She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 202 - A SECRET HELP II

Chapter 202 - A SECRET HELP II

In the afternoon, Cayenne was staying in the lounge once again. Celine told her that there wasn't any work to do yet so she can take a rest. Celine left, saying that she wanted to get something from the fifth floor and Cayenne didn't think too much about it.

"Did she suspect anything?" Stefan asked Celine when the two of them met inside one of the rooms on the fifth floor.

"I don't think she suspect anything but she might start to doubt if I keep disappearing for a long time."

"Then, let's get this done so you can go back to her."

This morning, Celine disappeared as well and she'd be gone for almost an hour before going back to find her and start doing their work. In the morning, Cayenne was only able to work twice and the rest of the time was spent resting.

And this afternoon was no different.

"Did Celine notice that I wasn't feeling good?" She asked herself. "Did she do our work alone because I'm the President's girl?" She thought that it was likely to happen but she didn't think that much. Around two in the afternoon, Celine came back and told Cayenne that they'd be working again.

"There's a room that needs cleaning." Celine told her. "I think there are fewer people this time because we have less work."

"I think so, too." Cayenne agreed while following her work partner to the fourth floor. Celine worked very fast and because Cayenne was still in pain, she was a bit slower than how she usually works. It didn't take them ten minutes to finish that one room.

And then, Cayenne went back to the lounge to take a rest again.

"I'll go to the lobby while waiting for work." Celine told her and left in a hurry.

Cayenne found it really suspicious because normally, Celine wouldn't do this. If there's no work, she would spend her time at the laundry area to help the other employees in cleaning the bedsheets and other items. Because of this, she felt doubtful and uneasy. She didn't want her colleagues to do all the work because she's in pain and she deserves to rest because she's Stefan's girl. She didn't like it.

She went to the reception and found Luna.

"Oh! Yen, you're still here? Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Can you check my cleaning area for me? I am just a bit curious why there's not much work for me and Celine."

"Ah? If I remember correctly, there are eight rooms that needs to be cleaned right now. Celine just went up."

Cayenne bit her lower lip and nodded her head. "I'll go up now. However, I don't know where Celine went."

"She's probably in the third floor right now."

"Okay. Thanks." Cayenne took a deep breath and ignored her sore waist. She needed to work and not let someone carry the burden alone.

She went to the third floor in order to find her partner and it just so-happen that she found Stefan and Chris, pushing a cart with bedsheets, blankets and pillow cases.

"What are you guys doing?" Cayenne asked them. The two men looked surprised to see her and Celine just smiled helplessly at her. "Did you help Celine with her work because of me?"

"Why else would we do this?" Stefan questioned her too. "I told you that I will help you last night so, here I am."

"What about Chris?"

"He's helping his boss." Stefan simply replied and lightly pinched her cheeks. "Don't feel bad. I feel bad already for causing your pain. I can't just let you work with that sore waist." He whispered to her and kissed her forehead. "Do you want to come along?"


Chris and Celine didn't say anything. Although she came with them, she was told to sit on one of the couches inside the room. Stefan and Chris were very efficient with their work and Celine wasn't burdened either.

"You seemed to be doing good with this. Did you learn housekeeping, too?" Cayenne asked while observing him. She looked like a supervisor now who was watching her subordinates while they're working.

"Hn. I studied housekeeping for six months before I ventures to this business." Stefan answered her. "I'm a little bit of a perfectionist so I need to know a bit of everything that relates to my work."

"A perfectionist who fell for me. How odd?

"You plus me is perfect." Stefan replied with a smile. "We're done here. Let's move to the other room." The three of them worked together while Cayenne watched them. She's like the boss and Stefan was the employee.

In less than an hour, the eight rooms were cleaned and the things were replaced. Celine brought the dirty items to the laundry area before going back to the lounge.

"We'll talk about this tonight." Cayenne told Stefan and bid farewell, following Celine back to the lounge.

"Will I be punished instead of getting a reward?" Stefan asked Chris in passing.

"Don't think about getting a reward, just pray that she won't punish you for doing this secretly behind her." Chris replied with a smile. "Now, let's go back upstairs because your own work is waiting for you."

"Alright." The two of them went back to Stefan's private room and faced their own work.

Cayenne brought Celine to the hotel's restaurant and treat her to some snacks. "I'm really sorry for letting you do all the work."

"It's fine. Besides, the boss was there to help and I get double pay even though I work a little. Isn't it great?"

Cayenne was still a bit guilty but since Stefan was there and Celine will get a double pay, she tried her best not to mind. "Just wait her for a while." She went back to the counter and ordered some refreshments, telling them that the President was asking for it.

One of the waitresses personally sent the items inside the cart to the President's room, hoping to catch some glimpse of the secretary. She likes the secretary so much. Stefan already received the message from his wife regarding the refreshment so he was expecting it already.

'I guess I won't be punished tonight.' Stefan thought to himself. Smiling without reason, Chris who was observing him couldn't help but roll his eyes. The boss was acting like a fool again because of his wife.

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