Second Try Idol

Chapter 253: Again After Rainfall (29)

Chapter 253: Again After Rainfall (29)

‘What’s going on? Why is she so angry?’

Callia had an argument with the manager in front of everyone and went back to her room, threatening not to do the interview unless the contents were changed. The manager immediately followed her, and an awkward silence filled the room.

“What’s the matter?" Goh Yoo-Joon asked.

The production team shook their heads since they didn't know. They scurried off to talk to Callia.

Jin-Sung cautiously brought over a piece of paper Callia had thrown and handed it to Joo-Han. “Hyung, what does this say?"

“Didn't she say she didn't like the contents of the interview? But I might have misunderstood," Goh Yoo-Joon said.

Joo-Han skimmed through the interview script, nodded, and chuckled. “There's nothing about us here."

I reached out and Joo-Han handed me the script while telling the members about its contents. I slowly looked over the interview questions. I couldn't interpret much, but one thing was clear. There was no mention of the group Chronos or any of its members' names anywhere in this questionnaire. Everything was strictly about Callia. The questions directed at the members were all about Callia.

We expected this, but it was more extreme than anticipated. The blatant disregard made my vision blur. Considering there weren't many people interested in us, it seemed natural for the interview to focus on entertainment, but it still felt rude.

While I was looking at the script and the members were discussing what Joo-Han had told them, Su-Hwan came back with a stern face after talking with the production team. “Everyone, it seems the interview will be postponed."

“Oh, until when?"

“It hasn't been decided yet. Callia Lawrence has locked herself in her room, refusing to go ahead with the interview unless the contents are changed. Eventually, it was agreed with the foreign press to completely revise and resend the contents."


We could do nothing but sigh. It was a moment of humiliation for us, who had prepared our hair, makeup, and even practiced responses for the interview. No one could continue the conversation. We just looked down at the ground.

Even the production team noticed how disappointed we were and sighed heavily before starting to pack up the equipment set up for the interview shoot. We just sat there, not doing anything.

Su-Hwan saw our clear disappointment and was the first to speak. “Um. Callia Lawrence is mad because there was nothing about you in the contents. She says it felt as if they were disregarding her choice to work with you and that the reporters have no sense in realizing how big Chronos will become."

Callia Lawrence took great pride in her career. She was well aware of her position and influence and was very displeased with the interview format that focused only on her while disregarding the work of the people she collaborated with.

She was known for immediately stopping or openly getting angry during interviews if asked irrelevant questions like scandals or dieting secrets, but we didn't expect to be in such a situation ourselves.

“Anyway, that's what happened. I don't know what you all think, but let's look on the bright side. Today's interview was canceled, but this means Chronos will get more coverage in the next one."

“Right, that's good. We understand."

“Since you have to perform in a bit, don't remove your makeup just yet. Just rest for now."

“Yes, thank you for your hard work!"

After consoling us, Su-Hwan left the room with the Chronos team staff. Only us, the members, remained. Without microphones and with all the cameras turned off, there was nothing to alleviate the oppressive gloom.

Goh Yoo-Joon frowned and started fidgeting with his fingernails. “I feel weird. Why is this happening?"

“Su-Hwan hyung said it's a good thing that the next interview will focus more on us. So don't feel bad, everyone. Let’s just rest."

Goh Yoo-Joon's firm voice contradicted Joo-Han, drawing my attention quickly. “Hyung, that's just an outcome. The process of getting more focus during this interview is pretty awful. Is it good enough to get more attention this way? Aren't you upset, hyung? What do you mean we shouldn’t feel bad? How many last-minute cancellations have there been until now-"

“Hey, who are you lashing out at?" I interrupted Goh Yoo-Joon. He glared at me before sighing and standing up.

“Sorry for getting mad at you guys. I will cool down for a bit."

“Hyung...” Jin-Sung followed him into the room. It was to be expected. Despite his pleasant nature, the unilateral cancellation by Callia Lawrence and today's incident had taken a toll on Chronos' pride several times. They didn't show it, but Goh Yoo-Joon and the other members were still young. They were surely tired of the continuous unexpected cancellations, especially since we were in a foreign country. However, it wasn't right to take it out on Joo-Han, who was innocent.

I glanced at Joo-Han. He was blinking and staring at the door Goh Yoo-Joon had disappeared behind. “Hyung, he was in a bad mood today. He will come out and apologize soon. He always does that."

Even though they had hardly fought in the past and the trivial matters from their trainee days were somewhat fuzzy, Goh Yoo-Joon always apologized first, no matter who was at fault.

“Hyung?" Yoon-Chan called out.

“Joo-Han hyung, are you okay?" I asked.

After staring at the door for a while, Joo-Han suddenly stood up. Without giving Yoon-Chan or me a chance to stop him, he flung open the door to the room where Goh Yoo-Joon was. It was the most aggressive, powerful, and swift movement I had ever seen from him. “Calm down? You bastard. Come here! Why are you speaking this way to me, your hyung?"

“Hyung?” Yoo-Joon said.

As soon as Joo-Han entered the room, he pushed Jin-Sung aside, grabbed Goh Yoo-Joon by the collar, and kicked him in the buttocks as he was unable to contain his anger.

“This—this is sponsored! Ahhh! Ouch! It's sponsored! I'm sorry! Ah!"

At the mention of sponsored clothing, Joo-Han released his grip on the collar. Yoo-Joon, who had been hit repeatedly on the butt, quickly blocked Joo-Han's hand with a taekwondo move and hid behind me.

“Hyung, I'm really sorry. Truly. I shouldn't have said that. Oh my, I shouldn't have! I’m so rude! So rude."

As Goh Yoo-Joon slapped his own mouth, Joo-Han frowned.

“Take your hands off your mouth. You will ruin your makeup, you brat."

“Yes, hyung."

“Stay away from my brother, Hyun-Woo. I will kill you, for real."

“No, hyung, I understand. Yes, hyung, I had no right to treat you that way." Goh Yoo-Joon slowly withdrew his hand from my shoulder. He pretended to sob as he moved away from me.

I remembered the reason Goh Yoo-Joon always apologized first during our trainee days no matter whose fault it was. Back then, his tone was sharper, and Joo-Han couldn't stand bad manners from anyone, always calming the younger trainees with a firm grip. Jin-Sung had been the most frequent victim, followed by Goh Yoo-Joon.

Anyway, the minor dispute sparked by the interview cancellation was somewhat quelled by Joo-Han's firm intervention, as always.


The interview was postponed to a nearby date. We had to continue with our performances and shootings as usual despite feeling down or upset.

We were at the square at 8 PM. The area was brightly lit by shops and street lights, creating a glamorous scene not visible during the day. More people gathered to see this, and we were about to perform here soon.

This would be our first nighttime performance. Perhaps due to the excitement and anticipation unique to a nighttime outdoor performance, I wasn't as nervous as usual. It was said to be difficult to rent this place except at night, so the performance had been scheduled for this time. But looking at the scenery, it felt like a fortunate arrangement.

“Shall we go in now?"

“Yes!" Reina signaled.

We headed to the center of the bustling street, where the instruments and microphones had been set up. People's attention focused on us, so we started the performance without delay.


One notable difference from before was that instead of recording with their phones, people were focusing on our songs with pleasant expressions on their faces. After each song, they gave us a lot of applause and positive feedback. Perhaps it was because they had come to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the streets at night? Many people stayed until the end to watch our performance.

Of course, among them were our fans, who had gathered in greater numbers than this morning. Joo-Han represented us by greeting the audience, and then the next stage was introduced.

Initially, the audience had been calmly listening to the explanations, but they erupted into cheers or gasped in amazement as numerous dancers burst forth from all directions. Some of them noticed the change in atmosphere and picked up their cameras.

It was debatable whether it was good timing, but just as “Parade” was about to begin, several of the lights illuminating the square went out. The area became a bit darker, but considering the eerie feel of this performance, I thought it was rather fitting. We knelt down and lowered our heads, then waited for a moment before the chilling prelude of the song began.

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