lot happier if there are more people." Stefan added, giving them a persuasive look while carrying three grocery bags.

"We'll come over, then." Cole promised.

"Thank you for inviting us." Sofia slightly bowed her head in gratitude.

"We'll wait for you to come." Cayenne waved her hand at them before turning to her husband and help her carry one bag.

Cole and Sofia turned around as well and went back to their house in order to change and get prepared. Their daughter was currently playing with her toys inside the crib so they decided to help each other and cook two dishes. They would like to share some dishes to Cayenne and her family.

To avoid an ambush call from her brothers, Cayenne told them that she and Stefan will be having dinner with some friends. Since her brothers were also enjoying themselves, they didn't disturb her any further. After all, they received additional money from her and Stefan.

Kyle brought Kath along with them to have some fun once in a while. It serves as a date for them where Luiz and Erwin became third wheelers.

"How about we buy some souvenirs for this trip." Luiz suggested since they've been walking around the amusement park and didn't buy anything to take home.

"That sounds good." Erwin replied. "What do you like to buy?"

"I'm not sure. Let's take a look at the souvenir shop." Kyle led the group while holding his girlfriend's hand.

Luiz moved closer to Erwin and whispered. "My brother got a girlfriend already. How about you? Don't you have someone that you like?"

"None so far." Erwin answered with an expressionless face. He was walking with her heads down, thinking what kind of girl he likes when someone bumped into her.

The woman was about to fall with her butt on the floor however, Erwin had quick reflexes and immediately held onto her to help her steady herself.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The petite woman apologized profusely with her hands clasped together.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going." Erwin replied. "I'm sorry for bumping onto you as well."

Some people were looking at them already and Erwin felt a little awkward while being stared at. "You don't have to worry about me. Just go and enjoy yourself."

The little lady nodded her head while muttering her thanks and left. She still needed to catch up with her friends.

Not far from where they stood, a woman looked towards Erwin with a deep frown. She felt that he was so familiar to her but she couldn't point how he's familiar.

"Sabrina." There was no response. "Sabrina! Hey!" her high school friends called her name to bring her back to reality.

"Yes? Is there any problem?"

"Yes, there is." One of her friends rolled her eyes while replying to her. "You've been looking at those guys with a deep frown. Do you know them? Did they do anything to you?"

"Ah? No. There's nothing like that. Let's go." Sabrina led the way and went to souvenir shop.

It's been several years since she last visited City A. Before she'd visit Stefan and his family but this time, she only came for fun and relaxation. She already let go of Stefan and she's happy that he found his happiness already.

Her parents wanted her to get married soon but she felt that it wasn't the right time yet. They thought she didn't want to marry because of Stefan but in truth, she just didn't know what's love anymore. And thus; she started playing an online game. She had fun playing it and she met new friends. Although, she didn't know them personally, it was a lot better because she can share her problems with them, without worrying of being food for gossips.

"Sabrina, when are you going back to Italy?"

"In two weeks."?Sabrina replied.

"So soon? Can't you extend your stay?"

"I wish I could but without their agreement, they might send some people to come and get me. I don't want to cause any commotions." Sabrina stated with obvious worry and disappointment. "Anyway, I'll try to visit you guys again."

Their group continued to walk and found the souvenir shop. At the same time, when they reached the place, she noticed that Erwin's group was also at the same shop as them. In fact, they were just few meters apart.

Erwin was looking at the items for a couple of times until his eyes settled on the little red riding hood stuff toy. He was just about to grab it when another hand came to snatch it from him.

"I found it first." Erwin stated while looking at Sabrina in a condescending manner.

"I grabbed it first. It's not my problem if you were too slow." Sabrina replied defiantly. "Sorry but I'm not letting you have this." She instantly left and paid for that little thing. "This is mine." She told Erwin with her raised brow.

"Do you know here? She seems to be holding some grudge against you." Luiz whispered to Erwin when he saw what happened.

"I don't know any spoil little missy like her." Erwin answered, intentionally making his voice louder for her to hear. Seeing her face fuming in anger, Erwin turned around and look for other items.

Sabrina stomped her feet and turned around to find her friends. Kath and Kyle were watching from the sideline and saw the exchanged of sharp glares and sharp words between Erwin and Sabrina.

But since Erwin made it clear that he didn't know her, they didn't pursue this matter any further.

"Have you found anything that caught your interest?" Kath asked them while holding two couple shirts and two matching hats in her hands. Kyle was holding some other items that Kath likes.

"I found one but it was already taken away." Erwin responded with obvious irritation on his face.

"Do you like that small item so much?" Luiz asked him while looking around for a staff to ask if there's any stock for that same stuff toy.

Erwin didn't say anything for a long time before nodding his head. "I remember someone with that stuff toy and I want to have it."

"Someone?" The three people looked at him in eagerness for gossip. "Who's this someone? Is she a girl?" Luiz asked with twinkling eyes.

Erwin shook his head. "I don't know anything about this person's characteristic but I know some information about her. Anyway, let's not talk about that person." He grabbed a random item and paid for it at the counter.

Kyle, his girlfriend and Luiz, looked towards Erwin's lonely back. They looked towards Sabrina who was happily chatting with her friends while showing them the stuff toy that she got.

Erwin didn't know that the wheel of fate started to spin a long time ago and it will continue to spin until the two of them become one.

On the other hand, Cole and Sofia arrived at the door of Stefan's home. Cole was carrying his daughter while Sofia handed them two Tupperware containing two dishes that she and her husband made.

"Thank you for inviting us again." Sofia told Stefan.

"Come in. My wife's been waiting for you." Stefan led them inside. Cole and Sofia stayed in the living room with Cayenne and their child while Stefan continued to walk to the kitchen and helped Jonas cooked their dishes for dinner.

"Your brothers aren't here?" Cole asked when he didn't notice any presence of Kyle and Luiz.

"They're having fun outside." Cayenne responded while playing peek-a-boo with their daughter.

The three of them talked and played with the child while Kirin was still worried of her youngest son. She already received a news of where he lived and she's now on her way to check on it. The private investigator led her to a high-end apartment building and Kirin asked which room her son stayed.

"Madam, he's staying in room 403. However, there are three security measures that we need to pass. I knew the passcodes and I can fiddle with the keyhole but I don't have anyway to deal with the finger biometrics."

Kirin knew that that her son was up to something dangerous. With the locks on his door, it's obvious that he's hiding something. "I'll deal with it. Wait for my next call."

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