She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 211 - MAKING IT UP TO HER

Chapter 211 - MAKING IT UP TO HER

Sunday came and Cayenne woke up earlier than Stefan. Her husband was still lying beside her, sound asleep after his hard work last night. She wanted to get off the bed and find some clothes to wear but her waist hurts. 'Damn this pain! When will it go away?!' she cursed again before lying back on the bed.

She decided to wait for her husband to wake up instead. She watched him sleep and hugged him with a smile on her face. "I'm really lucky to have you." She whispered and kissed his chin. "Stefan, I will endure the pain, just don't leave me, 'kay?" She didn't really expect any answer to her question, knowing that her husband was asleep.

Unbeknownst to her, Stefan was wide awake the moment she hugged him; and he heard everything she said. Instead of answering her loud and clear, he hugged her back and kissed the top of her head, pretending to be sleeping still. 'I won't leave you no matter what happens. You can only be mine, Ayen.' Stefan thought to himself with his eyes close.

The two of them fell asleep once again and the next time they woke up, it was past noon already. Cayenne's stomach was rumbling from hunger.

"Let me prepare the bath first." Stefan get off the bed and went to the shower room to prepare a warm bath for her. After five minutes, he went out to get her and carried her off to the bathroom.

"You know what, I realized something." Cayenne commented out of nowhere.

Stefan put her inside the bathtub before responding to her. "What is it?"

"I realize that you didn't wear a condom last night."

"Oh." Stefan scratched the tip of his nose when he realized it, too. "I forgot to buy one or bring the ones we have in the apartment. I should bring those things here next time."

Cayenne just rolled her eyes at him. "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"I'm bathing with you." Stefan replied. "But I will have to ask Chris to buy some food for us first."

"Why don't we buy it after bath? Stop relying on your secretary."

"Okay. If you say so." Stefan washed his body and went inside the bathtub with her.

After fifteen minutes, they came out of the bathroom. Stefan was carrying his wife once again and placed her on the couch while he looked to the hair dryer. He dried her hair for her, chose clothes for her, dressed her up and after making sure that she's good to go, he finally paid attention to himself.

Every movement will cause her to flinch from pain so, Stefan prevented it from happening.

When he was done dressing up, the two of them left the house and went out to buy food. Stefan bought some relaxing aromatherapy oil as well when they passed buy a Spa Essentials Store. He wanted to give his wife a massage later.

"Ayen, since we already hired a nurse for mom, would you like to stay in our own house for a while? It's been a long time since we spent time together here." Stefan asked when they arrived home with their food and some other things.

"I don't mind. How about we stay here four days in a week and we stay in the apartment three days in one week?"

"Sounds like a good plan. We can stay here from Friday until Monday and then we'll be staying in the apartment on Tuesday until Thursday." Stefan responded with the days. He carefully planned it. He can make love to her on Friday and Saturday night. In that way, she won't be worried about work.

Cayenne had no idea that her husband had something in mind when he proposed this and she just agreed to it.

The two of them ate their lunch and rested for an hour in the back garden after eating. They talked about the design of the garden and what kinds of plants they would like to put in there. Stefan was noting the details using his phone, looking at the calendar as to when he can make it and surprise her as well.

"Let's go to France next month." Stefan told Cayenne out of nowhere. It wasn't part of their gardening conversation at all.

"Why do you want to go out of the country so suddenly?"

"It's not very sudden. I've always wanted to go out of the country with you. Next month, there's an event that I am invited to attend. It'd be great if you can come with me."

"If it's an event, won't the people know about me if someone posts a picture of us?"

"I don't think it will happen. It's a private wedding."

"Oh. Okay." Cayenne nodded her head. "Shall I tell Ms. Kim about it? How long will we be gone?"

"For a month."

"A month?!" Cayenne exclaimed in surprise. "Is there a wedding that would last a month?! You're kidding me."

Stefan laughed at her response while pulling her closer to kiss her cheek. "For the wedding, we will only be there for two days. The rest of the days, we will take this chance and travel abroad."

"Alright." Cayenne didn't argue or refute his words anymore. "You tell Ms. Kim about it. I don't want to tell her myself. I still feel embarrassed whenever I realize that she knows about us."

So, it was decided. Stefan placed on the notes that the garden will be made within a month that the two of them weren't around. In that way, once they're back, he can make it a surprise to her.

After resting in the garden, Stefan carried his wife back to the house for a massage. He needed to make it up to her, specially that he caused her pain. And instead of letting other people touch his wife, he decided to do it himself.

While they were having fun, back in the apartment, Emerald was holding on to a secret that she only knows. A secret that will terrify her family if they knew.

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