Road to the Crown

Chapter 158: Preparing for the royal summons

Chapter 158: Preparing for the royal summons

7th May 1574

"Just like in that modified story I told you before, I met her as I was on my way back from the Inflants to my own lands. Since there was no reason for me to hurry back as I used that opportunity to laze a bit, I had the chance to talk with her quite a lot."

As we moved through the streets, it was slowly getting harder to speak in a normal voice to not let it sink in the sea of shouts that all of the traders, merchants and customers were throwing around.

"It was then when she told me that by observing nature closely and focusing on the details that I would otherwise ignore, I can learn how to tame it and make it do my bidding. Obviously, while she most likely meant the herbs that she was dealing with, after seeing how close she had to examine some of the plants she was growing before confirming that they were ripe for picking, I realised that rather than looking at the things too big for me to wrap my head around with, I would be better off putting my attention to the stuff that I could manage myself."

This story wasn't aimed at explaining the source of my knowledge or inspiration alone but was also to mean to set the foundation for the time where I could produce electricity, entering absolutely new era of urbanisation and industrialization.

With how simple the concept behind the steam was, it could serve as a good starting point for the development, yet I could already see that in the near future, transferring its energy through a set of ropes would lead to more than just a few problems.

"But how did you came from the herbalism to the steam power then? While I get the concept, I don't really see the connection between the two."

This time it was Elia who finally spoked out, asking one of the crucial questions that I hoped would appear. Even if I could deal with this topic without mentioning this transition, explaining it would give me the chance to tell them enough details to make them sure about the credibility of my story.

"To be frank, it couldn't be simpler. Back then, after wasting hours of her time to pick the right ratios for different kinds of herbs, she put them all in a complicated machine that she proceeded to heat up. Later on, I learned that this strange set of glasses and pipes was nothing else but a distilling station. Do I need to add how her idea allowed me to find the recipe for our popular beer?"

Stopping for a moment with this open question, I used the momentary pause to sort my thoughts up before picking up the topic where I left it.

"But let's not get side-tracked here. As I said, this witch allowed me to watch as she distilled the brew from those herbs. It was then when I saw how the vapour moved upwards through the set of the glass pipes she had installed, even going as far as diving into the water only to instantly escape its grasp up again. That was when I thought - if this vapour could move up all by itself, maybe it would be capable of taking something along for the ride?"

As I finished my sentence, I peeked at my companions, wanting to gauge what sorts of reactions my story would produce in them. Thankfully, rather than wearing a look of disbelief or doubt, they looked like if my story opened the inner eye in their mind that they had shut for their entire life.

"From then, it was just mundane work. Drawing a blueprint, testing it out on a small scale and scrapping it all up only to make a new one over and over again. During my tests, I managed to learn how does the gas act when in a closed system or that water vapour, in fact, takes more space than the liquid water itself. While it sounds quite shameful, I learned the potential power hiding behind the pressurised vapour when one of my experiments exploded right in front of my face! I was quite lucky to come out of that even unscathed!"

While I could continue talking about all the exploits I came up with in order to rationalise my way to discovering the power of steam, our legs finally carried us to the place that one of Jan's servants pointed out as the viable housing, forcing me to retract my words and focus on more day-to-day tasks.

"I hope that we won't have to wait long tomorrow."

Even if this sudden change of topic could startle anyone, with how vital keeping the details of my invention from the ears of someone who could make use of them was, continuing the talk inside the spacious, high-class Inn was simply too dangerous. Talking while walking was always one of the best ways to avoid eavesdropping, intentional or not, and I could guess that both of my companions were smart enough to understand the reason for the sudden change.

"Since they summoned us, it would be in a bad tone to keep us waiting. As for me, I can't help but wonder whether we will meet with the King directly, or if this entire thing is not just Zboros family ploy to pull us to their faction."

Catching up the reasons for my change, Governor picked up the topic in an instant, allowing us to safely step up inside the building without any strange stop in front of the doors that could attract the attention of literally anyone nearby.

"And if that will be the case then what are your plans, my lord? I don't think it would be wise to completely refuse their potential offer after all this time we wasted coming here"

In truth, just the fact that I could finally catch up with Elia properly and spend some quality time with her was enough of remuneration for the time I spent on the boat for me, but my status of a nobility forced me to demand either the honour of meeting directly with the King or receiving some more reasonable benefits if it turned out this french traitor-to-be never bothered his head with inviting us.

"It all depends on what they will have to offer. After all, all potential benefits will have to come at a price, unless"

Stopping for a moment and forcing the two of us and the servant guiding us towards our rooms to halt our steps as well, Jan rested his chin on top of his palm.

"Unless you will be able to sell them the idea of investing in the road properly. While the Vistula is more than enough for the small trade to happen along with all its subsidiaries, it's our national shame that we lack any other form of roads across the entire country. So, to put it shortly, if you want to refuse their attempts at pulling us to their faction without insulting them, this road is our only hope!"

Picking up the pace as soon as Jan started talking, it didn't take long for all of us to reach the doors leading us to our respective housing for the night.

"I will do my best!"

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