She's My Sleeping Pill



In the afternoon, Cayenne was reading a book under the tree in the garden when a car honked from the outside of the gate. The butler opened the gate as soon as possible and Sabrina drove the car inside the property.

She saw Cayenne reading a book under the tree so she walked towards her.

"If you're looking for Stefan, he's in the kitchen, making some afternoon snacks." Cayenne stated without even looking at the visitor. She hates her so she won't play nice with her.

"I came to talk to you." Sabrina replied and sat on the ground next to Cayenne.

"If you are here to ask me to leave him, sorry that won't happen." Cayenne was very direct. She didn't even bother with any pleasantries.

"Is that what you think of me?"

"My opinion shouldn't matter to you. What matters is how you think of yourself. At the end of the day, it's your life. You live with it, not me."

"I like you." Sabrina blurted out and hugged Cayenne. "You are so honest."

"I don't like you. Get off me."? Cayenne tried pushing the girl away from her. She didn't even know her and she hadn't forgotten what happened yesterday. There's no way she could play nice in front of her.

Sabrina fixed her clothes and sat quietly beside Cayenne. The silence lasted for five minutes before she spoke again. "I know you're Stefan's wife."


"I apologize for yesterday. And I swear, may the lightning hits me if I'm lying, I won't ever go along with his plans to make you jealous and make your marriage public. Stefan just really wanted to see you tell people that you are his wife. He wanted to see your proud look and he wanted to know that you won't find anyone else better than him. There was no intention of cheating or looking for another woman to replace you."

"I know." Cayenne replied without lifting her head to face the woman beside her. "He told me everything. But me, telling the world of our marriage, that's not going to happen. Who will believe my words? People will only think that I'm delusional. Anyway, I'm fine with our marriage being a secret."

"You just said that other people's opinion shouldn't matter so, why are you thinking too much of what they would think about you?"

"It doesn't matter to me but it will tarnish Stefan's name. I don't want any negative opinion to be said about him."

"You really care for him, don't you?"

"Why are you asking me that question? Did you also think that I married him for money?"

Sabrina waved her hands frantically in front of her. "No, that's not what I mean. It occurred to me that you really care about him and not his wealth or his connections. If he married other women, I think he will be used as their stepping stone. They would flaunt to the world that they conquered his heart. But in your case, you wanted to keep everything a secret. That's very sweet."

Cayenne smiled faintly and closed the book in her hand. "Thank you for going along with my husband's stupid plan. I know that you're not at fault but remembering what happened yesterday, it really annoys me. Anyway, I don't hold grudge to anyone. So, rest assured, I don't hate you."

"Thank you." Sabrina stood up and reached out her hand to help Cayenne up. "Shall we get inside? It's not good to stay too long under the sun."

"You're right." Cayenne agreed and the two of them went inside the house. Stefan just finished baking the cookies and instead of tea, he served it with milk for Cayenne.

"What about me?" Sabrina asked as she watched how attentive the man was to his wife.

"I didn't know you would come. I only baked for my wife. Go and make your own cookies and serve yourself."

"Hey! Is this how you thank your savior?" Sabrina exclaimed and throw him a soft pillow. "You are so mean after getting a wife. I shouldn't have told her the truth, you idiot!"

"Even if you didn't tell her, my wife knows it already." Stefan stuck out her tongue at her like a little child fighting over a toy. "My wife trusts me the most."

"Hmp! I'll make my own cookies and I will never ever give you, even a little bit of crumbles from it."

"My wife knows how to make it, too. I won't ask them from you."

Sabrina couldn't believe that Stefan could be so childish. In her memory, he was always cold and serious. He would only smile and laugh around Alexander. Although he played with her and his cousin when they were young, he didn't show any emotions.

Cayenne can't stop smiling as well. She prepared another plate of cookies for Sabrina and a cup of tea. Stefan was sulking that she gave some of the cookies away, to make up for it, Cayenne gave him a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. "Stop sulking."

Seeing them doing good, Sabrina sighed a breath of relief. "By the way, I know this topic is a bit sensitive but I heard about Alexander and his family. How are you holding up?"

"I'm good." Stefan replied with a dull tone. "Alex would still remain my brother even if we're not related by blood. He'd been so good to me and he cared for me, knowing that I am not related to him. Whatever scandal his family had, it won't matter to how I look up to him. And besides, Cayenne's with me. She helped me a lot during those horrible days."

"I'm glad you found your happiness. You must treasure her, Stefan. You would regret it if you can't hold on to her. And don't plan those stupid things again. You won't be successful." Sabrina throw these words out to him.

"I am very aware of that fact." Stefan replied as he intertwined his fingers with Cayenne's. "She's the world to me." He told Sabrina and placed a kiss on Cayenne's ring finger. Today, she decided to wear the ring and she will wear it until the day comes for them to go home.

"Geez! Stop being lovey-dovey in front of me."

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