Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 155 The Demon's Concern

Later that night, while Adora was sleeping, she began having flashbacks to when her mother died.

"She is having the same nightmares again," it said as her hands began to shake.

"I am really concerned about her despite being a hellish demon, I refuse to lose her too," it said looking at her.

"Adora, you need to wake up," it said as she felt something squeezing her feet and hands.

"Adora," it called out.

"I- I can't move," she grumbled as her body began to glow green.

"Oh, Adora. I know it's difficult for you, but if you lose control, the others will have a lot of problems with you; please think about them "It said, and her eyes immediately opened, glowing green while she panted.

"Take a deep breath, I told you that I am always here for you," it said and she clenched her head.

"I can't take this, I swear I felt like something was holding me down," she said, and it sighed.

"Tell the others now Adora, this is getting serious," he said.

"Can it get me in my sleep if it's powerful enough?" she inquired.

"I believe it can, but not alone; someone has this thing under its control, Adora," it replied and she sighed.

"I can't tell them yet, you know that," she said.

"I understand your concern, but what about after the finals?" Simply put everything on the table; it is their choice whether or not to accept it," it replied.

"You are correct, how many hours of sleep did I get?" she inquired.

"It's bad, Adora, 4 is all you got," he responded, and she sighed as she got out of bed.

"Do you want me to seal you?" she inquired.

"Please don't, I don't want to leave you alone," he said to which she smiled.

"You would be warm to hug right now, when you are out, where will you go?" she asked.

"I don't know but I have a few unfinished businesses to take care of, but I would like to stay by your side as well," it replied.

"Would you stay and let me help you with your unfinished business if I live past these events?" Will you stay after I release you?" She inquired as she felt her body warm up.

"Of course, I will, you have to live," he replied.

"We don't know that, I know the fight I will have to fight will be one in which I have to put my life on the line to win, I know I have to because I still sense it, I won't rest until it and its master are dead, and I have a feeling its master is the same one as Vellon's," she said, her eyes glowed purple and the shadow smirked.

"You could be right, maybe it's all one big scheme, I wonder where all of this will lead, which is why I'll always be by your side, by the way, do you believe me to be an evil demon?" it inquired.

"Of course not, and I don't care what others think; they can all burn in hell," she said as she sat down on the bed.

"The final is coming up in a few days, we're being watched, but you can't be sensed by anyone but Alix, and if you let your protection barrier down, then everyone will sense you, want to watch me get rid of a certain spy after the finals?" she asked.

While she was talking, Alix was finally getting a bit of sleep when he heard her and woke up immediately

"Who are you talking to at this hour, lady?" Alix inquired as he jumped into her balcony, and she jumped as well, concealing her face with her hair, and he noticed a shadow beside her.

"I'm so sorry," it said, "what should I do?"

"Relax, hide," she said as she put on her mask and the shadow vanished before opening the balcony door.

"I was talking to the one within me, the shadow is part of it, why are you awake?" she asked as she braced him against the rail and he looked down at her breast bracing against him then looked away.

"You are shameless, move," he said as she placed her hand on his chest.

"Alix, are you afraid of me?" she asked, her gaze fixed on him.

"What's gotten into you? You behaving weird," he said and she looked away from him, then turned her back against him, bracing against his body and he gnashed his teeth.

'She does a great job of catching me off guard, damn her,' he thought as she braced her head back and he looked down into her eyes which shook for all he saw in them were more pain.

'Just how much pain is she in?' he wonder as he placed his hand on her waist and her body shivered.

"Alix," she said.

"Why do you keep getting close to me? "Is it on purpose?" he inquired, as she smiled.

"You decide that for yourself, I'm sorry Alix," she said as she moved away from him, his fists clenched.

"Stop apologizing for certain things, it's not like I'm angry at you for that, go back to sleep," he said, jumping back onto his balcony as the shadow appeared behind her and glanced at Alix.

'I hate seeing that pain in her eyes; why does she continue to irritate me?' Alix pondered as he returned to his room, locked the door, and promptly fell back asleep, exhausted from a lack of sleep.

"Adora, you have gotten attached to them, haven't you?" It inquired as she returned to her room, locked the balcony door, and removed her mask.

"You can say that, can you watch movies?" she asked.

"Despite being in this state I can, want me to stay with you throughout the rest of the night?" it asked.

"Sure, I'd actually really appreciate that, I don't think I want to try to sleep right now, I feel like screaming at something, thank you for being here," she responded with a smile, then turned on the television and put on a movie for both of them to watch, despite being within her body, the demon had learned everything it needed to know about the modern world thanks to her.

A few days passed and Adora was still having trouble sleeping, but Alix was not, each day the members of Adora's trained to improve their skills, and their hard work were paying off, everyone was getting better at what they were good at rapidly.

Two days before the finals, Adora was training with Zavis on top of the waterfall, teaching him how to use the powers he has to his benefit.

"Adora, do you really think I can use these powers against the enemy if they come at me?" he asked, as Adora smiled and looked down at the dragon playing in the water.

"I really believe you can, now I believe you can master these powers, they are yours now, you cannot let someone come and take what is yours and do nothing about it Zavis," she responded, and he sighed while panting from exhaustion.

"Take a seat and relax," she said as she sat down under a tree with him and he braced his head against the tree trunk.

"Don't let the feeling of not wanting to be a burden on anyone hold you down Zavis, it's not good," she said, and he looked at her before placing his hand on her face and was about to remove her mask but held back.

"That's not fair," he said and she smiled.

"No, it's not, the finals are the day after tomorrow, they wanted to train but I am not going to let them, they've trained enough these past few days, Alix is pushing his limits as well," she replied and Zavis smiled.

"Yeah, I can tell, it's as if he's telling his body, 'I am the boss, I will set new limits,' what's his story?" "I understand the others, but he appears to be a mystery," Zavis said.

"You can say he is to most people, but I know him from the inside out; he is someone with a strong background, that's all I can tell you; he comes from a powerful family," she replied.

"That says a lot, Adora, you're really attached to this new team, I hope they don't let you down," he said, and she sighed and chuckled.

"Nothing they do will make me regret training them, I don't give a damn about this world, you know that," she replied as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It's so that the people you care about can have a bright future, and the people you care about are within this very world, that's why you are fighting, " he explained.

"You are correct, Zavis." "I apologize for everything," she said, and he smiled brightly.

"There's no need to say that; it's fine; our relationship has always been like this; it's why we trust each other so much," he said as he stood up and she looked at him.

"Adora I won't let anyone down but I do have a favor to ask, will you train me even harder?" he asked then she stood up.

"Isn't that plenty for a single day? You are already learning a few new things; don't push yourself too hard; just do your best," she replied and he scoffed.

"Don't worry, I will be just fine, I promise you I can handle more than this Adora," he assured her and she sighed getting ready to go at him.

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