She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 250 - TOO LATE

Chapter 250 - TOO LATE

"Boss, when did you come back?" Luna asked Stefan as soon as she saw him. "Cayenne's mother was buried this morning. We didn't know that the burial was today, though."

"Wait. Emerald died? When?" Stefan asked. His confused expression told them that he really had no idea of what happened.

"I thought Cayenne told you because she said that she wanted to tell you about it personally. Auntie died on Monday morning. Supposedly, she will be buried on Saturday but Cayenne moved the date and had her mother buried today."

"This…how…" Stefan staggered a step back with the news. He remembered the messages that Cayenne sent him, asking him to call her if he wasn't busy. He pretended to be busy because he wanted to surprise her as soon as he got back. But he saw Jonas and everything went wrong after that. "Ayen…Ayen, I need to find her." He ran as fast as he can towards the elevator. He went to the basement and got inside his car, drove it out of the basement and went to her apartment.

Cayenne was packing her important stuff and left those that weren't. "Sis, are we really leaving this place?" Luiz asked his sister who looked like a machine doll. She was expressionless ever since she came back in the morning.

"Hn. We'll be leaving to start a new life. We can't have ourselves tied to our past. We need to move forward."

"And what about Stefan? Does he know? I haven't seen him during the funeral or during the burial. Did you guys fight?" Luiz asked again.

Cayenne paused for few seconds but she resumed packing almost immediately. "Stefan and I weren't really married. Everything was an act. He paid me with my acting skills which was why I have lots of money. Now that mother is gone, I have cut my ties with him. You don't need to worry about it. Have you transferred all your files to your cloud storage?"

"Ha? Ah, yes." Luiz turned around and went back to the living room where Kyle was transferring all their documents and other school-related files to his cloud storage. "Good thing I didn't throw the cartoons of this laptop yet." Luiz told his brother with a faint smile. "I can't believe that everything we've seen for several months were just part of their acts. I really thought Stefan likes our sister."

"Stop thinking about it. Just pack up your things." Kyle told his brother. Unlike Luiz, he didn't believe an ounce of what Cayenne said. If there's something she wanted to believe, it would be the fact that Cayenne and Stefan got into fight. As for the reason why they're fighting, he had no idea.

"I'm done packing. I already brought all my things downstairs."

"Go help, Yen. Once I'm done here. We can leave this place."


The three siblings worked together and the driver also helped them carry some heavy things to the car. After Kyle returned the laptop and the iPad to their boxes, Cayenne left them on the coffee table and placed a note as well. 'These things had been very helpful to my siblings. However, I couldn't let them shamelessly use something that came from you. After all, their father killed your brother. Please don't take it against them either. The crime was done by Jonas, the kids had nothing to do with it. Thanks for all your help. Bye.'

Cayenne locked the door. In any case, she left a key to Stefan. He shouldn't have a hard time opening it.

"Let's go." Cayenne told the driver and she boarded the car with her siblings. "Send us to our new house."

"Yes, ma'am."

Stefan drove the car as fast as he could, almost breaking the speed limit just to get to the apartment where Cayenne lives. It was the first time that he was driving recklessly. He passed by a blue Ford Expedition car but because he was in a hurry, he didn't even bother looking at it for more than three seconds.

"Was I seeing things or was it Stefan's car that passed by us?" Luiz asked his brother but Kyle placed his finger on his lips, signaling his brother to keep quiet.

"Can we go a little faster?" Cayenne told the driver. "I want to rest after all that happened." The driver nodded his head and added speed but all three of them knew that she was basically avoiding Stefan.

When Stefan arrived to the apartment it was locked. He knocked on it several timed but no one answered to open the door.

"Young man, you are Yenyen's boyfriend, right?" one of the neighbors saw him and asked. "If you're looking for Yenyen, she left with her brothers already. I think they're moving to a new house. Didn't she tell you?"

Stefan's world crumbled when this information reached him. He was too late. She already left before he could apologize to her. "Thank you for letting me know." Stefan left the apartment and got back to his car. He had no idea where to find her. He knew that Cayenne won't go back to Peach Wood. That was just impossible. He was still unaware with the fact that Cayenne knew of the words he said at the bar.

He drove the car and went to find Travis. He's the only person he can turn to and help him find where Cayenne moved to.

"Are you here to sulk?" Travis questioned without raising his head to see who came to find him. "I don't know where your wife is."

"I didn't even say anything yet." Stefan retorted and sat on the couch, exhausted and emotionally unstable.

Travis continued signing the documents on his table without sparing him a glance. "Even if you won't say anything, I already know why you came here."

"You don't seem surprise. Did you know that this was bound to happen?"

"Hn. I knew that this would happen but I was hoping I'd be wrong but it seemed like I was still right in the end. Human hearts are fragile and emotions can betray us. I am speaking from my experience which was why I knew this would happen."

"Then, will you help me?"


"That was a quick answer. Is it your decision not to help me or is it Jill's?" Stefan knew that they care for Cayenne but he couldn't believe she would matter more to them than how he matters to Travis.

"It's our decision not to help you. If you want her back, you have to do your best and find her on your own. After all, you were the one who pushed her away."

"I didn't push her away. She just left me without waiting for my decision." Stefan refuted Travis.

"You already give her your decision last night." Travis responded as he closed the folder in front of him.

"What do you mean?"

"You decided to divorce her and you said it right in front of her."

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